Why are the survivors giving up so much? A few years ago, this didn't happen.

Dreh Member Posts: 43

People used to play until the match was over.

Now, they quit for absolutely everything. Weak killer, strong killer, good map, bad map. There's no reasaonable logic to it.

What's happening, and what can be done to reduce it?



  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,150

    This for sure!!! I've got 4k hours and getting in a lobby with a Dwight whose Switch profile says "First played 3 hours ago " is insane

  • pizzavessel15
    pizzavessel15 Member Posts: 534

    because survivors dont run the game like they used to so their solution is to quit.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Probably frustrated and had a lot of bad things happen in a lot of games in a row, knowing they need to take a break but keep going in hopes of one good match, idk!

    When I get even the tiniest bit aggravated I just turn it off for a bit :)

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 224

    The game is 7 years old. Same objective and goal with nothing else to do.

    If early on they feel like its an L, they just leave.

    Im hoping new game modes revive the player base. That, or a ranked mode. Rank penalties would make players hesitant to kill themselves on hook or DC.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    •Demising my item

    •Lethal on a Wraith, Blight, Spirit, Nurse

    These are THE 2 things that actually lessen my in game happiness; Silly, yeah? Like, ikr!!! 🙄😄

    Just 2 examples of how easily anything at all, however petty, can affect someone. It could be anything anymore, seriously tho, that causes players strife; Pretty much, name any one thing and it’s the answer to your question of what sets ppl off, even to the extreme of quitting.

    imo When this game isn’t played strictly chill, and a competitive mindset takes precedence, the tendency for frustration to ensue becomes far to great, burying rationality, altogether.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,846

    We pick the option that players are just babies about things not being perfect for them, but thats us.

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    To be honest, because most of the time the other survivors I’m matched with aren’t good at all or solo queue. Also, survivor perks are constantly being nerfed which contributes to less OG survivors playing.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    I think it could be related to the current matchmaking/ranking system. Hitting that rank 1 milestone used to be a huge accomplishment that took a lot of effort to hit. It would be shown at the end of the game and people would wear it like a badge of pride. Giving up would make it take even longer to hit that rank since you would depip. People would have to try hard and never give up in a match to hit that rank 1.

    Now the ranking sytem has been reworked and your prestige is shown instead. So now your ranking is both hidden and easier to get. And prestige is less a show of skill and more a show of how many BP you've invested into a character.

    So basically the old system encouraged a competitive spirit in players. With the old system gone, there's way less incentive to be competitive, kinda destroying the old competitive spirit, in turn making people more willing to give up.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Wouldn´t that statement ask for killer buffs? To well, buff the other 31 killers we currently have in the game?

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    I feel like most of the older dbd players have moved on and the newer player base just aren't that experienced and get frustrated over trying to learn so many perks/killers when they only play a little bit a day.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Outside of Spine Chill what is "Hard Counter".

    Spine Chill is no better than actually looking around and seeing the Wraith shimmer, or exposing Ghost Face or just happening to see Myers standing there looking at you.

    If that one perk is so game breaking though, it can be re-worked. Again, I'd rather people see the killer and stay in the match and have a little longer cue than deal with, I blink as Nurse and instantly DCs begin. That's just zero fun.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,204

    A few years ago people just DCed instead of giving up on hook.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    detection perks vs stealth killers. plus sprint burst.

    maps and whatever the perk is called vs trapper and hag.

    iron will/other stealth perks vs. spirit

    lucky break vs oni (hilariously... also no mither)

    etc, etc...

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Most survivors are running some sprint burst already or Lithe or MFT.

    If the concern is really that deep, then have loadout lock before you cue. Still let's you leave a lobby if you don't like the killer or survivor team all with the same name and outfit but prevents the smallest fraction of situations you are talking about.

    It really isn't that big of a deal. And again, I'll deal with the possibility of a hard counter versus dealing with a match that is boring and over in the first 30 secs because people don't want to face the killer. Running up and going "hook me, hook me" to opt out on hook or DCing.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    People would just leave until they find the killer they wanna face.

    No one would be able to play nurse or blight.

