Is FTP + Buckle Up intended?
If it's not then okay things like this happen but if it is that is one of the most baffling balancing choices I've ever seen. Please explain how not being allowed to hit half the survivors after they do a 0.5 second interaction is a good idea? You can say just pick up but if they're at a pallet or have flashlights and I don't have a wall to look at it's just a lose lose no matter what. I go for a hit to chase the flashlighter away they get picked up and I can't react if I pick up right away I get stunned or blinded.
I am actually fine with buckle up the way it is right now as an antislugging perk but the interaction with FTP absolutely needs to be patched out because it's incredibly uninteractive, every time BHVR tries to push easy endurance activations it causes problems so for the life of me I don't know why they keep pushing it.
Honestly, I quite like it even though I've used it in situations that were almost certainly unfair. First perk I've gotten death threats for using in a while lol
It's probably the best anti-tunnel perk right now and it feels wonderful to be able to stop someone from being removed from the game.
I haven't really had it used to any real effect against me due to how I play, but I can imagine it's just as frustrating as getting tunneled out.
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It's intended.
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It is intended, but it should be changed imo.
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It feels "anti-tunnel" in the same way DS was "anti-tunnel" when you could get hit with it 4 times in 90 seconds. Again I'm all for perks that are effective against the less fun parts of the game (camping/tunneling/slugging) but when the solution also creates unfun gameplay it's just replacing one problem with a different problem.
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Deactivate it in end game, and I'm fine with it. But right now, it's a free escape in end game. DS and OTR were changed to deactivate in end game to not grant such a free escape. But then they change buckle up and create this busted combo, reintroducing a free escape ... for TWO players at once! Whoever greenlit this should be fired, honestly!
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I don't agree.
I have found some use for it in the Endgame, but I hardly found it to be on the level of DS or OTR.
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I just came out of a game against a squad with TWO ppl using that combo. All still alive at end game, one guy hooked. Squad comes to unhook, I go for a trade (nothing else I can do, with hook grabs removed), but my trade gets instantly revived by the combo, and all run out (3 x 10s endurance!), butt dancing at the exit. What am I supposed to do there? Other than "kIlL ThEm BeFoRe EnDgAmE, duh!"?
There is no counter play, it's a free 4-man out at this point. Bc WHOEVER I down, they will be revived instantly! It's actually insane, way more potent than DS ever was, and OTR could have been. At least I could ensure a trade there, but with THIS?
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It still technically requires a slug to work. And the devs need to move away from the habit of deactivating survivor perks during endgame. Endgame shouldn’t by itself give the killer unearned advantages.
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"A slug to work" ?
Dude, I'm not slugging, I'm DOWNING someone! And WHILE I'm in hit cooldown, they get revived! What should I do, stop downing people??
If not disabling it in end game, make it that it does not trigger until healing at least 3 seconds. Or change FTP to make the user go into deep wound, so endurance does not work. Just anything, to not get punished for downing someone!
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It doesn't need a slug to work though. Anytime a killer downs anyone, it can come into play before the killer is finished wiping their weapon. A killer can have every intention of immediately hooking and this will still act the same way. This isn't an anti-slug, but rather an anti-down.
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buckle up should be changed to be in line with how mft works - only activated on the user if they are injured.
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oh yeah it needs a slug. unless you are wesker or grabbing some rat out of a locker this is what you need to do as killer to attempt and hook someone, downing them first.
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oh well that’s unfortunate. Run Unrelenting.
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Unrelenting doesn't speed up successful attack cooldown... that would legit do nothing.
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Then your issue is with a 4-man using it.
I use it alone or in a Duo, like the vast majority of players.
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Hmm. Pair it with Save the Best for Last.
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you ARE trolling...right?
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tbf, you can replicate that situation as a solo
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Perhaps playing the game would help you give better advice?
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It's extremely unlucky to have the amount of coordination needed.
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Find workable solutions, just like you’d ask someone complaining about some other aspect of this game (i.e. tunneling or camping or slugging) to do. That’s the best advice anyone can offer.
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Its not actually good advice though. Starting with the wrong perk makes it obvious you're just being dismissive.
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That’s actually a lot better advice. Well played.
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The fact you say that tells me a lot about you as a player of dbd. This combo does not require slugging for it to work. A lot of us have had this combo used right after we down someone and are in the cooldown from hitting someone. If it was for slugging or tunneling then I would be all for it but it isn't. It punishes killers for just playing the game and that's not a good design imo.
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It's basically a return of old syringes, except it can be used multiple times.
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How does unrelenting help in this scenario?
