What are your thoughts on The Artist?

I don’t really see many people having discussions about Carmina. I’ve loved her since she came out and she’s currently my favorite killer to play as and against, yet she is one of the more rare killers in the game.
From what I’ve seen, she’s not exactly a fan favorite in the community. There are killers that are far more hated but she’s still not universally loved.
So this leads me to the question, what does everyone think of her? Does she need buffs, nerfs, rework? Is she fine as is?
I feel like the only reason she isn't hated as much as she would be is because no one plays her.
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Easy top 5 killer IMO, only reason you never see her is because she's on the harder side to play.
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No I still play Spirit and she’s my only P100 character atm. Right now I would say Carmina is more fun though.
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Artist crows would be as satisfying if there was sound feedback with long range snipes. Sadly she doesn’t have that but Huntress does.
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She is fun to play if you snipe across the map, but if survs are smart the go in lockers and than you need to chase them nomaly and normal chasing with 'blocking' loop paths is borring for both sides. (because the counter is run away)
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She is boring to play.
Playing her is so easy when it comes to anti-loop. Put the crow to loop. Survivor stays, hit. Survivor leaves, m1. She makes me sleep.
The only thing i love her about kit is snipe hits. Whenever i play her, i am trying to do this.
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I still love you and forgive you.
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I've only played against her a few times, and I hated every single one of them.
Absolutely abysmal to go against.
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she's really cool. sound design is awesome.
I'm just bad with her...
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I thought we were friends general :(
(Just kidding lol)
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Glad someone agrees with me on her sound design!
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I <3 crow mommy!
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The killer feels like trash because the amount of time she gets to hit a survivor with her power twice, is way too low. Repelling crows needs to take twice as long, to give her an actual chance to 2-hit combo the survivors.
And yes, I get it that the window is large enough to get a 2-hit combo, but it's still way too low. The range to 1-hit damage is also way too low, and should be doubled in range.
She also got secretly nerfed from the new map design, where there's lots of extra clutter everywhere that blocks line of sight. Very often, when she places a crow, survivors can just run some other direction and get behind cover, which can stall enough time to prevent her from getting a 2-hit combo. There are many loops where she just doesn't have enough line of sight to know when to launch the crows, and survivors don't get damaged when they run over a crow, so she's just super clunky in many situations.
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survivors have too much info so you can't really do fancy long range stuff against half decent players, then it's just hag on loops with extra steps and that's just boring. i kinda liked her in the past but knowing her shenanigans will only work against potatoes ruins the fun
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I think she's fine. There will always be killers we don't see much of, especially since we have over 30 of them now. Plus some are simply more popular than others. But yeah, I have no issue with Artist.
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Don't like vsing her but I feel that doesn't say much. I can dislike everything depending how people play these days. My tolerance level is low af.
And I usually don't like spirit as well. She is also bugged atm.
No hard feelings I just became a biased surv main. You know you are ok in my book.
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She's cute I think
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She's.....Fine, but that is all she is though. A perfectly competent and competitively functional character that just isn't very inspiring or creative in terms of what you can do as player.
There isn't anything particularly interesting about the way she handles or many ways to use her power.
You snipe, you anti-loop rinse and repeat. Sure at first it is challenging, but after you get the hang of it you're sorta out of things that keep her interesting imo.
When I think of a killer called the Artist, I don't really see Bird Girl with ink hands. I expected something more...fanciful, cruel, and colorful or joyous. To me she always came off as a killer BHVR was trying too hard with and overthought.
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She is awesome, I can understand not liking the get hit with crows on small loops thing.
But atleast it's easier to dodge and ur not forced to leave the loop like knight or skullmerchant
I prefer the sniping plays with her than the closer up version but she is nice, has s bit of gen slowdown built in that is nice
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^ This.
If she was played more people would hate her. It's just hold w the game.
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Honestly Artist could be a ton more fun to play but small things hold her back for me.
I play for long range snipes as that's more fun for both sides rather than the boring anti loop stuff. Unfortunately this makes festering carrion required and the biggest issue limiting that fun is that lockers clear crows. Just why. Any half decent survivor across map just instantly jumps in a locker to clear them making long range snipes significantly worse. I don't see why they need this when the counter play is predicting her shots since you're cross map.
