Spine Chill - Rework fail

Please return Spine Chill back to the way it was before the July update. Yes, the heart indicator informs you if the killer is within a certain radius, but not as well as Spine Chill did.
Also, the main reason for Spine Chill was to see that a sneaky killer (GGF, Myers, Wraith, etc) was nearby somewhere. This heart indicator doesn't inform you of this at all. If they are in their undetectable forms, the heart icon will not appear. As such, this makes the heart indicator no where near as useful as what Spine Chill was.
Please improve the heart icon or restore Spine Chill. Honestly, for me, the game is just unplayable until this happens. Not a fan of jump scares or continuously looking over my shoulder to see if the killer is nearby. Takes all fun out of the game for me, so why play it. As such, I always had to purposely waste a perk slot on Spine Chill to make the game playable. And now, for no reason, you have taken this away.... *sigh*
I see an update happened and the Spine Chill fix was not included.... ... sigh
I've attempted to play without Spine Chill the last week and,.... yah.. Lots of situations where the killer appears out of no where and gets a free hit or down, because I had no idea they were around. Spine Chill wouldn't tell you exactly where the sneaky killer was, but it warned me that they were in my vicinity. So, I knew when to be on guard and when I could relax.
Constantly moving the camera around all game to hopefully catch a glimpse of a sneaky killer is not a fun mechanic. The perk was fine as it was. Your reasons for reverting it was bad. "We have this accessibility option that works about 20% as good as Spine Chill, but kind of does the same thing... so.. we are nerfing Spine Chill and making it a useless perk."
And devs... the Spine Chill description still states that it works as it did before. That it lights up if the killer is within 36 meter range.... which after the unnecessary nerf, is NOT true. Why don't you save yourself the hassle of having to write up a new description and just revert the non-sensical nerf change you made.
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In truth, I did read this patch note with a:
I guess the logic is that this perk was modified as an accessibility perk for survivors with hearing difficulties... this means it disproportionately used in regards to the perks strength, making it's usage tracking more difficult...
Maybe if its usage drops enough, it'll get the effect readded?
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Honestly with how bots can always see stealth killers, might as well and show a red stain too and/or their auras as basekit while being chased (this ignores the undetectable status effect, just as bots do)
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stealth killer have no heartbeat or terror radius. the visual UI is only terror radius and visual indicators. the perk single handily counters the main ability of those killers. that is why it got changed.
funny you mention that because there used to be a point in time where object of obsession would reveal stealth killers aura. this was before undetectable status effect was established mechanic.
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It needs a buff to the action speed, but its previous function should not return. It was a hard counter to stealth killers and being able to gauge the killer’s exact distance is not something that the terror radius is meant to do, it’s meant to provide a general approximation. It could also be used like this in chase to determine the killer’s position which does not fit the perk’s theme. BHVR made it clear when removing the vault speed bonus that Spine Chill is not a chase perk, and it was stated when they added the terror radius gauge to it that it would be temporary and be removed once the visual heartbeat was available.
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I know your point dear OP, for long time I've played with spine chill as a counter against stealth killers.
I think current setup is not that bad, but need fixing. First of all - as skill activation is just a tiny ping now, we need some audio clue (pls, add Cat's hiss voice to keep perk's flavor), and it also would be fine if perk has a brief CD, to avoid constant activation, when the killer is lingering on the activation border.
Also it could get activated closer to you with higher perk level, as now it have quite similar function to premonition (but without ridiculous restrictions that one have)
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I still hope for it to return to its glory. Not being able to have any idea a stealth killer around is annoying and borderline makes the game unplayable, for me at least.
I don't think it was a huge counter to stealth killers. it just told you that they were in the area, but it didn't tell you where they were in the slightest. All this did was warn me that danger was around and to be on high alert. Now, I'm always on high alert, constantly moving my camera around, checking everything... Not fun.. is all.
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