    It's simply a terrible idea

  • rafajsp
    rafajsp Member Posts: 475
    edited August 2023

    1 - Adriana

    2 - Wesker

    3 - 3gen every match even Nurses are holding 3gen which is very weird because how broken she is ...

    4 - Useless teamates (yes always have Bond, you can see those crouching/teabaging/following you and bringing nothing to the match)

    5 - Onryo allowed to kill without any hook cuz players don't get a tape and then match is over for you and other teamates.

    6 - Trash servers after years of game life ... even small games have better connections. They are all low tier AWS virtual servers so yeah ... trash servers. Who knows maybe on 20th aniversary we get better servers.

    I do my part

    • buy skins
    • buy passes
    • buy coins

    But that will end at some point.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,154

    Lots of reasons, but mostly frustration or throwing toys out of their prams. Some will come up with excuses about how it's the game's fault for various reasons, but I'd put money on the majority of those who disconnect do so purely out of being wussy. Some will disconnect out of frustration to a really bad hitbox or something unfair happening, which I can accept. But the majority just complain and are sore losers. This counts towards players in general, not necessarily which side they play.

  • averagemikaelamain
    averagemikaelamain Member Posts: 286

    Extremely anti-solo queue design has caused a noticeable fatigue of survivor players. Game was also pretty much killer-sided for like 8 months unless you were in 3-man+ SWFs and sweating.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    I don't opt out when I see nurse... and again, I'd rather have people opt out before the match starts then spend time in cue, match starts, everyone DC's or gives up on hook or just stands there going hit me hit me...

    I'd rather wait in cue for an extra few minutes and get a team that wants to take on the challenge versus walking out of a boring ass match that half or 3/4 the team quit instantly. But again, I actually play the game for the challenge and the fun, I know a lot of killer mains just want to steam roll at 5 gens and have no interest in a good back and forth match, so DCs and hook opt outs don't bother them.

  • shelobster
    shelobster Member Posts: 272
    edited August 2023

    We're bored of every killer using the "tunnel one survivor out at 5 gens" tech.

    And you can only bear so many Weskers in a row. I launched the game to play DBD not to be deafened by Wesker's ridiculously loud map wide terror radius.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    It's annoying when players peace out in solo queue, but I can't bring myself to get angry with them. Playing in solo queue can be absoloutely hideous at times. It feels bad to play well but lose like 10 matches straight due to one or many of the following:

    Teammate peace's out on hook early on.

    Killer is hook camping (hard to coordinate the gen rush to counter it).

    Matchmaking gave you two baby survivors against a 20th prestige Pinhead.

    You ran the killer for 3 minutes and nobody has touched a gen yet.

    Your three teammates all stayed together after spawning and managed to all get exposed by GF all the same time.

    You spawn with a teammate and they start spamming fast vaults and lead the killer to you.

    Three teammates have flashlights and refuse to touch the gens. Leaving you (with no toolbox or gen perks) to finish 5 gens solo.

    You're never going to be able to stop people from being bratty and entitled, but maybe if they keep improving the solo queue experience things could get better.

    Maybe BHVR should do a survey to find out what it is that makes players RQ so often. Maybe they could use that data to try and improve the game with it. Focusing on improving matchmaking, adding more tools for solo survivors, adding a killer repeat prevention system, removing Wraith from the game, giving Pig a party hat to wear so survivors know which snoot is safe to boop. Whatever it is that players get annoyed at and which BHVR can improve (within reason).

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,437

    And then certain people who like to play certain killers would just never get to play a game because everyone would dodge.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265
    edited August 2023

    Ppl are leaving at the same rate as before imo it's just the reasons ppl leave matches now are more common, before people dc'd due to stuff like insta saw/iri head/moris etc now people dc from uninteractive killers and bad maps

    and like everyone else has said burn out. dbd is old in terms of a multiplayer games

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Ok. I would never dodge either. Cause I don'r really care.

    Are we all the players? Do we even represent the average?

