Fast Vaults Were Changed

Not sure if anyone paid attention or looked at the Bug Fix Patch Notes, but Fast Vaults got a massive change.
- "Fixed an issue that caused the fast Vaults to have the same vaulting distance as the Slow and Medium Vaults." (Bug Fixes - Characters - 1st Bullet Point -
This one change also has a side effect, the hitbox of your Survivors moves faster through the window and does not linger as long. This makes it harder to be hit at a window while Fast Vaulting. This can be further modified with a perk like Resilience.
Ive noticed that, as Killer, I am getting far less hits at windows and, as Survivor, I am getting hit far less at windows.
I originally thought Fast Vaults were bugged and that's why they felt so fast and smooth but when checking the Patch Notes I noticed this was an intentional change by BHVR. Im posting this to bring more attention to this since some people are probably confused from seeing this ingame.
Demogorgon cries in a corner...
I lost a lot hits just today because of this.
Some killers are dependent on these close hits.
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I've noticed that too and actually made a post myself. It feels a bit off. Like, some hits that I know I should get just don't connect.
And the animations look janky as well. Looking closely, you'll often find the survivor model skip frames during the animation.
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Good. Now add a 150ms ping limit for killer and maybe I will consider attempting vaults again
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Ping Limit would not be necessary if they had the game have more server checks for things instead of just taking any information the client gives the server. It would solve a lot of other problems involving cheating as well.
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if what you're saying is true, this is how vaults felt years ago before the dedicated servers make things wonky and gave the most generous hits of killer lives (including when i play).
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Did BHVR sneak in a hidden nerf, when they changed the fast vault distance? Changing vault distances shouldn’t actually affect hits at all, until the point where the survivor gets the small extra distance at the end of the vault.
Did killers just get another nerf, that’s disguised as a bugfix, even though I never saw it declared as a bug, and it’s worked this way for years?
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As it should be. Window hits have been bugged for a VERY long time. Glad it's been finally fixed.
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That's the point.
What's the point in vaulting if the killer still hits you 95% of the time? They've felt unfair from a survivor angle for a LONG time.
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As they should. There is no reason fast vaults should have the same distant as medium vaults. There is also no reason killers should get hits for free at vaults . Also pls yall dont make this an us vs them this isnt some mysterious nerf to killers bc bhvr hates yall..
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By close you mean hits that aren't even close to hitting that killers have been given for years?
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"Did killers just get another nerf, that’s disguised as a bugfix, even though I never saw it declared as a bug, and it’s worked this way for years?"
I mean, if you really think that fast vaults should have the same distance after the Window as slow and medium vaults... You are really wrong on that one.
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I do think fast vaults should have more distance than medium vaults. But the hit validation should be exactly the same, up until the point where the survivor gets the extra distance at the end of the fast vault.
For example, if fast vaults are now 90% previous distance + 10% new distance, then the hit validation should be exactly the same for the first 90% of the vault.
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As a killer main, the fast vault changes are great. I've gotten a lot of hits on fast vaults I never should have gotten, and I'm tired of being hit 3 minutes after vaulting a window while playing survivor.
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Laggy killers will still hit you though windows from a mile away it just makes normal killers less likely to get hits
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Yeah, but that is nothing that can really be changed. It is a shame that you get punished for having good ping in this game.
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It's not the extra distance that causes hits to not connect. It's more that you seem to get more distance in slightly less time than before. This causes the actual vault speed to be faster and the survivor's hitbox to disappear behind the window more quickly.
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I'll preface this by saying vault hits have been busted in favor of the killer for as long as I can remember, and this is known. I've seen it more times than I can count, and even with latency, it's been obvious many times from the killer perspective. It's exasperating as a survivor, and amusing as a killer to when a hit registers when the surv has already hit the ground on the other side of a fast vault.
That said, what I have been seeing the past couple days is my hits missing before the survivor hits the vault, not on the other side of it (which is what always felt so dirty). Like the entire thing is slightly accelerated, not jus that the surv is now getting the appropriate amount of distance.
I haven't been sure if this was my perception, or if there is something to it.
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No I mean hits that are close.
If I play shack correctly as demo I should get a hit at the window. Now I dot anymore. It's a Hitbox problem.
Demos Hitbox is big enough to hit through windows. Now that the survivor and their Hitbox goes further you don't get these hits anymore.
Play it if you want to.