can you guys please do something about the clown?

i know hes supposedly a bad killer, by like, everybody in this community. but its not even his balance, its the way his bottles interacts with the survivors. his bottles genuinely make me wanna puke soemtimes because of motion sickness and i can barely see my screen, and the crosshair doesn't even help that much. idk if its just me but his bottles just genuinely make me nauseous and idk how to fix it. the blurriness makes it so much worse too along with things moving around, distorted like, on the screen. its horribly sickly.
As a Clown main I couldn't agree more.
The tonic distortion needs to go, I don't care if it's the singular change he get's all year.
If Clown ends up getting buffs & nerfs that's the first thing that needs to go.
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Honestly I kinda agree. I somebody who gets motion sickness easily. One reason why I hardly step into vehicles unless I have to. His bottles makes me wanna afk in a corner cause it's just not worth the experience of his dizzyness his smoke brings.
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honestly... not what I expected from the title.
didn't know people got motion sickness from that. they should change it like they did with the doctor
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Yeah it can be rough. I agree. I play Clown quite a bit so I feel bad that some people get upset by the distortion.
Hopefully they can change that(and maybe revert his big rework nerf).
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I get headaches from the bottle effect, so I understand. But most players seem to be fine with it so I can't see them changing him for a minority of us. Lots of players with a fear of throwing up still have to play against Plague. It's just one of those things.
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Well that kinda seems like comparing apples and oranges. It's a horror game by default, or is supposed to be at least, being scared of stuff is part of it. This however, isn't being scared, it's physical discomfort.
On one hand it would be a light nerf, but on the other yes please, I played against him today, that swirling screen of mid mop unicorn vomit made my eyes ache. I get why it wouldn't change, but also why it would, and kinda should
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I've been saying this since his release... :/ That pink gas gives me an instant headache..
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k... how is this relevant to the actual point of the gas giving people unintended motion sickness?
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Do you think it would be an acceptable change to just thicken the smoke on the survivor side so it still limits vision without the motion sickness? This kinda reminds me of old flashlight blinds. The screen would go really bright as if it's trying to blind the PLAYER too.
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They did this for Doctor by removing his flashing images, so yeah, go ahead, i dont personally feel nausea from it, but it is annoying as hell.
At least tone it down.
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I guess its one of Clown things to get people see blurry to mindgame.
But yeah if someday bhvr touch Clown with buffs and nerfs that could be gone.
Its a little sad not gonna lie i kinda like the effect as survivor and try to survive while poisoned.
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I'm having a great time playing clown he's such fun even if I end up with zero kills.
But if it causes health issues it should be looked at although the whole point of the bottles is to hinder survivors vision and speed.
Tough one this to fix without nerfing clown to unplayable.
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I personally love the distortion effect, but it makes sense that there might be an accessibility option that just dims the screen or something similar instead for people who have problems with it as-is.
I'd be pretty sad to see it go, though. It's one of my favorite things about playing against Clown.
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I'm not a fan of the effect - it's very disorienting. I don't usually get uncomfortable with any visuals in games but this effect, for whatever reason, makes it hard to look at the screen. I didn't even realize what it looked like until recently from the survivor's POV and now I feel bad for pelting survivors in the past for blood points when I was playing friendly.
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A Dredge-esk darken effect to the same degree might be an option that can be enabled in accessibilty options.
I get the feeling in general there is need for "motion sickness mode" in accessibility options to alter a number of effects people seem to suffer with in this game.
A mode for it seems called for with seeming epidemic of motion sick people in dbd... 😏
I know that sounds like me being a jackass 😁... I'm not, I believe these issues are genuine. I just find it amusing as someone who has always had issues with motion sickness from the age of 5 that I get no issues in dbd, yet I see the words "motion sickness" constantly in the forums... just weird 🙂
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I think that adding "motion sickness mode" in accessibility options is very good idea.
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That's nice, but I still don't think clown is very good.
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i understand it may seem that way, and it definitely seems like it. like, an excuse for the devs to nerf the bottle visuals. but please believe me on this, if i only wanted them to just nerf the bottles i would've rather target the more annoying thing which is the bottles locking you out of a fast vault. but the actual visuals from the bottle just make me feel literally sick, like how back in the day flashlights actually blinded both the killer and the killer player. motion sickness depends on who the person is, as some have it worse than others.
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S'all good dude! I was just found the idea that all the motion sick people in the world also happen to be PvP horror game fans a funny thought xD
I genuinely didn't mean anything by it 😁🤘
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Accessibility issues are definitely real, for example while i personally don't suffer from motion sickness or anything like that i was born with bad eyesight and got night-blindness on one eye and therefore rely more on sounds, so any bug or feature that unnecessarily messes with it is quite uncomfortable for me. Best example is playing Singularity, the fact that sounds are disabled in biopods and turned into a ######### add-on is very uncomfortable for me to deal with and messes me up.
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Board Game ratings panel....
God damn it Clown xD
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I appreciate that they toned down the flashing lights, but I wish they would also tone down the noise. I have sensory issues, but I suffer more with my hearing than from sight. I have to play stealth with Calm Spirit against him or my brain will melt.
I remember when I first played the game with headphones and went up against a Plague. The constant sound of watery vomit was awful. That doesn't phase me so I got over it. But it must be unplayable for people who can't stomach that sound.