I'm so sick of endurance. Get rid of it

its so dumb that it gives survivors multiple health states. Give killers a counter to endurance other than wasting time and hitting them over and over again or outright remove them. It's beyond stupid that this is even a thing.
remove styptic agent
MFT, For The People and Buckle Up combo is broken asf.
shorten hook endurance
rework off the record, soul guard, made for this, dead hard, buckle up, borrowed time and we're gonna live forever.
it doesn't surprise me a bubba pfp would write about hook endurance being too long. bait or not this is a funny post i give you that. if you're dead serious.... yeesh.
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Seems like someone is trying to camp and tunnel but fails doing so due to Endurance.
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it doesnt even stack anymore and this is still the case?
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we found the camper and tunneler guys. personally I dont have any problems with endurance since dead hard nerf. its fine. stop asking for more to make your camping and tunneling simulator more easy.
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Run speed limiter on bubba to break through both health states.
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soul guard? like for real? as soul guard enjoyer you will probably get value from it every 1/5 matches lol. if you are running noed and slugging, thats ur skill issue.
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I would say remove endurance to make facecamping bubba easier
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That isn’t true at all. There is literally no counter to ftp/buckle up. I was playing all morning with a friend and dominated
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Agreed. I guarantee you that will be nerfed soon.
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Even with stbfl, you have time to get them up. If survivors could be immune while unhooking, people would defend it lmao
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Funny to see a thread like this AFTER DH got nerfed into the ground lol. Tbh most endurance perks are super niche now and survs deserve that bonus is they manage it.
And removing endurance after being unhooked? Sounds like someone face camps a lot.
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"shorten hook endurance"
We had that, Bhvr was kinda forced to increase the timer. Guess why?
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unhooked survivor needs to have no collision and hitbox for the duration instead. mft is broken and overloaded and its endurance should go as well. buckle up IMHO should give endurance to the user only if they are injured so it doesn't synergize with ftp since the killer can do nothing about it, it's a lose lose.
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If you don’t camp and tunnel then it won’t be that much of an issue.
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I'm just tired of For The People and Buckle Up. Endurance on unhooks and even healing someone up from the ground if I slug them is fine but what isn't fine is when I down someone and as Im wiping my blade off someone comes in and picks the person up and now both of them I can't hit. FTP and Buckle Up combo is unfair for killers bc it's punishing them for playing the game imo. It's putting a killer in a lose-lose situation much like how old DH(one for distance) was. This combo has nothing to do with tunneling or camping, just a combo that can be abused by SWF and even good solo groups which I have had a good number of in past week or so. I also think there are way too many endurance perks now where they are starting to overlap each other and kinda making a power creep situation. Why bring soul guard when I can just bring Bunkle up and for the people? Why run WGLF when I can bring the above combo? As I said I only think Buckle Up needs a nerf or just simply make it not work with FTP.
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I feel like you shouldn't be able to bodyblock with hook endurence and buckle up needs to be reverted then reworked other then that I'm not sure. Endurence feels cheap and unfair as a killer but it isn't very common (outside of current patch)
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Anyone is allowed to play how they want
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bodyblocking with endurance puts you in deep wound then leaves you open to being tunneled. It’s so risky and I don’t personally ever see survivors do it. Maybe I’m SWF but even then the person who blocks doesn’t get away; they just end up hooked again. Lol. I dunno what they could do with Buckle Up. I guess they could make it bad again.
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Never said they weren’t, but if you’re going to play like that, then there needs to be a way for survivors to play around it.
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Deep wound is the most non punishment ever either you get chased and get downed and deep wound doesn't help killer or you run away, mend and get right back to doing what you were doing
And it doesn't make you susceptible to tunneling any more then existing does
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so we agree people are allowed to run endurance perks if they want? cool
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I knew I would get a response like this didn't once say I was in disagreement with any way survivors play
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You are literally just wrong about STBFL- they can get the survivor up in time. That’s also not mentioning the fact that the killer would have to equip the perk ahead of time for the chance that a survivor is running the build. Furthermore, there are only a few killers who can get value out of STBFL at all. You are a good example of why some people don’t deserve a voice in balancing. You are quick to talk but slow and to learn and look into things.
