So I'm a doctor player at heart but I've been getting blitzed by MFT swf teams. How do you beat this app? I watched Herman (the best doctor player) get destroyed left and right also. It seems like I'm useless at a loop using an m1 killer


  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,983

    LOL not even close.

    Tbh, OP, this is probably more accurate than not. I also recommend Trapper, as he doesn't care how fast you run. You just go pick them up. :)

  • 00berdisc
    00berdisc Member Posts: 96

    Camping and tunneling are a problem, not a 3% hasta effect

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    MfT doesn't make Doc's power non-existent. The primary purpose of it is to track survivors. It would have to be a chase power in order for MfT to make it non-existent.

  • Nash
    Nash Member Posts: 24

    The perk MFT changed the gameplay to a large extent for most killers, survivors equiping that perk can run from loop to loop faster. Many times I just feel getting robbed playing killer by succeeding mindgames but they still drop the pallet or make to the window instead of being downed, the speed haste just grant too many rooms compensating their mistakes so imo relying on a perk instead of playing properly is just unhealthy for the game.

    By saying that, just look at gen slow down perks like old OC, CoB combo and the old Eruption, they are the same as MFT in nature. If the person can't play survivor without MFT or can't play killer with busted regression combo it's a skill issue and they are rewarded for letting perks carrying them instead of getting better.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    The big issue I have found is that even that modest speed increase will cause you to constantly drop chase at shack etc, especially with slower killers. So survivors will never have windows entity block, effectively turning loops into infinites.

    The endurance status effect on top of that is definitely too much imo and it should not have this on top of the haste effect. It makes the perk a no brainer as far as being a meta sweat-lord goes

  • VirtuaTyKing
    VirtuaTyKing Member Posts: 470
    edited August 2023

    Reward the survivor for playing bad and punish the killer for playing good. Great perk BHVR.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    I main pig.

    Usually it's not that big of a problem.

    Survivor pathing in public matches is mostly not the best.

    It's getting ridiculous if the survivors are very good.


    You are playing an m1 killer at shack against a 103 survivor.

    You just lose that fight.

    You could say that you should just not let them get to shack. However this can be quite hard on some maps and I don't play blight that can immediately catch up.

    M1 is getting the short stick against that Perk if the survivors are good.

    Nurse and to some extend blight don't really care about is sadly.

    I just think it's funny that players defend that kind of Perk, while they also want to see less of the stronger killers.

    Maybe ask why these killers are played as much.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    I use Coup. It works great against MFT.

    I'd grab it from the shrine while it's available.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Static Blast can hit multiple survivors, and yes his power can be used in chase to prevent survivors from dropping a pallet or vaulting, but that doesn't mean that's the primary function of his power. What does shocking survivors do? Inflict Madness. What does Madness do? Mostly nothing. It lets you track survivors with the right add-ons.

    I agree that MfT harms Doc, but then it's not like there aren't other perks that can effectively do the same thing. A lot of Doc players I see find a survivor, and just shock them constantly like it's going to do something. Maybe all killers should have an add-on that inflicts exhausted. Then it'd simply be a matter of giving up an add-on slot.

    Personally, I've had no issues against MfT as Plague or Ghostface.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    Well ghosty is not that much about the chase when injured and can Mindgame with no terror radius.

    Plague can use the red vomit which destroys survivors on a regular basis.

    Made for this becomes a problem for m1 oriented killers against good survivors that understand pathing and structures.

    Killers like Pig, Myers, Trapper, Wraith, Freddy, Doc, clown (to some extend) and ghosty (when survivor is injured and the structure let's the survivor see Ghostface) come to mind.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,917

    Stopping interactions IS the main aspect of his power.

    Madness isn’t used for tracking at all really, it’s used to waste time snapping out of it and to prevent them working on gens. Yes you might see a Doc aura across the map, but that’s not the main use of it. You still need to chase them afterwards, and that where MfT comes into it.

    No one uses Shock Therapy to inflict Madness, it’s used as a chase tool to shutdown loops. Static Blast is the one used to inflict madness, and that has a 60 second cool-down.

    Tracking is NOT his primary power anymore. It’s like Demo’s portals, a secondary power.

    Made For This isn’t much of an issue for a lot of other killers, I agree. But this is about how Doctor is hurt by it.

