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Why BHVR is so afraid to rework Nurse?



  • Member Posts: 556

    These days I've been thinking about the idea of ​​the possibility

     for Nurse to have a counterplay in the future, one of the ideas I thought of was to have devices on the map that if you interact with it for a while the map is lit, while there is this lighting Nurse would be unable to cross walls when using her blinks, but she could destroy the device that was lit to regain her full power, since from Nemesis most killers have gained some kind of counterplay that survs could interact with

    It's worth remembering that my idea is just an example, of course there should be tests on how to do this without ruining the killer, like when she couldn't cross walls she gained more speed (4.0 for example) returning to the original speed when she could cross walls another time, this would make the nurse busier reducing her gen patrol and chasing, which is the only thing she cares about in a game when the player is experienced, but it is something to be studied and tested in PTB

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Generally speaking I like going against Nurse it is either a fun game, where I can make her guess by denying line of fight and more often than not make her abandon chase or gain a whole lot of distance or it is a 2-3 minute game which is also fine because it is over quick. Therefore Nurse is one of my most favorite killers to go against. Unlike Skull Merchant or other killers Nurse matches don't last that long and I prefer that. Making her unable to blink through walls basically turns her into Blight and that would remove what makes her special... I think she is in an OK spot right now, didn't even think it was necessary to remove her compatibility with sloppy or surge, the exposed change was alright though.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    How would you even rework her? Her power just completely ignores everything that I can't see a way to rework her without completely changing her like Freddy.

    And as someone who mained the old Freddy, I really don't think they should ever rework a killer like that again.

  • Member Posts: 662

    My brother in the entity, tell me one single loop she can't just blink over and completely shut off.

  • Member Posts: 1,081
    edited August 2023

    Dead hard doesn't get skins but Nurse gets xD

    Ok, now being serious. Reworking the nurse would probably just be too much work and alienate her player base too much so the best we can hope is probably some continous nerfs to her and for the devs to not lauch more perks that are ok on certain killers but completly busted on nurse.

    Basically just hope they learned their lesson if we ever get Dbd2.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    The answer to your question is simple: she doesn't need one

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    The problem is that majority of the playerbase plays her with a controller, that's why her killrate is #########. She's way better with a mouse and keyboard, not nearly as clunky.

  • Member Posts: 410

    So you dont think KIllers like trapper, Freddy, Myers, Clown, Legion, Trickstar, and Pig need buffs or reworks

  • Member Posts: 937

    Yup, the fact that you said it's not dbd anymore but nurse game instead, really shows how out of place this killer is.

    Imagine if survivors got perks to go through walls, teleport around, I mean, that would be considered hacking. But for a killer, I guess that's okay. Going through floors in an instant, cmon lol. It's just comical and basically hacking.

    Personally I can handle nurse, yes, even the ones that kill everyone very fast but I still don't like the killer. My distortion goes off like crazy and tricking them seems funny, but you're right, it doesn't feel like the rest of dbd, it feels like a different game.

    If this is the case and Nurse is fine to keep, how come they haven't made any other killer even remotely close to that thing since? Not asking you directly per say, just in general :)

  • Member Posts: 7,060

    Read my post and come back

    Actually if you cant even read a small paragraph nvm

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    This is both wrong and toxic. Do you not understand how incredibly condescending this logic is? I main Nurse and have gone against good Nurse players. No Nurse is guessing perfectly every time. I also find it funny that there are survivor mains in here saying she doesn’t take skill when a literal monkey could play survivor.

  • Member Posts: 249

    Tell me how you can't break her line of sight long enough to force her blink away and head to a different loop? While this is not always achievable it isn't impossible to do

  • Member Posts: 3,940
    edited August 2023

    Nurse has been such a hot topic, you can read opinions on her spanning years. Its quite an interesting timeline.

    After reading a lot of these experiences, playing both against her and as her a number of times (admittedly I'm a pretty new player without an enormous number of games, but who has been crushed by, and has crushed on both sides), Nurse is getting there, she is still overtuned, but the gap is closing... I can't point to any times personally where I felt I made the perfect play and still got caught by the Nurse. I've usually felt like the Nurse made a very good read when I got caught.

    The best takes (as in those that seemed to have good evidence and argumentation) I've seen/read tend to agree that:

    She does have good counterplay, but the biggest issues for most players is she is so different to the rest of the cast, that your normal strategies and habits are ineffective against her, and actively getting you killed. There are strategies to employ against her, but you get so few chances to learn them, it's really difficult to keep up with Nurses at your level.

    If you get a friend playing Nurse in a 1-on-1 game, and spend time practising between you, you can get pretty good at countering her ability with good mind games.

