If you were to Buff Myers How Would Do It?

I kinda think he needs the treatment that Ghostface recently got a couple patches ago with some basekit & add-on buffs. Maybe reduce the amount of Stalk required to reach tier 2 & 3 evil within? Something to help him not be so slow early game would be the right way to go about it imo. What do y’all think?
Honestly, we'd just settle for quicker t1 to t2. He's kinda fine sans the tombstone piece. If we could go the crazy route, make it so he never runs outa juice from survivors.
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I would make it so the juice from survivors slowly recharges over time so he's not just left without a power by the end of the game. I'd be completely ok with sacrificing Tombstone piece into the fires of Mt Doom for this.
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Please make him can't run out his ability.
If making survivors can't run out their juice is really that crazy, can they at least make survivor slowy restore their juice with time?
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I feel like this right here is the way to go SPECIFICALLY so 1 AFK/completely oblivious survivor doesn't feed ALL of the stalk needed for an infinite T3 or something, lol.
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Myers is the killer I love playing against to the most. His chase music makes me anxious and I enjoy it.
The fact that he becomes useless at the end of the game and relies so much on NOED or perks like that kind of ruin the experience.
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i think he's ok now with new coup the grace. his evil within 3 is more relevant now as m1 killer. he is closer to a killer that becomes stronger as trial progresses.
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Main thing I want to see is when a survivor reaches high levels of stalk, for the stalk to slowly wear off to like 75% of max. For example, when a survivor goes over 75% stalk, after a 30 second delay from the last time the player was stalked, the stalk will go down by 1% every 3 seconds until it reaches 75%. If those numbers are off then they can be tweaked but you get what I'm asking for here.
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Start in T2
Full addon refresh
Make scratched mirror a yellow
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- Let him keep his power full with another button to activate T3, like the Oni does. It could still be instant activation, if people like 99%ing the power that much.
- Slightly increase the time of base T3.
- Except for Hair Bow, the other Evil Within time increasing addons shouldn't need extra stalk to reach T3.
- Increase breaking speed while in T3, and maybe a free, but weaker version of Jolt while in T1 or T3 (those could be addons reworks though, since 2/3 of the mirror pieces are bad. The effects of the green one can be given to the yellow one, and then rework the green & the T1 Yellow.)
- Nerf Tombstone Piece and Fragrant Tuft of Hair.
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Not in any particular order
- Partially stalked survivors slowly recharge.
- Change his Tombstone Piece and the faster movement while stalking add-ons to recharge stalk rate add-ons of faster/slower
- When a survivor is fully stalked, Myers gets a temp X% speed boost and after X seconds the fully stalked survivor will go back to full
- Let him stalk multiple people at once.
- Allow him to stalk while in tier 3 to extend the expose timer
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- make t1 a 4.4 with lunge instead of 4.2 without
- make changing tiers an option, not automatic (so when youve filled the meter from t1 to t2 you can press a button to enter t2 instead of it being automatic, and also let him hold onto surplus charge if he keeps stalking with a filled meter)
- survivors recharge their stalk over time (after 15 seconds not being stalked, they regain their meter at half the speed theyd lose it)
- his t2/t3 vault bonuses also apply to pallet breaks, hits and picking up survivors
- the further someone is, the more stalk you gain (unchanged point blank stalking, but at a distance instead of slower its much faster)
- up t2 tr to 24m, and up t3 tr to 36m
- give him an addon pass (no insta mori addons, in general make more of his addons viable)
it might make him a bit crazy but hes meant to be an unstopable killing machine of debatedly supernatural origin, so i think thats fine
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This or just simply increasing the amount of stalk he can get off each survivor.
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T1 to T2 should be instant, just enought for a first jumpscare and start a chase.
A button to activate T3 like Onis rage, instead of 99% you reach 100% and press thst button. Is mostly the same , mostly a QoL.
Juice from survivors dont end OR recharge over time.
Smaller terror radious in T2 (28 merers?).
Something new that helps mayers not be basic M1.
Addon pass.
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Have him start in tier 2. Completely rework tier 1 to be more of a ressource than a downside. Have stalk replenish over time. Probably some mobility as well.
