Bring back and revamp Emblem Pip matchmaking
Currently, the only Win condition is Escaping/Killing. Before this a couple of years back when we didn't have MMR, matchmaking worked based on your Rank. The more perks have been aded to the game the more imbalanced the System has became, but even with its flaws it has huge potential.
Next time you finish a match look at your emblems, they track almost everything you could be doing in the match. From chase time, to generator repair, even cleansing hex totems!
We need an Emblem pip system revamp. Matches would be 10 times more enjoyable, than the current boring Escape/Kill. Look where it got us, to Sole Survivor + Hatch Offering, Camping, Tunneling. Those problems didn't used to be this common back in the day!
TLDR: Revamped Emblem System would be the most healthy change this game could ever receive and it would make our matches, be it Killer or Survivor, infinitely more fun.
First, pips and grades have no meaning in matchmaking anymore, but that used to be the case.
It used to be MUCH worse, when DBD was first released, ranking was decided by bloodpoints, then survivors on Twitter cried all day with no breaks that its unfair that Killers can rank up without killing anyone, completely ignoring the hypocrisy that survivors could rank up without escaping. Then BHVR caved in to the people who use Tik-Tok but with letters and switched to a system that relied only on kills, so the game became a massive insufferable sweatfest.
Be glad that so many different things are now considered like you said other than just kills and escapes. The alternative is so much worse.
The moral of the story is to never listen to anyone who unironically uses Twitter for anything other than trolling.
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What other things are considered? As far as I know, only escaping through an exit gate or killing counts towards a win (aka MMR increase). Am I missing something?
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As far as I know, only Escapes through the exit gate and Kills count towards winning (aka MMR increase). Am I missing something here?
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The rank you see, the emblems and pips all are no longer considered in MMR matchmaking at all. The MMR only takes kills/escapes in consideration as far as i know, with the hatch actually not giving you an MMR increase to deter people letting their teammates die.
The MMR system is completely invisible to players.
I think BHVR should definitely explain the system better, especially the fact that the Hatch doesn't benefit you in terms of MMR cause people don't seem to know that.
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That being said, i fully agree with MMR tracking more than just kills/escapes, a Killer that got 8 hooks without killing anybody but had quick chases and delayed the gens by pressure is better than a Killer who camped his first hook in the basement and got 2 kills with 2 hooks total with gens that were done in like 5 minutes. It doesn't make any sense and even tournaments seem to have adjusted to count hooks more than kills as far as i know.
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I wish there was ranked system and you could climb it. I guess that BHVR don't want to upset non-competitive players though who are afraid of read ranked system. I don't know why we don't get 2 modes, ranked and unranked.
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So you'd want the rookies to face the basement Bubba, and fair sportsmanlike killers who do 8 hooks before kills to get the sweatiest SWFs, instead of the other way around.
Yeah, no thanks.
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True to a degree, but im talking from the perspective of Killer performance, not the effect on new people/sweatlords cause lets be honest intentionally abusing the system especially with deranking was always a thing anyway and until BHVR starts perma-banning for it its barely a point to consider. Many people intentionally lose or go AFK because of that. The only redeeming quality of the current system is that people that don't touch grass are sooner or later matched against each other but only if none of them exploit the system which is basicly allowed sadly.
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I personally spent my first 1k killer hours by intentionally taking my mmr by getting 8 hooks before kills. Please don't permaban me! The survivors I was facing seemed to enjoy it, and the matches were exciting and two-sided. The fact that I could have been much more efficient didn't matter until I was sticking to the Survivor Rulebook. I don't see how any good would come from taking away that option from those who want to play casually.
Those who AFK would de-rank in any conceivable system, so it's totally irrelevant.
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I really doubt your reading comprehension at this point cause in both my posts i was pretty clear that it had nothing to do with any imaginary rules, rather than arguing what makes a Killer skilled and therefore should be taken into account when adjusting the MMR. The point with the AFK i was making is that when people want to camp in lower rank lobbies, or just smurf in general, that is something thats going to happen, unless BHVR does something.
New Killers have a tendency to tunnel and camp simply they don't know any better (this is no accusation towards anyone, nor do i prohibit these playstyles so you can breathe easy) and most will adjust simply because the game is a little more exciting and the higher BP reduces the grind in the game, they aren't going to face a significantly higher amount of Killers that do already, that is until they sadly reach the highest MMR where it will go full circle.
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Imaginary rules = not playing as efficient as possible = technically smurfing.
Sorry if I talked in a too complicated manner. Won't happen again.
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Kills ≠ Skill
Sorry if I talked in a too complicated manner. Won't happen again.
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I fully agree.
But the term "skill-based matchmaking" is simply incorrect. The current system is actually efficiency based matchmaking. It's pretty great. The actual skill-based version you promote would be terrible.