Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Made for this balance ideas

Member Posts: 27
edited December 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

If you think made for this is ok, I'm sorry your objectively wrong. But that being said how would we fix it to balance it?

I have 2 main ideas with how we can do this. This first one is take the dead hard approach, where you make the perk have some form of prior condition it needs in order to be able to be used. This could be, after healing a survivor, the next time you are injured made for this activates for 30 seconds.

The other idea, is the timer in general. Where made for this only activates for 30 seconds after being hit.

The major issue with the perk is the lack of skill required to use it, and the infinite amount of time you get while using it. You can't have a strong perk that has no barriers.

We can all agree the second effect for made for this is basically irrelevant, it's not a game breaking mechanic. But if you haven't played deathslinger with 4 made for this, or any 110 killer (not spirit) please do against 4 made for this. You will understand that it is just not possible to have a perk exist in these conditions.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,141
    edited July 2023

    Your suggestions seem alright, could use some tweaking, but concepts seem good imo. Thing is though exhaustion perks in general are often built on the idea of giving big value for no skill or condition, which I don't like, but IMO means MFT shouldn't be "singled out" ig you could say. But I've had two ideas:

    A. Removing the haste and exhaustion parts entirely, so the whole perk is just getting endurance when healing someone while healthy, which is still strong btw

    B. Could completely rework the perk to give you SB after healing someone for a whole health state's worth uninterrupted (including the exhaustion), would be a kinda cool perk, and the uninterrupted is in there to prevent it from activating when you don't want it to or from activating it whenever you want with a 99d teammate

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Its inherently bad game design. Theres reason haste is so limited in dbd, because this is what happens when its not. I honestly want to see it reworked or get some crazy limitations. A time limit maybe or an actual activation condition and removing its synergy with DH.

    MFT - After stunning the killer with a pallet, gain 3% haste for 20s. No longer tied to exhaustion. Thats idea 1.

    MFT - Gain a permanent 3% speed boost while injured. Decreases by 1.5% per time you are hooked. No longer tied to exhaustion, however it applies exhaustion permanently.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    they did that for the buckle up rework, both people get 10s endurance with new buckle up on a res

  • Member Posts: 196

    nah its fine. just a worse version of sprint burst and lithe. I rather see 4 MFT instead of sprint burst or lithe

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    they rarely ever change the perk functionally because those perk ideas you have can become new perks. when they do not want survivor to use specific perk, they add drawbacks to make perk less attractive to use and make it less consistent.

    what I would do to made for this more situational is add a condition that you need to be on death hook and injured to activate the perk. I think this would be enough for it to be less common.

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Simple solution is just get rid of endurance part. There is absolutely no reason for it.

    Alternative is as you said limit duration of bonus movement speed after getting injured.

    I actually like that idea simply because it creates counterplay with hit&run and survivors can't stay injured to get value from resilience + MFT.

    Not sure if 30 seconds is enough, but 45 would be fine imo.

  • Member Posts: 298

    The perk activating only when you are on death hook is a really good idea actually.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited August 2023

    I like the ideas but i would love to suggest one anyway

    changing the 3% of haste to 6% of vault speed - 3 % of vault speed if some players want to over exaggerate how strong it is

    I feel like it fits to the perks nature of being a chase-oriented perk.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2023

    Make it 2%, make it cause Exhaustion itself to where you can only run it and no other Exhaustions, and then remove the Endurance component.

    Essentially if it was a tad slower and could be your only Exhaustion perk it would be more balanced.

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    I see we've moved from giving this perk some needed boundaries to pretty much nuking it into oblivion.

    Tbh, I'd be perfectly fine with some tweaks to reign in the indefinite quality it currently has. E.g.: Additionally to only being available in the injured state and while not exhausted, it remains active for x time (e.g. 20 seconds) of running (time held shift-w), it then causes exhaustion for x seconds (5-ish, maybe a little more). So there is considerable skill involved in keeping it active throughout a chase. While everyone with some skill will be able to walk off 5 seconds it's more difficult to not get your exhaustion in a bad position/make it without mft to a place where you can walk it off. Even leaning into that more and trying 5 secs exhausted and additionally 2-3 seconds of hindered could be worth a test run.

  • Member Posts: 2,113
    edited August 2023

    Something needs to be done. The fact that MFT went live with no changes when the community gave a large amount of feedback on how problematic it is (especially for m1 killers) makes me think that their typical balance team might be on summer vacation and we have a B team on their stead. I'm hoping we're not going to be having to wait for much longer until it's addressed. It's just so weird for BHVR to be careful about infinites then add a "perma" runspeed perk which ends up just creating a good amount of them and outright makes some survivors immune to being caught from some of the m1 killers unless those killers try for bloodlust 3 every chase (which typically means they're going to lose, anyway, but some loops even "ends chases" so blood lust won't even work).

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    The perk really needs some sort of downtime or prerequisite for it to activate that's actually meaningful. Being limited by exhaustion might seem bad, but you can either loop for a while then use your BL/Lithe/DH or 100% your SB which can be kinda hard to time.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    MFT is also odd because it's basically 2 strong perks in one. BHVR could have made one perk give endurance and another the speed buff.

    Personally, I'd get rid of the endurance bit and make it so that, when MFT is in use it cannot stack with any other perk (like Hope) and does not trigger any exhaustion perks. So getting that extra constant speed comes at a cost of losing the shorter speed bursts.

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Objectively wrong is when you think surv perk is ok if it has some uses.

    Objectively right is being killer sided.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    On the subject of barriers to the perk, one idea I had was you only get Made For This' speed for the remainder of the chase in which you took damage (or first chase upon receiving damage if it occurs outside of chase). After that it deactivates until you're healed.

    My other main idea is "this effect does not stack with other haste sources" to break up combos like Hope. Most non-exhaustion Haste boosts are actually stronger than Made For This but have restrictions so anything else would override it anyway

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