NUMEROUS content creators/players/AND fog whispers have said the exact same thing. made for this is broken. with this perk survivors can PERMANENTLY move at a 3+ speed JUST FOR GETTING INJURED. and at end game can run up to 110 speed PERMANENTLY with hope. the "cannot be used while exhausted" is BARLEY a draw back. people can still use dead hard or other (specific exhaustion perks) with this. OTZ HAS GOTTEN AGITATED ON STREAM DUE TO THIS PERK. this game nor most of the killers are NOT balanced around survivors moving like this. this perk is a problem and the devs NEED to change this. most of the killers without speed/slow down abilities are borderline miserable to play as due to this perk.
You realize you are playing Dead by Daylight?
The game where you are a glorified punching bag for casual gamers?
In the devs own words ''go play something else''
17 -
I think its pretty wild that when Survivors get agitated by a perk, its nerfed swiftly within months. But if Killers are agitated by a perk its held off or ignored for years before its even approached for a fix. You would think as the sole person responsible for the gameplay for 4 people every match, the Killer would have a sweeter deal in this game. But no, bHVR is always squeezing those lemons sour.
If how the players on the receiving end think of them is even up for discussion, then Where is the Killer perks that are as agitating to Survivors as MFT are to Killers? Cause I don't see them and this game should treat both sides fairly right?
The least idd like to hear from bHVR is why the latest Killer perks has not entered the meta, like all the Survivor perks that have entered the meta like uhm... huh... hum... well, the last Killer Meta Perk was from Knight, I hope we get lucky from Alien then, jeez.
19 -
im just saying last time survivors complained about a killer perk it was nerfed at the next big patch I believe (overcharge and call of brine.) but the devs are saying they dont see anything wrong with made for this and its been almost a whole chapter now with alot of people complaining about it. survivors have complained about tunneling, camping and 3 gens so theyre getting basekit gameplay changes yet when killers ask for a beginning game collapse to help with gens it gets discarded and called "boring" by the devs.
7 -
remember that thanatophobia got a 2% buff. But the crying of the survivors, and perk that encouraged active play and not camping was destroyed from 5.5 per hit, to 2% per hit
the perk that encourages good playstyle as an killer was destroyed in 1 week
the completely broken mft that requires nothing and combines with other attrition perks has no nerfs for months
21 -
the devs survivor bias will be the death of the game.
15 -
My god... its like watching a political debate.. The republicans are wrong.. no the democrats are wrong.. those dems/reps always get favors... Jeez. The devs do not favor the survivors and MFT is not that strong. 3% is barely anything, but its fun as a survivor to think you are moving a bit faster. 10% with hope at end of game... well then they would have needed to have HOPE, which is 7% by itself... I think you'd be complaining about these survivors with HOPE, whether or not they had MFT.
Anyways, I know this is a one-sided thread and you won't like my input here. Feel free to ignore it, except for the fact that the devs don't favor survivors and this argument needs to stop. The devs make countless mistakes on both sides every time they do updates. This happens for both sides. Feel free to play another game, maybe that would show 'em.
10 -
For real. Keep us updated on the next time a streamer that plays this game 40 hours a week gets mad at the game they've been playing for 6 years straight.
Post edited by Rizzo on5 -
Definetly not Overcharge and Call of Brine. Call of Brine was released in March 2022 while Overcharge got buffed in July 2022, before both got nerfed in April 2023. That's 9 months of complaining where neither perk was nerfed.
6 -
Come 1v1 me. You can use any exhaustion perk you want, I'll use MFT. Trapper, Coal Tower. If you can beat me, I will record myself eating a hat and post it online.
12 -
This perk is giving me throwbacks to pre 6.1, where one single over-tuned perk ruined game after game after game. Most loops are already save enough and require you to mindlessly play ring around the rosy, but with MFT you literally die a bit inside with each and every loop and you can do nothing: if you bloodlust, you get a pallet to the face and they zoom off, if you respect the pallet, they can greed the loop ad infinitum and if you break off chase, you don't even get to remove the pallet and its stays up for more "fun and engaging rings around the rosy". How fun.
