Temper your expectations for Alien

SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

Just a reminder that out of the last 3 killers released only 1 of them wasn't universally panned for their design, Singularity. And even he isn't very popular because of how much time and practice you need to do well with him.

Modern DbD killers being well designed might as well be up to a coin-flip.

I'm not saying you should expect the killer to be bad. Just that the people designing him also made Skull Merchant. So you should bear that in mind as the PTB is released in the near-future.


  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Tbf they also made Wesker and while I don't like Wesker people treat him like he's the greatest thing to ever come to the game. I would add that Alien being licensed is great news for the Chapter because while the original concepts are very hit or miss BHR is generally consistent when it comes to licensed killers.

    Myers-Outdated by today's standards but very true to the source material and done so well I'd argue Myers is the reason DBD was able to take off the way it did.

    Leatherface-A victim of trying to do two licenses at once. Was the worst killer for a long period of time but was reworked to be a solid B tier killer and true to the source material although it was hard to screw that aspect of it up.

    Freddy-The other rushed license has gone back and forth between being the worst killer to the best killer to the worst killer. Was true to the source material at the start but now has kinda lost the feeling of being Freddy so I'd actually say this one was a miss.

    Amanda Young-Has needed a lot of adjustments and even if they're a bit weak I'd say they're at least true to the source material and is well loved by the community as a whole.

    Ghost Face-Meme lord of DBD killers and despite the reveal mechanic being a mystery to this day with scientists working day and night to figure out how it actually works they're very popular and was well received.

    Demo-Do I even need to say anything?

    Pyramid Head-Top tier killer and I'd argue any problems with him is BHVR breaking what was originally not broken but it can easily be fixed if they made him feel smoother to play but otherwise they're 95% of the way there and a great addition.

    Nemesis-I know some people complain he doesn't have a rocket launcher but I've always found those complaints goofy and the tentacle works just as well and they seem fairly popular. Not to mention all the zombie memes we've gotten from them.

    Pinhead-The whole NFT thing aside Pinhead is a very unique killer true to the source material that's fairly strong.

    Sadako-Kind of a mess before and kind of a strong mess now. It's probably too soon after the rework to really say anything about Sadako but they did have some fans before at least and probably more now. Probably the weakest licensed entry after Freddy in terms of how well it's turned out but they're still decent.

    Wesker-Again I don't like him but he's by far the most picked killer for a reason.

    So we have one miss and Sadako is like half a miss so BHVR is batting 8.5 for 10 when it comes to their licenses? I'd say that's a pretty good job so far. I'm not too worried because history shows even if Alien is not top tier they will feel like Alien and to me that's enough.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    How can you say that BHVR is consistent when it comes to licensed chapters, only to list how every single licensed character they've ever released has varied wildly in terms of quality?

    This is exactly what my point was. There's equal chance that Alien will be good or bad. And you shouldn't be surprised if they end up bad.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Because they haven't? Like only Freddy has ended up actually bad and that was due to them trying to do two chapters at the exact same time in a very unique circumstance.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Honestly it would be a banger if it played just like Demo and instead of portals we get an egg mechanic that is something like what Wesker has with his infections. This should be an easy slam dunk for them to nail since we already know the Demo/Wesker archetype is amazing.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 869

    He should've had a flamethrower, with Survivors being able to drop and roll to put the fire out or something. It was a very bad move to just make him punch everything... It doesn't feel true to the character. I agree a ROCKET LAUNCHER is just dumb and way too broken, but I think if they used their brain power a little harder they could've made a flamethrower work.. Instead Nemy just got a different version of Plague's infection power with some AI thrown in.. :/ Nemesis is the biggest disappointment for me. Even Skull Merchant I can't judge that harshly because she was made up and not based on anything, but having Nemy without a weapon is like peanut butter and no jelly...

    I sincerely hope they don't do Alien similarly. I want it to at least feel like THE ALIEN.. Nemesis does not feel like Nemesis in this game in particular sadly..