Like, have you ever seen Michael Myers just casually walking around the streets in one of the Halloween movies? No. Because he is just kind of there and then he disappears. There are a lot hints that Myers seems to manifest himself from darkness throughout the different movies.
Resistance to stuns and Brutal Strength base kit in tier 3. Not like Sadako but more of a reduced stun time. Lastly, some new addons. No more Tombstone Piece.
Myers already has a 16 metres TR in tier 2.
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There's an oft forgotten scene in the original that I often point to as an inspiration for a Myers buff.
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28 meter TR in T2 would be LARGER, not smaller
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You talking about doing something similar to Jason being able to teleport around the map in the F13 game?
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Make him 115% at tier1
Give him brutal strength base-kit at tier 3
Change tombstone add-ons to only activate at end game.
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make the juice never end but slow down the more you stare at the same survivor.
get rid on the purple add-on.
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-Add a built in mini Endurance and BS to Tier 3. It needs to be scarier.
-Reverse how distance stalking works. Give more stalk the further they are and less up close.
-Remove the stalk limit per survivor. The entire plan of Myers is to use the weakest link to take down the stronger ones.
-Return multi-stalk. If he can catch two people in his stalk simultaneously then he should be rewarded for that.
Maybe a slightly smaller TR in Tier 2 as well. Thinking like reduce Dead Rabbit addon by 50% and bake that half into his base kit.
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My dream changelist for him
- Addon pass (remove tomestone pieces, or heavily nerf them so they are only usable at endgame or something)
- Rework each tier to actually be unique and powerful in their own ways.
- Tier 1
- 4.6 m/s movement speed (normal movement speed)
- Normal vaulting speed
- Normal pallet breaking speed
- Reduced Lunge
- Undetectable
- 16 meter lullaby
- Takes 10 seconds to tier up at max range, down to 5 at close range
- Tier 2
- 4.8 m/s movement speed (faster than normal)
- Normal Lunge
- Basekit 5 stack fireup
- Basekit 25% enduring
- Basekit mini-pop on gen break of 5%
- 16 meter terror radius
- 16 meter lullaby
- Takes 16 seconds to tier up at max range, down to 8 at close range
- Tier 3
- 4.4 m/s movement speed (slower than normal)
- Longer Lunge (basekit coup)
- Stuns last twice as long but the pallet is automatically broken.
- His lunge can break pallets
- All survivors are exposed
- Basekit 5 stack fireup
- Basekit Ruin effect
- 32 meter terror radius
- No lullaby
- tiering up to tier 3, puts you in a locked animation for 2 seconds.
- Lasts 60 seconds
- Tier 1
- Give survivor some kind of onscreen element to more easily see what tier the killer is in, but only show it after the first tier up.
- Leaving tier 3 now puts you into tier 1.
- Rework mirror addons to give you some benefits but not be able to leave that tier. So you have one for tier 1, 2 and 3, that do some cool or negative thing, but make it so you cannot leave that tier.
- Fix the stalk mechanic so you can still stalk people if they have part of them showing.
- Give a bonus to stalking more than one survivor
- Remove the cap on stalking survivors, why is there a cap on his power?
- When not stalking for 5 seconds, you slowly lose your stalk such that you lose 100% of the stalk after 30 seconds of not stalking.
You would need to do number tweaks on each tier at that point, but that is the general gist.
Tier 1: You are stealthy, move normally, but not TOO stealthy, because you have a lullaby, in general, the goal is to get out of it, but you could have scratched mirror to do some interesting things with tier 1
Tier 2: You are less stealthy (no longer undetectable), but you move faster, vault faster, break faster, and overall are just faster.
Tier 3: You are way less stealthy, and you move slower, but your lunge is really long (like coup long). You can vault faster. However, with no lullaby you can synergize with undetectable perks like trail of torment. You also break pallets way faster. Basically, you become an unstoppable juggernaut, albeit a little bit slower than normal. But, you can be stunned by pallets harder, at the cost of breaking them. Your lunge can break pallets very quickly, encouraging survivors to either hide, or to try and pallet stun you.