8 -
It's not a problem for the the devs because they only play Survivor and Nurse, Blight, Spirit, and Wesker.
3 -
hope only activates at endgame. not the entire match
0 -
I said numerous not all
0 -
I don't care what "content creators" and/or fog whispers say, they don't have any more merit than anyone else and their word is not gospel. I prefer to think for myself.
Lost me after that part really.
Also, no. Stop nerfing things. MFT isn't much of a problem.
11 -
I mean, i main pig.
If a bad survivor has MFT (or not) ill catch them.
If a great survivor has MFT (or not), they could run me for 5 gens.
Find the weakest link, target them, and move on.
I am trash. This is a video game for casuals. If killer is too frustrating, go survivor since they have "OP Perks".
6 -
Which makes maps the problem. Something they are addressing. Have you not seen the changes to Coldwind?
1 -
Scott Jund made a video explaining how he thinks the Haste effect is fine, but the Endurance isn't. I recall Otz saying the perk is very strong, but not overpowered. Haste stacking is a problem, and the endurance while using MFT is a problem. Remove both, and the perk could be considered to be in a good spot balance-wise.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
The community let them know with a lot of feedback that this was a broken perk on the PTB, but it ended up going live unchanged. I seriously don't think BHVR is that incompetent, so I'm thinking their balance team is on summer vacation and a B team is in place. It seriously is a blatant issue for m1 killers. It causes infinites, and some loops break enough LOS to stop chases, so bloodlust isn't occuring.
3 -
The endurance effect is much more problematic imo. I can't think of much times the haste status effect has screwed me over badly. Meanwhile, the endurance status effect feels game changing at times. A survivor is no longer trading a down, they're getting a free pick up. I notice they have MFT and I try go for the other survivor but usually that leads to bodyblocking.
1 -
If the advice “Chase someone else if you don’t want to go up against MFT” holds true, then perhaps Killers should be notified if the Survivor has MFT? If the Killer is going to figure it out eventually anyway then letting the Killer know beforehand wouldn’t change much.
2 -
There have been a ton of perks released to counter camping/tunneling : DH, DS, OTR, BT
Now there is a BT/SB built-in.
The devs have tried many things while the killers still have to deal with 20 pallets, way too strong loop RNG, MFT, Buckle Up, SB, Lithe, Adrenaline, Distorsion etc...
You are biased mate. I play both sides, for both sides it is miserable but it is way worse for killer players.
5 -
The perk by itself without any counter is too strong, gueninely overpowered.
It is fine only against killers that have counters to hit - power or addons that counters it.
I still think it's a tad too strong
That's what Scoot Jund has said about the perk. When you want to use streamer's point of view, listen to them carefully before interpreting what they say in the wrong way.
3 -
Ok but nerf sloppy to compensate we're tired of it, it's not ok after healing nerf
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the butcher has 10-15% use (taking into account the fact that this is a starting perk) mft has 20%+ usage
and no, we don't need to nerf everything killers perk because every update just because bhvr gives survivors op brain dead perk
3 -
Why is this "it's only 3%" thing get posted it's not "only 3%" if it was so meaningless why can I tell if someone has it 90% of first chases? Survivors have a smaller collision hitbox meaning they're looping tighter than you can so 3% is pretty big. You can literally see them reaching tiles/pallets/windows a lot faster when you've played for a while it's obvious when a survivor is losing less distance. It wouldn't be such a problem if they didn't just overbuff fast vaults to be nearly instant meaning 50% of window hits are just not an option anymore especially with resil.
5 -
survivors scream that it's only 3%, but for killers it + 20% if 4.6 and 30% if 4.4 to the speed of the survivor
add here the fact that the hitbox of the survivor is smaller, which is why it cycles faster and the fact that the cards were made for survivors without acceleration
Only bad survivors or survivors who want to bathe in cheese def this perk
7 -
Probably because games shouldn't be balanced based off complaining on forums without also seeing if actual games frequently play out the way some are claiming.