    Plague has a ranged attack and Ghost Face wants survivors to stay injured. Of course they aren’t affected by it. As a Ghost Face main, I agree it doesn’t effect him that much but that doesn’t make it not a problem for Doctor.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Keep in mind I'm playing on ps5. I can play nurse but not in long stretches because of all the ducking down etc. I understand it will be harder in high MMR and I don't mind that at all, but this perk makes it significantly harder to play Doctor or Wraith.

    I also play Artist, but still it's just more comfortable playing someone like Wraith. When I was watching Herman, he was constantly getting teabagged on The Game and Garden of Joy while at minimum 2 survivors had MFT. I noticed the survivors that run this perk also try to force the chase by running right up to you.

    How is this perk not broken? I'm not saying I want 4k every game. If it was about completely trying to dominate, I'd put on my headphones and play Spirit or use Nurse. When I play, I want to win but understand sometimes you just won't and that's ok. Going against MFT, especially when it's like 3 or 4 in the game, it's just incredibly harder with off meta killers.


  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    I'm used to basically not having a power as Ghostie, so instead I just run Endurance + Spirit Fury. You'd be amazed at how many times it gets survivors.

    Plague is another killer where I basically have no power thanks to survivors not cleansing. My go-to strategy the 3-gen, except that I don't try to create a 3-gen. It just kind of happens naturally, weirdly enough.

    I did the same thing with pre-rework Sadako. Made for This is only good in the hands of survivors who are already good and would otherwise loop you for a long while.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    Doctor really suffers disproportianally from MFT's existence. Range and Discipline addons can help a bit but I think there is not much else you can do, besides bringing Mindbreaker and hope for the best.

    What else would be new?

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    This is my problem with the Perk. It helps survivors that are good exponentially more and kicks killers that need help in the stomach.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    You literally don't.

    If you want to win in DBD as Killer, sink the hours into Nurse and Blight. Everything else is a coin toss whether or not you get a team of potatoes or a seal team six that will laugh at M1 killers in teabags.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I'm of two minds when it comes to MfT. On one hand I don't think it's so strong it needs to be nerfed but at the same time survivors shouldn't complain when killers focus on gens when chasing becomes a sub-optimal choice.

    On the specific topic of Doctor he gets destroyed hard by MfT because his power is already hard to time and MfT ruins any delicate breakpoints for getting the shock in time. The good news is Doctor has an option to 4v1 as opposed to focus on 1v1 where if you shift your build on focusing your power on static blast and keeping everyone busy on keeping everyone in madness tier 3 you can drag out the game and get downs when survivors are distracted with their madness and struggling with gens with madness skill checks. Doctor can be a very difficult killer to break a 3 gen against if built in that way.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    The fact there was a whole argument about how busted Dark Theory would be if it was higher than 2%... MFT is a constant 3%. Where are the whistle blowers? Enjoying MFT… Haha.

    What I started doing? Play Knight and Skull Merchant. If players are abusing a busted Haste perk to win then just stop chasing them. Tunnel, Camp, and use killers that shut them down. You don’t get to play because you want to play with toxicity. Skull Merchant. Insta-DC. I love it. I might main her now.

    I’ve been running Blood Favor, Crowd Control, Pentimento, and Thrill on all my M1 killers. Surprised to say this works. Shut down their resources to get downs early. They take almost 30 seconds to cleanse. If they don’t cleanse Thrill relight the totems to keep Thrill strong. If they cleanse Thrill relight them mid game.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    The problem is how outdated Doc is, similar to Myers. His shock is ultra laggy, probably because he was designed around the Killer being the host of a match when he came out. The slowdown is extreme when using his power, which is needed to prevent Survivors from having 0 counterplay. He has no add-on source of Exhaustion, nor any add-on that really helps chase besides Discipline. Even then, Discipline is more of a patch for lag, than anything useful.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Huh, isn't the doctors name Herman? You watch him, I'm confused lol.

    I've played against lots of hermans who manage to down people running MFT.

    I don't know what they do, but isn't this game like, you either go against people who play hardcore or casual?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it is a problem, perk is busted. and yes, doc is one of the killers that are affected the most. i'd suggest maining strong killers or killers that synergize well with blood echo/fearmonger

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    You do know they could accomplish the same thing with SB, right? MfT is inferior to exhaustion perks, but is a great alternative for people who don't want to have to run an exhaustion perk.

    Good survivors who are already good at looping make a joke out of weaker killers anyway. What we really need is for those weaker killers to be revisited. Trapper, Doc, Myers, Pig, and any other weaker killer you can think of all have outdated designs and should be revisited at some point to be brought up to the level of Wesker.

