many vets are still out there?

2016-2017 I would say? Curious how many of us are out there lol game changed a lot....
There are still some of us around that are active on the forums. Yes, it has changed a lot. My first match I was downed and instamori'd by a Trapper. I had no idea what was going on at the time. But I had an F13 background so getting dusted quickly in a game was something I'd been used to and I played both pretty often when I had more free time. Fast forward to today. The gameplay has changed and I still have no idea what is going on. :)
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There's honestly not even that many on the Forums and this place probably has the highest concentration of old players.
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I think the game was ported over to the consoles in like 2018 or so. The consolers makes up the vast majority of the playerbase by far.
Those players in 2016-17 could only be from Steam.
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Honorable mentions to @GeneralV
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Been around since alpha. Miss the darker environments..
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I've been playing since launch on PC and switched to console as soon as it launched there.
My first games had me scared on edge the whole match and I've been the hiding immersed survivor since (when I play survivor)
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Console release, atleast Xbox and Ps4 was June 2017 iirc. Somewhere in the summertime that year when StarBreeze still had the publishing rights
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Still here. We come and go.
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I started some time around Clown's/Spirit's release, so I think I'd qualify as a vet.
I haven't played much of late but I hop in time to time as the mood takes me and I keep up to date
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I wasnt during the alpha But i started playing DBD back when the thiccker fog /killer animations were a bit more slower and insanely bigger maps where a thing on top of the unfair god buildings , probably when Freddy first came out.
Idk what they were thinking by making some maps insanely brighter like the current farm maps and so on , when they knew that people used to love the dark atmosphere that the game used to have outside of gameplay elements.
My first match was just me missing skillchecks like crazy and being soo scare at point where I literally was just hidding in bushes as a baby claudette against a guy playing OLD freddy 🤤.
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First heard about DBD from it's Payday 2 crossover back when that was my main game, after which i got to play the beta and ended up pre-ordering the game back in 2016.
Still playing DBD to this day and i'm planning to keep playing until the day this game ends, also i can definitely say that i don't miss old DBD in almost any capacity and quite frankly prefer current dbd much more.
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Played since the console release of June 2017, and still play it just as much. The one game I will never give up
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Been around on and off since November of 2016 but really only got hooked around May 2020 and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon especially with Alien arriving soon feels like I'm just getting started.
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my first game was when my friend downed me and insta morid me with old freddy. Fear.
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We're surprisingly still around since 2017. This is our default game and will stay that way till we get bored.
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still here since 2016... While it's a FAR CRY better than it was back in those days, I do find myself playing less and less these days. TBH, I popped in for 1 week when Skull Merchant came out, and then didn't come back until the anniversary event, and now find myself playing a little during this BBQ event while planning to play for another week or so when the Alien comes out. Overall, That's only about a month and a half of playtime, in the last 6 months so...
IDK, Perhaps I'm just burned out on DbD, or maybe there's been some changes that just deter me from playing... Either Way, I'm a Killer main at heart, and something about DbD just doesn't feel as "Fun" as it did before.
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It was admittedly very late October/November 2017 but I am glad to call myself part of the 2017 gang 🫡
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I've owned the game since the PD2 crossover, but never actually played it until about a year and a half ago lol.
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I mean the Survivor side hasn't been innovated on since the EGC.. Majority of new people I personally have tried showing the game just think its a Generator simulator as Survivor.. People have to realize when you're new and wanting to play this game, you can't just go find the Killer and start having fun because then you get stomped.. Also the sitting on Generators seems to bore the hell out of most, hence not being a very "action-oriented" task. I can completely see why the game doesn't keep new people. DBD needs a competitor to really FORCE it to shine.
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I started playing just a little bit after Michael was released.
Seeing DbD change over so many years has been a ######### trip. And not always in a good way.
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Sadly, they've asked for 2016-2017. I started in 2018.
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I have been here since 2016 and the game has definitely changed a ton over time.
Sometimes I feel that having stuck with the game for so long has done more harm than good in terms of enjoyment.
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Not quite. 2018. Missed out on true infinites and old BnPs. Still got to experience the joys of hook dribbling, survivors running release MoM+Styptic, the Rancid Abattoir window before breakable walls, and more.