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Even in a Duo, you can still use it for a random. Thats no valid limitation. 4 man only has better coordination, but it does not take much coordination to begin with. The killer downs and you are nearby, bam, you use it. Free escape for you and your (random) matze as long as the gate is not miles away.
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Not really, just run No one left behind together with the combo, and you will get it triggered more often than not.
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- nerfing DH and DS - adding MFT + Hope + Resilience combo next to it
- nerfing gen speed - buffing BNP
- nerfing syringue - new combo of perks being stronger
- nerfing healing - new NC perk to fully heal
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SB+FTP+Buckle up surpasses any anti-tunnel perk that this game has ever seen. a strong 4 man SWF could legit do all 5 gens with 0 hook states the entire game vs large majority of the cast if they loop well enough with gen efficiency. it is so simple that even strong soloq player can use it with bond/empathy. here's simple steps.
1) 99% sb
2) follow any survivor that get chased while looping until they go down
3) activate SB and activate FTP+Buckle up as killer is in attack recovery
4) Repeat steps 1-3 with a different survivor
5) heal survivor after broken wears off and do gens.
It is like fighting an endless amount of uncounterable dead hard and off the records/old BT's that never end. even decisive strike at its prime where it had no skill-check, activated on every single pick-up with 0 activation requirements and had no conspicuous actions was not this powerful because it only activated once. This just activates an endless amount of times as long at least one survivor has a health-state to trade. playing against this is like playing against 4 man bodyblocking swf the entire game. it is why a lot of player would sometimes use pyramid head's force penance perk to try counter this in comp. luckily killer rarely ever go against this side of the game. there would be no killer players playing if this is all you went against. the most you will get in soloq is someone using this once or twice, so it is not big deal unless team has big coordination.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
(sorry, Ayodam smh phone quoted the wrong post. this was technically in response to someone saying to try it in soloQ)
took me four matches to succesfully get it as solo (for the buckle up challenge) was a ghostie and it was endgame. They still didn't get out the gate for some reason (was dead dawg, gate behind main on end of road side, they were slugged next to the strong pallet right in front of main at the crossing, I got hit into endurance).
My takeaway from the experience is that while it is very powerful when it does work it is still also very situational. You give up two perk slots for something that then still requires you to be in close proxmity and also undetected. This happens about as often as a pallet save by chance and if its deliberate it takes a surv off a gen for a good while because they have to hover nearby.
On killer side I haven't noticed much of an impact even though I've seen the combo equipped a few times.
--- Though, all that being said, when I realised that combo existed I felt it made a situation I would find frustrating to begin with (where the only viable thing to do is to down someone and then not pick them up immediately to e.g. check for fl, pallet or because going after another injured surv right next to them creates more pressure) even more frustrating (especially that last one; swarming the killer is rewarded. Two injured survs do some shenanigans, you down one, go after the other and in that time a healthy survivor picks the downed up - both then promptly take a hit. Yes it requires coordination and I seriously doubt it's an efficient strat outside of endgame/when only one gen is left -- but that doesn't make it any less of a frustrating experience.) Long story short; I'm still on the fence. Not because it's op but because the frustration levels it can create seem to invite toxicity (as provocation from survs but also retributive from killers).
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Even using this once or twice in a trial is more than enough for the survivors to win the trial.
Everytime survivors use it = 30 to 1 minute extra chase, especiall if they use MFT.
So using it twice = 2 minutes extra chase for free for a single hook stage.
2 minutes is enough for the 2 other survivors to do 2 gens.
As the 3 firest gen are usually completed during your first chase, game is over.
That's how powerfull those perks are.
Same for MFT, granting 30 seconds of extra chase for free to any survivor using it = game over ggez as 30 seconds 3 or 4 times during a trial = 2 minutes, again 2 gens.
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Even using this once or twice in a trial is more than enough for the survivors to win the trial.
i would not say so. survivors on average are not that good in to do that. at best its mild slowdown for the killer.
As the 3 firest gen are usually completed during your first chase, game is over.
I am aware of that. swf that use 4 adrenaline often do that. it is defining reason why adrenaline is so strong with extra health-states.
2 minutes is enough for the 2 other survivors to do 2 gens.
that is why killer often 3 gen to prevent large gen spread. makes it easier to defend gens. Not talking about the 50 minute skull merchant gameplay....
Same for MFT
depends skill-level of looping for the survivor. again average survivor does not run loops that well. that is why you can down them as killer even with MFT. at least I somehow manage to down survivors. I just don't chase the really strong loopers.... as killer.
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Just had a Clown game against 3 players with this combo, 8 free health states for them.
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It's intended, but it needs to be changed. I've gone against 4 stacks where everyone had MFT+FTP+Buckle Up. Not that hard to beat, but it took 5ever. Just annoying to deal with.