    I'd consider Wesker to be weaker than Blight and Nurse.

    Dark Theory could be 5% and people still wouldn't run it. Boons in general aren't great, with the exception of pre-nerf CoH. It takes time to set them up, and then if you want to take advantage of them you need to be in their radius. This means you have to move the boon around as the match progresses. Especially if it's a big map like Mother's Dwelling.

    People aren't abusing a busted haste perk to win. I remember the days when it was Sprint Burst meta, but at no point did I consider it "busted" or that the survivors were abusing it to win. Using a perk isn't toxic. People don't want to play against Skull Merchant because it makes for boring games.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    I think Doctor may actually be the killer that MFT hurts the most. Until it gets nerfed, I wouldn’t touch Doctor with a 10-foot pole.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    Otzdarva also has hundreds if not thousands of hours on Trapper alone. If there's anybody who can do something like that, it's him.

    Also, I mentioned him specifically because he's usually pretty good about being objective with his opinions despite playing killer more than survivor.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649


    You are simply wrong.

    Made for this is different from lithe or sprint burst and we can't put them all in the same box in regards to functionality. Made for this is during chase. Sprint burst is in the beginning of chase.

    First up, the killer can decide to not chase someone with sprint burst. Made for this does not leave you a choice.

    Second, made for this helps you directly in chase. You get stuff you normally wouldnt get. Sprint burst gives you the initial distance but not the distance mid chase, that made for this provides.

    This is just about the 3% part of the Perk... For some reason it has a second strong effect but yeah...

    In regards to killer buffs...

    Pigs a solid killer right now. Most people join the hive mind and say she's bad. That's wrong. After maiming her for almost 2000h. I can say that the amount of game delay she can dish out is more than the average team can handle.

    Sure she's not strong in chase, but there your m1 skills come into play.

    She simply can't be on the level of Wesker same as others. It's by design. She's weaker by design. Same as Trapper. You can give him all his traps by default. Hell still be way weaker than Wesker.

    I would not say Pig is outdated. She works very well right now. Only problem is when your first chase takes more than 3 gens. Can happen against very good survivors on one of the more unbalanced maps / rng is bad.

    But there perks like made for this co. E into play. Why do we have to change killers that are fine just for one Perk to stay in a problematic state?

    Seems unreasonable to me.

    Most things where fine before it's release. Now it's not. I would conclude that the Perk is problematic.

    Again. I personally don't have that big of a problem with it. But that's only because most survivors don't know their pathing that well.

    If all would.... Nightmare fuel

  • HermanTheDoctor
    HermanTheDoctor Member Posts: 222

    Hello there my Patients ^_^

    So first of all, thank you for saying that i am the best Doctor player. I really appreciate that.

    But the next thing is questionable... Where do I get destroyed left and right? just like @I_CAME said. I win almost every game.

    The last time i lost on Gideon was against a comp team last year or so. Let's be honest, T-Bagging survs are everywhere, they pre-drop = Bags. So it's not uncommon. Next time, do some better research pls. But enough about my person.

    Let's talk about MFT. Yes it is extremely frustrating. Especially Doctor probably suffers the most from MFT.

    Especially when you are used to time your shock perfect to deny Windows and pallets, but they still make it. There's not a big solution. I can only recommend on shorter loops, take the pallet instead to shock the survivor. MFT is also a reason why i use High Stimulus Electrode. Also adjust your timing with the shocks. It's still frustrating. But we have to deal with it.

    Good luck everyone in the Fog. :)

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
    edited August 2023

    Yeah, MFT is a huge problem and no, survivors are NOT allowed to have such good perks, and yes, it's literally like old dead hard. Just because the majority of solo queue survivors sucks at chases it doesn't mean this perk is fine

    And yes, there's plenty of terrible killers that make tons of mistakes and then blame it on survivor's perks. Does not mean the perk is fine

  • Exarion
    Exarion Member Posts: 69
    edited August 2023

    it's an imbalanced perk, just drop doc until they nerf it in a few months or so, after they squeeze every little penny for dlc.

    It's not entirely true that doctor suffers most from it, knight suffers more since his guards are balanced around 4m/s survivors and anything higher and they're very bad.

    In current patch I never even try shack w/o bamboozle because it's just gg if guy has res+mft, most of them do. Except as killers like trickster who can reliably down people in shack in less than a minute, mft or not.