    People WILL dodge. Queue times for some killers will be absolutely horrible. It is not a good idea.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,850

    Tbf killers are essentially guaranteed a win by turnotunneling 1 survivor out at the start of the match.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,850

    SC doesn’t alert unless the killer has direct LoS on you within 36 meters, and they basically have to take up o believe like 50% of the screen or something to trigger it now. So you see the killer while they’re watching you when it works.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,850
    edited August 2023

    I don’t know what your experience has been, but I’ve personally yet to see a team (SWF or solo queue) recover from 3v1 at 5, 4, even 3 gens unless the killer allows it. Like… the killer literally has to allow the survivors to come back to win by easing up. And even then the most they can manage is a 2E.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556
    edited August 2023

    It's why I said it depends.

    Depends on how fast you got the hook (aka what is the gen progress), the killer you picked, how long it takes for the survivors to realize you are tunneling, if they take hits for the tunneled, how long the tunneled survivor can keep you occupied.

    If someone dies at 5 or 4 gens... yeah. You very likely got this

    Edit- btw... I consider a killer win when at least 3 survivors die

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Because they don't want to try. They want a killer they can clown on. If the killer is good, theres no point in staying. And by killer I'm referring to all killers not just Wesker, Blight, or Nurse. If the killer can down multiple survivors before most gens are done or doesn't fall for stupid techs, survivors will DC saying they are not having fun.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181

    I use to be so excited about events and new content now this game makes me just want to unalive myself. Like I really have a lot of love for this game because I was always looking forward to new perk ideas and finding new combos and trying to learn new and improved loop tactics, bit things have gotten so bad lately I just feel heartbroken. In the end they won't really listen until they lose over 50% of their player base. It became apparent when they became more focused on monetary gain and licenses and not testing out balances for their own game. I miss old dbd substantially, at least it felt like it was even, now solo queue is just meant for you to spawn in and just die...

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Your statement is plain wrong.

    It didn´t take the devs 7 years to admit that face camping is un fun. Face camping was dealt with pretty early with the introduction of swivel hooks. Before that, survivors couldn´t unhook from every direction and killers would simply stand in the position they hooked a survivor. Without moving and no one could unhook. But then people changed what face camping meant. Can´t blame the devs, when people constantly change the meaning of something.

    Tunneling used to mean that the killer ignored everyone and just focused on 1 survivor. Now you see people complain about getting tunneled, when the killer hooked everyone once. So no, thats not the devs fault that people take the meaning of something bad and change it to match their view.

    How do you balance the game, when people are pretty open about suiciding whenever they don´t like something, anything about the game?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,559

    By doing that you would effectively kill half the killer roaster and the game in the process. Who do you think is going to play against every one of the 32 killers in this game? The people that are prepared for these killers specificallly. Bully squads would pick easy prey like Trappers and Freddys, skilled loopers would play against Wraith, Myers and Billy and so on. And don't get me started on perks and loadouts...

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Sorry but I would call this rose-colored nostalgia.

    Hitting red ranks was just a measure of time investee between the 13th of each month and nothing in sort of a huge accomplishment.

    The best indicator for this was the fact that the majority of players were sitting in red ranks No matter their skill and the matchmaking leading to more and more "rainbow rank lobbies" because the population per rank and role was so imbalanced.

    The forums 3-4 years ago were full of the same complaints about matchmaking like they are today. Both times it became a s****show when the devs dumbed the sorting process down and widened the parameter to battle increasing queue times.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    I do see what you're getting at. Just for the record though I don't have nostalgia for the old system, I actually greatly prefer the new one. From my personal experience the game felt like it got significantly less sweaty after the new system was put in place so I thought that it might have been directly related to that in some way.

    I definitely can see what you mean about the majority of players being at red ranks though. For me it felt like a huge accomplishment when I finally hit it, and I feel like I saw the phrase "I'm a rank 1 X" thrown around a lot. Back then it did feel like there was a huge discrepancy between the skill levels of players in red ranks though. You could get players that played once a week and actual tournament teams all in the same rank.

  • caramelpudding
    caramelpudding Member Posts: 118
    edited August 2023

    Few years ago we didn't have Dull Merchant and the other boring 3 gen killers (I don't care, I kill myself on hook as soon as I am against them, I have no time to waste 30 or more minutes for one match. I also never blame anyone killing themselves on hook when facing them). Also, when you see no one is doing anything besides crouching somewhere or only touching chests and totems then there is no need to stay in a match. It's unwinnable anyway.