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Completely wrong. Like I said earlier in the thread, I was playing with one other person and we were able to completely sabotage the match for the killer by erasing his pressure with Buckle Up and FTP- and that was with a 2 man SWF. Imagine if we had two other people with the same build.
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Endurance stop his tunneling unfortunately. He will come back in due time.
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the irony when bvhr invents a perk that prevent killer from camping, tunneling and slugging... what could go wrong? /shrug
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Wait, what? How is MFT, For The People and Buckle Up gonna help when you get camped? Camping is actually a way to avoid endurance. Or it was as hook grabs are no longer a thing.
Endurance would not be an issue, if BHVR didn't suddenly have the great idea to add endurance effects to random perks. I remember when MoM and BT were basically the only sources a survivor would get endurance from (alternatives weren't used as often). Good old days. But hey. At least we don't have to wait after the survivors anymore to avoid their endurance. They're just gonna tank the hit anyway.
Maybe they should add endurance to Lithe next: "Vault a window, get a speed boost and then get endurance for 20 seconds." Or Prove Thyself: "Work on a gen together and now you all have endurance for 10 seconds."
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wow that is great idea for a perk. imagine a perk where if you get endurance when the generator is reaches 95% completion.
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Or after unhooking someone you get endurance too!
Every perk should have an endurance side effect. Then you get endurance, I get endurance, we all get endurance! Even the killer should get endurance.
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I unironically think you should get endurance while working on pig boxes.
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that is called off the record.
no but if there was a perk that you get MoM endurance with activation of 10 second duration when a gen reaches like 95% completion. that might be super good for rushing gens in the killer face.
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The rest are fine. it’s just FTP and Buckle up combo that is too safe. The idea of giving Broken as a trade off for an insta heal was ok for FTP, but allowing for a combo where both Survivors can take another hit just by pressing a button (Once again) is kinda obnoxious especially in an endgame scenario.
MFT also needs either a nerf to the speed boost or the duration of the Endurance could be changed/2-3 heals for one Endurance effect with longer duration.
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It's a good thing that's not the case. This would actually buff Pig quite a bit... And not in a nice way. Sometimes it's better to go down and get hooked than to have to mend before searching a box and die to the timer.
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remove styptic agent --- yes
MFT, For The People and Buckle Up combo is broken asf. ---- yes edit buckle Up and MFT
shorten hook endurance ---- NO
off the record --- NO
soul guard --- NO
made for this ---- big yes
dead hard --- Dont know I would say no I guess.
buckle up ---- yes
borrowed time --- NO
we're gonna live forever --- No
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I don't think Dead Hard even could be nerfed any more if they wanted to - swing animations would take longer than the period of endurance at that point.
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Agreed on unhooked collision/hitbox, agreed on MfT Endurance removal. Disagree on Buckle Up however. It has been a joke meme of a perk, and people have barely had any time to react and figure out counter play. Similarly for Onryo, they both may be a bit overtuned, but that might be as simple as Onryo CDs being slightly longer with 12s TP instead of 10s, and Buckle Up lasting 8s instead of 10s. People are kneejerk reacting, and that's how we get bad nerfs like 6.1.0 double nerfs down to 100% removed on death Ruin. Unless someone wants all perks to be Ruin level bad, please don't kneejerk react to things.
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Why don't we just remove the doors and hatch all together? Just make it so survivors have no way to actually win because that's genuinely the vibe of posts like this.
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that may be true, but the OP was talking about disliking going against endurance. if "people can play how they like" is an acceptable argument against a person disagreeing with OP, certainly we can accept it as an argument against the OP himself
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Play legion, he applies deep wond, no endure with deep wond, cenobite with his addon that apply deep wond if you break a chain while injured