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I played during the beta. Put in lots of hours over the years even with many extended breaks from the game.
I still have my legacy, most OGs can’t say that after losing their save files.
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After 6.1.0 I saw an extreme drop in players that would be considered vets. They lost their fun play style of only semi trying and still winning, it's why you see far less "toxic" survivors. On the outside that would probably be considered a killer take when in reality I have mained survivor for nearly a year now and my survivor main friend would agree with me aswell.
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2016 here, since the Asylum update. Still here, somehow.
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I’m from 2018 so not quite there.
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First achievement.
Only reason I didn't have it earlier was because I didn't have enough money to buy the game at launch (14th June) 😭
I did participate in the beta, though. Anyone remember that 'Save Me' web browser thing where you had to send a link to three friends to 'unhook' you (give you a beta code)?
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I am still here and I love the game.
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Why 2017 as the cutoff? What about 2018? If you started playing DBD before the cosmetic shop existed and when pallet vacuums were still a thing, I think you have a right to be considered an 'old school ' DBD vet.
I started playing right after Pig came out and remember old BNPs and old Shrine as well. (Perks in the Shrine costed 550 shards meaning you had to play a minimum of 55 games just to buy a teachable)
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2018 PS+ player baby, instantly fell in love with the game. I still remember booting up the game and hearing clown's theme for the first time.
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Been around since December 2016.
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2018 here. Wasn't here from the start, but I think 5 years is enough to be considered a vet :)
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I wanted to toss 2018 in there because the game was still at that early stage feel at that time. I just wasn't sure lol
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I always wished I played that early lol a friend showed me that trailer for the doctor and I was like ok...I have to try this! No regrets :) I do miss old aspects of the game though.
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Early 2018 but I am
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Actually it came in late 2017 for console, I can attest since I started around December 2017 on Ps. If I remember correctly the nightmare had just come out and I bought the dlc for my first match. God I miss that 2017 winter theme
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got the game in 2017 when freddy was released and revealed. good times. attacking survivors who were awake and not understanding i can't deal damage lol
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2017 Here and I play on and off.
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2016 near launch on Steam - I miss the darker environments and the atmosphere the game had. I miss the weekly dev streams and seeing Mcote and the other developers talk about the game. Even if DBD's balance was never great at launch I do feel like Mcote and the other developers got bullied too hard by everyone. It may be nostalgia but what I'd do to experience it one more time where Hillbilly was a top tier killer, the maps were darker and the devs were more active with their weekly streams. Game felt different when the weekly streams stopped.
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Still regularely playing since Sep 2016.
I think it was 2019 where I had a 1 month break but that's the longest break I've had. But tbf, I was already addicted during that time. Now I play for enjoyment pretty much a few hours a day or every 2nd or 3rd day when I work. It used to be entire days every day and as soon as I had freetime.
So I've found the healthy middle ground now.
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Started playin late Dec 2016.
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Its okay you are still here :)
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Started back when it launched on XBOX One. I still have some old clips that were like 15-30 fps. Feels horrible to watch now. Maps looked so different back then, too.
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I still hate new Freddy lol he used to be fun...weak but fun. I wish they just made the sleep timer shorter or something lol
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I started summer of 2017. Right around the VC change for killers. Got it as part of a $10 Humble Bundle because I wanted the Alien Isolation game. Was watching trailers for the other games and saw Myers in this one. Had to try it after that. For all the ups and downs I've felt with this game, it was the best $10 I ever spent.
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I first started playing when I got the game for free on PS+, during the first Summer BBQ, back when Doctor had to switch between stances to shock and damage people. I ended up buying the game on steam during Curtain Call, which ended up being my primary account, which I've poured about 2K hours into, and I still play the game regularly. Try out every new chapter's PTB, very excited for the Alien chapter. Feels like it's been a really long time since we've gotten a killer this classic.
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September 4th 2016
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Being playing constantly since late 2017, my love for this game never changed a bit.
It has his problems, but nowadays is at its best in my opinion.
I'm not one of those vets that want the "old-dbd", even tho the nostalgia factor is huge, the game wasn't balanced and it used to break pretty often.
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I'm still here, and I'm still a hag main after all these years!