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She’s fine imo, she has a few addons that could use some improvements but other than that she doesn’t need any changes.
I get why people don’t like playing against her since she is a hold W killer, but she’s still far more interactive than Knight since her birds don’t do the work for you unlike his guards; if you can’t hit your shots, you’ll lose. There’s still a gameplay loop there.
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Artist imo is one of the best balanced Killers. The closest thing i can think of that may be a little bit OP is the severed hands add-on, but its still not as broken as the stuff other higher-tier Killers get and it requires a lot of experience and skill to use effectively.
I highly recommend any new Artist main to use her power as a straight anti-loop as little as possible as it prevents you from properly learning her, just try your best hitting your crows on swarmed survivors especially using unconventional angles instead of directly facing pallets/windows, you can be a menace at any range once you mastered it.
She gets way to much ######### because new players rely on her zoning at close range exclusively and she doesn't have that high of a pick-rate so good Artists are something you won't see a lot.
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She is fine as she is
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She is one of those killers that limits herself to exist, like she can be really good but is not satisfying gameplay really, there is no dopamine rush when you do something with her.
Also due to people not really understanding how she plays like 80% of people believe she boils down to place crow on loop and survivor leaves when tagging people and then shotgunning is way more powerfull and what good artists do.
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Shes just a pyramid head but with 3 attacks instead of one. She maybe fun to play since she is very strong but shes boring to play against. She puts down a birds at a loop there not much you can do
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She is hot
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i would like her a lot more if her squawks when using power were opt-out. they make me very uncomfortable, listening to them, especially when playing her, they hold no value other than to be noisy. playing against her is meh. her anti loop is a little uninteresting to use and play against, tbh.
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Her sound design is the second best in the game, especially the noises she makes, only Dredge surpasses her.
She's dang fun to play as and feels challenging to play against (in a good way)
Her snipes from across the map is very satisfying, especially when you hit a Survivor by accident.
Her chase music is probably the 4th best in the game, only surpassed by Myers, Pyramid Head and Blight imo
Only real con to her is that her addons doesn't feel very creative.
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We like her and she's currently our favorite. She's fine as is (though I would like to have useful iri add ons) and we're praying that the devs don't touch her.
She's probably not loved as much because most who try her do the "place at loop and repeat" option without trying anything else and survivors mostly face that.
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I personally don't really like going against her. It's sort of similar to knight where you are just holding w when they start setting up their power.
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well of course
why can't I be in this picture instead of jonah?
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Love Bird mommy, love the theme, the power and the concept of a ranged, anti-loop, harassment killer.
Once you're good at consistant snipes part of her kit you'll look at her in a different light, she's more than crow's at pallets / windows like some people like to believe. The satisfaction of downing two or 3 people at once is a sight to behold and firmly places severedhands as my favourite addon of hers that it never leaves my addon selection options.
Also this is one of my favourite killer outfits put together.
This is why i love severed hands.
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Seconding Rathoric (including the cosmetic combo in their post that I wear a lot); from look to power to those unique cosmetics, I adore her. I do sometimes get frustrated when I cannot chain the birbs to injure/downed a swarmed Survivor, but that is not a flaw with her as much as how I am playing, add-ons, and Survivors that clear the swarm via hopping in a locker.
Also, as an artist myself, I'm always supporting my fellow artists... including the Artist :3
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Well im an Artist main simply because i like the design of her character and kit, maybe im biased cause i do work with art professionally to a degree. I really like her design but she really needs a tome in the future because her story does kind of suck though.
The only criticism i can think of as an Artist main is that her add-on selection is kind of bad, she has some really good ones especially yellow/brown ones (vibrant obituary and automatic drawing being quite underrated) but most higher tier add-ons belong in the garbage because they are either Pyramid Head tier of bad or for people who use shredded crayons as cheese.
Also ######### is that new portrait ingame? It does not fit her character at all, not even if she was a fighting-game character.
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Definitely my favorite to play besides super-steering hillbilly.
Shes probably the only truly balanced killer in DBD. With an infinite skill ceiling and full counter-play.