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    To be fair, Alien should be hard to screw up. Make it fast at times, make it stealthy at others, give it some form of lunge, and bam, you did it right. There might need to be some balance tweaks, but overall that's it. That's all I want.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Michael - Extremely outdated and underpowered killer that only becomes useful with Tombstone Piece

    Leatherface - Power is mostly used to face-camp

    Freddy - Quite possibly the weakest killer in the game

    Ghostface - A good stealth killer with a very awkward reveal mechanic

    Demogorgon - Good chase power with mediocre map traversal

    Pyramid Head - Extremely clunky chase power and underwhelming status effect gimmick

    Nemesis - Good anti-loop but mutation mechanic handicaps his power at the start of a match and his zombies are often useless

    Pinhead - Landing hits with his power isn't rewarded enough and his box meta-game leads to long matches

    Wesker - Easily one of the best killers ever released with good chase potential, map traversal, and passive slow-down

    Onryo - Recently had her skill ceiling butchered and made playing "Condemn Only" extremely easy and unsatisfying

    Pig - Power entirely reliant on RNG that can either be a non-threat or gives you free kills along with bad stealth and ambush power

    There's absolutely no consistency between licensed killers in terms of quality. They are all over the place.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    I swear if you jinx it and Alien turns out to be another area denial killer...

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 869

    Yep you can't go near the eggs or you get a face hugger on you. (Alien proceeds to put 1 egg by each generator..) :/

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Myers-It is not at all fair to judge a killer that was released 7 years ago by today's standards they were solid B tier on release and well liked.

    Leatherface-I mean yes trolls flocked to the killer but by that logic Billy is also a bad killer and they're obviously not.

    Freddy-They were good at one point but they've been bad more often than good so yeah Freddy sucked but I explained why that turned out how they did.

    Ghostface-They're easily one of the most popular killers so I'd call that a success.


    Pyramid Head-The feel of them is iffy but they're one of the few comp viable killers and the status effect has had to be nerfed multiple times.

    Nemesis-Sure although I've heard the zombies have been shadow buffed over time.

    Pinhead-They're a strong killer and true to the source material again would call that a win.

    Wesker-I actually hate wesker but can't deny they're a success overall.

    Onryo-I don't think enough time has passed to pass judgement yet but I'm iffy on them but they're not bad.

    Pig-They've averaged out the RNG and I don't think RNG is even a bad thing. The ambush could be touched up for sure though.

    Again overall when it comes to licenses they come out good far better than they come out bad and even when they do BHVR goes back a touches them up over time.

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    You've missed my point. I wasn't talking about how strong each killer is. I was talking about the overall quality of each licensed killer. And there's no denying it, they're all radically different from each other. That isn't a good thing. That means BHVR can't create well-designed killers consistently.

    And now that Alien is coming to DbD there's an equal chance they'll be good or bad.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    As an Alien loremaster, I just wanna go ahead and say that the Xenomorph in the original Alien is incapable of laying eggs. Only the queen seen in the sequel Aliens is. The Xenomorph in the original is akin to a worker ant. That being said, I do expect them to incorporate facehuggers somehow, if only because they're so iconic. The mori is 100% gonna be facehugger/tongue bite.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    I just hope that the Xenomorph doesn’t have an M2 similar to Demo’s Lunge

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Of course they're radically different from each other because the source material is all radically different. I actually don't understand what your point is if it's not about overall killer strength. Is it whether or not the reflect the source material? Because outside of I guess Nemesis or Freddy I don't think you could argue any of them don't reflect the characters well. I would point out that all of these characters have players that are devoted mains so if you're point is you just don't like some of them that's a highly subjective metric to go by.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Ehm, no? This may be one of the, if not the biggest licence they got their hands on and I expect polished, strong and fun killer.

    Wont settle for anything else and they must know the expectations are over the roof with this chapter, they cannot possibly afford to ######### this up in any way possible

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  • James4125
    James4125 Member Posts: 266

    I have every faith that BHVR will completely and utterly screw this up so badly it makes Colonial marines look good. Unfortunately as Alien/Aliens are tied for my favourite movie and as a massive Alien nerd this might be enough to bring me back to DbD no matter how much I currently hate the game.

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  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    Maybe they do something with egg morphing? I know it was a deleted scene so not exactly cannon but I always imagined it as being a kind of emergency, no queen around, method of rolling the facehugger dice until you got a queen. Unless you went with the drones molt into a praetorian and then queen if no queen is around thing.

    I'd love a mori where the alien impales a survivor with their tail and lifts them forward into a face double-jaw bite. Originally the thinking was that their tails had paralyzing stingers but I don't know if that existed anywhere aside from the writers original ideas on Lambert's death. (Aside from the heart attack in locker idea)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm optimistic, but likewise not going into this with the expectation that it will be the greatest killer ever made. I'm just going to wait and see, but they do have the dark, forboding atmosphere absolutely right.