    A lot of such consensus since her blink attacks were made soecial attacks also indicates that:

    Nurses who don't take the extra blink distance add-ons tend to struggle more and perform rather mediocre compared to those that do.

    This makes sense. The Nurse's strength at countering loops is what makes her strong in chase, but the Clown does that, and he is hardly a tier 1 killer.

    The Blight is also strong at countering loops, but just like a Nurse with extra blink distance, it's the combination of fast map traversal AND strong chase that makes a killer strong.

    I'm not an expert player by any means, but I watch and learn from a lot of people who are... and based on their argumentation, the Nurse seems almost fine... at most needing an addon pass to reduce map traversal power.

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Overall her map traversal is pretty bad. With using only one blink for map traversal she is slower than a standard 115% ms killer, the going through walls on the other side makes her map traversal better, but then again maps with several floors provide their own issues to the gameplay therefore that is completely different problem.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Because they don't need to.

    Having varied killers with varied powers is a good thing.

    Want to get better against nurse, try playing her first.

  • Member Posts: 436

    Talk is cheap.

    Back up your chest thumping and show us how simple playing survivor is since a "literal monkey" can play it.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    I do almost every day lol. Memorize tiles, drop the pallet early, hold forward.

  • Member Posts: 662

    Yeah but then you are not looping her, you are just running to another place. Looping means running around the same structure over and over.

  • Member Posts: 249

    You can also connect back to the original loop (or let her think you are) and continue around 2 loops at once which is constant structures. Looping her is just significantly different from basically every other killer in the game

  • Member Posts: 5,926

    Based on the last time they showed us statistics, she is fine:

    Now, i personally don't think she is fine, an i'm a nurse main. But the same people who complain about nurses, will tell you that SWF kill squads with people like hens and ayrun are also "fine" because they are super rare. And this data indicates that the "god nurses" that people run into that show off how much of a problem she is, are also rare. And since in the minds of this community that makes it "fine" then she is "fine"

    Despite that though, i think that is incorrect. Just because it is rare, doesn't mean it is "fine" and i'll leave otz here to explain that.

  • Member Posts: 2,068

    I've said it before, I'll say it again: Survivors just won't be happy with the Nurse until BHVR applies her old Torn Bookmark add-on effect:

    "The Nurse is unable to Blink to a Target location she does not have direct line-of-sight to."

    But as her Base kit.

    If she could no longer blink through walls, and only to places she can see, then that stops her from heading survivors off at most high walled loops, and keeps her from blinking between floors of multi level maps. If instead they changed it so that she could only blink through walls and floors/ceilings with an ultra rare add-on, then Survivors would complain less... but still complain despite how MASSIVE of a nerf this would be.

    TBH... I don't think that even changing her like this would ever make the survivors "happy". The only way they'll ever be happy with her is if she can only blink on open ground, only 6 meters at a time, has a 10-15 second cooldown, and still moves at her 3.86m/s. These changes would make her completely nugatory to the killer base, but even then, I'm sure they'll still complain.

  • Member Posts: 8,861

    Doesn't she have the worst killrate in the game? Wouldn't that mean your more likely to get a Nurse who accidentally teleports to basement than one who seemingly reads your mind and counters everything you can think of?

  • Member Posts: 16,669

    I am a big fan of people who deny everytime that the stats they see might be correct but go "NuRsE HaS ThE LoWeSt kIlLrAtE In tHe gAmE"...

    Yes, she has the lowest Killrate in the game. She is also one of the few Killers which is free to pick. And also her learning curve is quite steep. But once you learn her (which is really not THAT difficult), you will win most of your games.

  • Member Posts: 8,861

    You'd think her killrate would be higher then if after afew games of figuring it out, your just stomping everyone. Heck, you'd think her killrate for the top 5% MMR would be higher. Why do you suppose is the reason why people who have figured her out are getting a lower killrate than people at the same MMR playing Plague and Dredge?

  • Member Posts: 183

    At least she can't hook grab anymore. I don't mind Nurse unless they are camping/tunneling cuz she can do them so well. The hook grab scare always sucked so I'm glad it is gone on her more than anyone else.

  • Member Posts: 2,441

    Blight is S tier alone because his skill ceiling is basically unattainable. Billy has harder mechanics than any other killer and anything possibly hard about nurse is far harder where blight is concerned on both sides. I really could say skill issue every single time someone doesn't pluto a blight when it's free but I don't expect survivors to go out of their way for hundreds of hours to learn all of the collision related to blight.

  • Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2023

    Nurse and Blight are perfectly balanced killers. They are the only ones able to challenge meta survivor teams with busted toolboxes.

    If you think Nurse is uncounterable, it's purely a skill issue on your end.

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