General gist is to encourage using the different tiers in more strategic ways, while eliminating the "99 my expose and sneak up on a survivor with 0 counterplay andimmediate down them) while making his "power" more powerful. Basically hes just a buff m1 killer.
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Myers is useless in endgame? That’s when I’m able to get the most out of him.
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lullaby? what lullaby? his chase music?
the stalk runs out cause he was made very early on...
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I actually haven't played that one. So I'm not sure how that works.
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That's what i'm saying add a lullaby. Lullaby in DBD is a mechanic, not just huntress. For example the following killers have a "lullaby"
- Sadako
- Trickster
- Huntress
- Freddy
- Twins
By their nature:
- Lullabies are non-directional.
- Lullabies have a fixed, unalterable range.
- Lullabies are not affected by Unlockables that influence the Terror Radius.
- Lullabies are not suppressed by the Undetectable
- Currently, the only way to suppress a Killer's Lullaby is by entering a Snowman
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if I remember it correctly, as long as no one can currently see you, you can teleport anywhere. as long as no one sees you there aswell
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Ahh. Thanks.
Something like that was what I had in mind for Myers too. Or maybe some predestined spots in more or less secluded areas. Something to make him a bit more unpredictable and adds to the feeling that he could be anywhere stalking you or your team mates.
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I meant more as in, what music?
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Survivors shouldn't have a stalk limit. Feels weird stalking the weakest link and then not being able to build Evil Within any further.
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A couple of thoughts (apologies if there are any repeats):
1. Recharge stalk juice in survivors over time. Not sure if this happens already as I haven't played him, but if this already happens then speed it up.
2. For tiers to fill quicker.
3. Tier 3 to have a faster base speed (120%?).
4. Maybe a reserve juice ability which works a little like "Potential Energy" where, during tier 3, he can choose to stalk, which reduces the time to reach tier 3 again. Myers perhaps reduces to 110% walk speed whilst doing this.
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what he ACTUALLY needs are these
- Evil Within I now needs 3 stalk points to level up to tier II down from the previous 5
- Evil Within no longer has a stalking limit on survivor's (better way of saying this is every survivor in the trial now has a maximum of 200 stalk points michael can leech off them, instead of 10.1)
- Tombstone Piece is removed in favor of a new purple addon, or is straight up reworked because it is not healthy.
all of these changes would be 100% beneficial for his gameplay and make him feel better to play as and less restricting. ghostface is jsut a better myers, and removing the stalk limit will help his power level by amazing levels as he wont have the possibility to not be able to use his power.
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- More stalk juice per survivor (or just infinite)
- Faster out of T1 (maybe even 1 click)
- Stalk at the same rate no matter the distance from the survivor
- Double stalking speed when stalking survivors on a gen
- T3 ends when picking up a survivor (similar to Oni's power) with the remaining amount of evil retained
Also, get rid of Infinite Evil and make Tombstones require at least one hook.
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They have a few sounds they disabled for myers that they could potentially use.
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Tier 3 manual activation
I don't understand this suggestion. 99ing stalk isn't exactly difficult, and it provides some of the little skill expression Myers has. If you made this a manual activation like Oni, then you would have to give it a wind-up animation like Oni as well of around 2-3 seconds, possibly with reduced movement speed. This would be a NERF.
Reverse distance effect on stalking
Also no. This would lead to Myers standing on a hill and maxing out their stalk 30 seconds into a game.
I could get on board with removing distance as a factor at all though, just have standard stalk speed across the board.
Add a Lullaby
Lullabies completely defeat the point of a stealth killer. This would delete scratched mirror overnight. If anything, the Lullaby should be in tier 3 only, not the other way around.
Just as you can hear Ghostfaces fabric flapping in the wind, you can hear Michael breathing if you're close. That's enough already.
Ideas I like:
Some way to replenish survivor stalk pools. Whether they slowly recharge, or reset to a reduced pool after an unhook or something like that.
Resetting to Tier 1 after Tier 3 could be cool, though the requirements for reaching 2 and 3 would need to be reduced. This would give you more dynamic playstyles throughout the game as you could return back to pure stealth.
Tier 1 4.4m/s please, not 4.2m/s
Post edited by Seraphor on0