    Including Wesker, I'd say BHVR has only truely failed once. Wesker is objectively a fun killer to face; the Knight is a bit "meh", but really nothing as bad as some people make him out to be. That a few people were stating he was as bad for the game as Skull Merchant is a blaitant lie. Plus, he has variation in how you play him which is good; Skull Merchant is terrible by any standard because no killer should be designed in such a ridiculously stupid game; and the Singularity is a great killer to face and whilst a bit tricky to learn it's well designed.

    So I'm just going to be excited to see what happens and look forward to the experience.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,482

    It's the same gens, pallets, vaults etc I don't think many thinks this will some kind of revolution in terms of gameplay. It's the killer and the map that get's you excited.

  • Chomperka
    Chomperka Member Posts: 188

    i dont agree with you at all, i would even say Singularity is only bad killer design from the latest ones, because of how ez his ability countered by survivor and how difficult it is to execute it as killer. SM is just mediocre but still good, Knight is really good killer, Wesker ability design IS good, but by their execution of it, it's probably the worst ability in the game, because of how much it relyes on bugs and lazy texture hitboxes.

    Alien is the biggest license to ever come in DBD, i'm pretty sure they'll nail it.

  • Chomperka
    Chomperka Member Posts: 188

    Onryo is the weakest killer in the game right now, just wait for people to realize that taking casette at the start of the game is enough to 100% counter her ability, it's even easier then countering singularity.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    I mean… you guys need to cut BHVR a break here. We got two killers that everyone complained about because their powers of area control made 3-genning easy and unfun to play against.. then Singularity came out and while he had a very strong power that still offered plenty of counterplay people… complained. Now we went from two killers who are too strong to one not strong enough. Even then I’ve seen ppl complain that Knight is too weak or Singularity too strong.

    Do I think the devs can do better overall? Yes. They need some constructive criticism because some killers shouldn’t be like Skull Merchant but just assuming that everything they do will be crap isn’t fair. They’ve put out a lot of good stuff over the years. When it comes to licensed characters most of them are some of the most beloved in this game…

    Shape may not have the same advantages of others but he’s true to his source material and by no means is he weak. He’s still a top pick for most people. Pig is a character I see a lot of ppl complain isn’t too strong, but she’s still a great threat and a very popular killer among fans of this game. Cenobite is, imo, a little too strong given his ability to initiate the chain hunt himself and Ghost Face is probably the most popular of all the licensed characters - the reveal mechanic is necessary to counter his power otherwise everyone would be exposed constantly. Executioner, Nemesis, and Mastermind all come from fellow beloved game franchises and they are all very popular here. None of them suffer from any true weakness except maybe PH feels a bit clunky to play but Wesker is currently the most picked killer in the game.

    Give credit where credit is due.

  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    At the start of the match sure but you quickly start running into TVs being turned off due to someone else putting a tape in or Onryo teleporting to it. If she spreads out the hits which destroy the carried tapes it can be difficult to keep up with making sure everyone has tapes while making any real gen progress.

  • PowZapBamWoofMeow
    PowZapBamWoofMeow Member Posts: 195

    The prob with any new killer is that the game itself limits what a killer can do:

    • no physics engine stuff for breaking/throwing/interacting with anything in the environment except premade breakable walls
    • no physics engine stuff for assassin creed type gameplay where walls can be climbed

    That’s just 2 basic examples.

    So we won’t get alien climbing walls. We won’t get alien acid putting holes in floors.

    Alien will either be like a very mobile Bubba, a stealth killer, or hopefully not another 3gen Skull Merchant Knight Killer (sigh).

    And stunning alien with pallets is going to be absurd. All other killers are humans. This is a powerful killing machine. How you gonna drop s pallet to stun it lol

    But I love Alien and DBD so I’ll probably buy it.

    I hope facehugger is implemented somehow. Maybe AI? Like an AI Victor? Hm..

  • Chomperka
    Chomperka Member Posts: 188

    Onryo teleported TVs recover really fast, good luck "spreading out hits" as m1 killer without chase ability against at least mediocre survivors.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    I think Sadako was a good add! She was weak but still quite fun to play as! I was/am a Sadako partial-main. She is interesting now, so I hope people find fair-playing Sadakos to be fun to face. I always focus on having fun in DbD over just trying to win, and so I want to turn any killer with a bad reputation to being fun.

    Playing Sadako, I never did nor do hardcore condemn builds, like the Iridescent Videotape with slugging and ultimate gen slowdowns before nor teleporting with every chance now. I only after teleport often as the new Sadako when I get genrushed horribly.