1 -
If only killers that run at reduced speeds had some reason they moved slower - like, I don't know, some sort of ranged attack or blink ability that makes movement speed less of an issue in the first place?
1 -
yeah you're wrong see "stats" post by Mandy, sloppy is second most used killer perk at 20%, mft is not even there, only devs know if mft= higher winrate
1 -
Only during Halloween season, the rest of the year only survivors might gulp down a little blight infusion for another +5% speed bonus.
2 -
statistics since April
mft didn't even exist for most of the statistics collection time
for example, if at the end of the year you return the oldest dh and everyone starts using it again in statistics for the year, the total number will increase from 10 to 12-15
Therefore, it would be more accurate if they posted statistics for July-August
3 -
Given the significantly larger number of survivor players compared to killers, developers are likely to prioritize making survivor gameplay more favorable to generate revenue. Killers being unable to play with friends limits their appeal and player base. This issue isn't just about skill; rank balance is also a significant concern. As a survivor, I've found myself barely contributing throughout matches, yet still earning points. However, when playing as a killer, even with 3 kills and 8 hookings, I struggle to gain points, and sometimes even lose them (both my survivor and killer ranks are in the Iridescent tier). M1 killers also frequently struggle to catch survivors due to excessive and closely positioned pallets. By the time an M1 killer kick pallets, generators are often already fully repaired. I consider myself a very subpar survivor player, yet relying solely on pallets and windows allows me to stall an M1 killer for an entire match. This is particularly unfair to M1 killer players, as their efforts to improve their skills still might not help them catch survivors.
0 -
I agree but it's not "most" it's half of the period, April 27= May, Gabriel Soma released June 13... April 27 to August 5 that's 1.5 month without and 1.5 month with MFT
I'm not saying perk is weak or don't deserve nerf or anything but it's probably not even top 5 still, sloppy is extremely popular
0 -
I don't understand why MFT is 3% just for being injured when Dark Theory is 2% for spending time finding and lighting a boon that only works in a limited area and can be snuffed. Seems like the perk with a less time consuming activation requirement, less counterplay, -and- secondary effect should have the 2% and the boon a 3%.
4 -
The devs should stop adding dumb perks like: speed movement/gen rush perks, if you guys are out of ideias then you should take some fanmade perks suggestions
6 -
and yet the game often is. Done in part from exactly that reason.
0 -
I've never used MFT but I didn't realise a 3% speed boost was that big?
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I totally agree that MFT definitely needs to be nerf. I know I keep complaining about it a lot, too, lol. But it’s really way too much to deal along with certain map’s design layout and vaults.
I also get that some will say again 3 percent isn’t a lot. I just disagree cause it is a lot when you combine it with all again the bad map layouts,vaults, more second chance perks, etc. So I fully agree that Made For This needs to be nerf.
2 -
Survivors already loop around objects faster because their hitbox is smaller than killers so the 3% is pretty massive I can spot a MFT user just by having a chase and seeing how long it takes to catch up. The biggest problem is that it's basically free you get chased and as long as you're not instadowned you will be getting value out of the perk.
1 -
Minor correction, but they've *convinced themselves* that MfT is hurting their wins. Sprint burst and lithe are objectively better, and anyone arguing otherwise has to ignore every base kit killer ability and bloodlust over 30+ second chases to try and 'prove' otherwise.
It's the same thing as prove thyself, before the recent nerf. Some killers were absolutely convinced that a perk that saves roughly 7 seconds when optimally used is losing them games.
It isn't. They can 100% improve in chase, run loops tighter, or, entity forbid, do anything other than follow the survivor's exact pathing and kick every pallet on cooldown.
Anyone complaining this much about MfT is somewhere between 'inefficient' to 'incapable of using the base killer kit', including bloodlust and nearly every killer power. At best, they have room to improve, at worst they need to not play the game with their feet and expect the devs to nerf literally everything for them. Either way it's not a perk issue.
1 -
BHVR's practice is to trade the gameplay experience of one killer for 4 survivors' Auric Cells. Don't expect them to bring too many benefits to killers huh.
0 -
they are listening. they replied to someone on twitter saying "they have a change for it just in case it is a problem in live release" theyre just blatantly not wanting to touch it
0 -
chasing someone else doesnt do much. like old dead hard when people said chase someone else. if I leave one person because of it and someone else has it you want me to leave them too? then if someone else has it what about them? plus if the survivor sees you're avoiding the chase with them too much theyll get cocky and intentionally try to make your life hell. I don't see how notifying could help the killer in anyway other than for them to know the survivor is being carried by MFT
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good luck trying to even get line of sight to throw something lol
2 -
bloodlust is almost useless with this perk because since the game is not balanced with survivors moving like this the game considers the chase done with even though you're still looping which will disable bloodlust.
2 -
This game has always been biased towards the survivors. Survivors don't need any advanced skills; as long as you can press Space and M1, you can easily achieve victory. When a killer chases you, you just need to run around obstacles near the pallets and observe the killer's movements. When the killer gets too close, drop the pallet to stun them. When you get knocked down, wait for your teammates to come rescue you. When a teammate is being chased, focus on repairing generators. If a teammate is downed, go rescue them. If you know these strategies, you can easily become a survivor expert. During a chase, your teammates can repair all the generators in 5 minutes or even less, while it's not the same for the killer. You're constantly under pressure from the generator progress. Typically, 1 to 2 generators are repaired when you down the first survivor, which is normal. If you can't down a survivor within 30 seconds, you're probably at a disadvantage, as survivors can repair a generator in about 40 seconds on average. This is quite challenging for an M1 killer, unless your matchmaking rating (MMR) is very low. These are the observations I've made throughout the process of reaching Rank 1 as both a survivor and a killer in Dead by Daylight.
3 -
Holy ######### can survivors just have one meta perk before we ask to nuke it? Also stop bringing up whataboutism with perks like eruption, COB, overcharge.
Those perks were far more problematic then MFT having the game be held hostage for 30 mins to an hour by holding 3 gens hostage is not good gameplay. Eruption took 8 months before it was nerfed. COB and overcharge took 9 months to be nerfed. You guys make it out like the devs nerf anything killer related in 1 week.
######### Pain Resonance was nerfed 3 times and it’s still the strongest perk in the game and it came out in November 2021 and they didn’t nerf it until July 2022.
the only point you guys got is Thanatophobia but that perk wasn’t healthy cause with Gift of pain and dying light with legion it took like 50 seconds just to get your lost progress back? Are we really defending this? It was not healthy simple.
that doesn’t excuse made for this but there are more problems then just 3% faster
1 -
Yes? They've said this already
Mabye in a few months if we're lucky and decide to change their mind but that's pretty low
0 -
hurray!!! totally a killer should abuse bloodlust 1/2/3 to counter a single not exhaustion perk , oh wait bloodlust deactives when losing chase and guess what perk allows survivors to hold W to the moon when a m1 killer with no mobility power kicks a god pallet.
(not only that MFT has more uses than people dont know YET and Im sick of explaining those on many posts)You right i should maybe play , KILLERS with actual powers than can counter this perk , how i didn't thought about it , ohh wait.
I assume that survivors would enjoy facing nurses , blights / wesker with strong addons in order to handle MFT alone , brilliant.
4 -
If they have MfT, then they physically cannot be exhausted, and can't break chase because they have no exhaustion perk.
There only way to break chase is on the killer by losing them, breaking a pallet, or otherwise being bad at chase.
If you can't manage bloodlust or functionally use your killers power, that is, at the very core of the video game, the definition of a skill issue on your part.