what exactly made you main a survivor?

if talking about killers it's already obvious: they all have different abilities, skills. basically we choose a specific killer for their "uniqueness", gameplay-wise.
but what about survivors? they're all the same, just with 3 different perks each. playing as different ones doesn't really "change" anything unlike playing as a killer...so what exactly made you like that specific survivor? their design? lore? vibes? something else?
edit: as for me, first it was Ada; because she was my favorite RE character, and that's why i loved everything about her, which includes her design, personality, face model, just her in general, but i stopped maining her at only p20. i don't know why i got "bored" of her fast. as for now, it's Mikaela (p81, aka my soon to be first p100 character). similar to Ada, i love her as a person in general: i love her lore, skins are pretty cool, her vibes, and mainly because she's pretty to me since i have a thing for curly-ginger girls like her, damn... i think i've got a crush on a fictional character...
I main Jeff because he looks like me. Simple as that.
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I don't main a specific survivor. I play them all except Ash and Nicolas.
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are you a metalhead by any chance? those people are cool.
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looks like someone doesn't enjoy listening to someone talk....lol
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Idk if I'd quite call myself a metalhead, but I've been getting more into it over time. Usually I'm a rocker boy, which metal ain't too far off from.
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When I started playing I saw that Claudette was a recommended survivor to start with given her perks. I just kind of stuck with her.
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Pretty much. I find their voicelines grating.
I have nothing against Ash as a character, and I have no beef with Nicolas Cage. I'm just not fond of their DbD voicelines.
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Ace has been the survivor I've played the most as over the years, but lately, I've been playing as other survivors almost exclusively. I like playing as Adam and Quentin (though I have to play with Quentin's bloodied face cosmetic because he just looks like a barbie doll to me otherwise.) Sometimes when I want to be in-character I'll play as Claudette and Jake for healing and sabotaging, respectively, though sabotaging in solo play doesn't usually work well, especially when I'm the saboteur. XD
Most recently, I've been playing as survivors who are more neglected in their amount of cosmetics. Jeff and Haddie are definitely in the rotation, as well as Zarina. I know one person playing as a character who doesn't get as much cosmetic love certainly won't shift future cosmetic design priorities, but it makes me happy just seeing characters you don't usually see.
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I main Nancy because she is so gorgeous in real life 😍
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agreed, the actress is truly majestic. sadly i can't get her anymore
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Zarina is my main but I also play Sheva alot. For Zarina I think it was just her style. Sheva, I've never played RE5, I just thought she looked cool.
I also play other survivors on occasion, mostly Nea, Thalita, Yui, and Nancy.
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Jonah, cause he's hot. Cybil cause she's hot. Claudette cause she's cute
Zarina cause of outfits and hair
YUN-JIN, cause of her lore and stuff
And sheva cause sheva
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That smile. That damn smile.
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Yui because she’s a badass. Zarina because she’s hot.
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Looks and name
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Yeah natalia dyer is so pretty😵
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I thought I was a main but actually play the survivors that have Terrormisus etc.
I also love Ada but after she joined DBD. I thought I'd be a Rebecca main but ended up being Ada. I also love Nea, I think because I started playing Nea when I was starting to understand the game a bit better, so she stuck with me. Mikaela is my main because I love witches, simple as that, her style is awesome.
Kate I play because I have her scarecrow outfit which is top 3 in the game. otherwise I'd never play her probably.
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Ace. Love gambling and the tuxedo is nice.
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Claudette is perfect.
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Jake because he looks cool and was the first survivor I played. Sadly he doesn’t get much love from BHVR anymore and his most recent cosmetics are all kinda ass :(
Also play Quentin a lot because I like Nightmare on Elm Street. Sadly he also gets screwed in the cometic department :(
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David cuz hot shirtless david
nancy and steve cuz STRANGER THINGS and because they're badass with badass skins
after that i switch between most Survivors for different reasons
renato cuz the lobby music is the coolest in the game, vittorio cuz he's also hot with good skins, nea cuz she has flashy skins, feng cuz bunny feng, ash cuz voice lines in lobby..etc.
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I love Evil Dead, dammit!
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I'm a simple girl.
they are either cool, hot or a mix of both.
I do not have the 1 survivor main...
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- Jake cos he was hot.
- David cos he was hot.
- Felix cos he was hot.
- Chris cos he was hot.
- David cos he was gay.
- Vittorio...
You get the picture.
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I'm a Metalhead, thats why.
Long-haired Men gang rise up.
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Kate because she's the best looking survivor in the game. But also cause of her perks.
Kate is best girl, and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Post edited by Kaitsja on0 -
Ash because he is Ash. Also because MoM is unbelivably underrated and one of the best end game perks in the game, people don't use it because it's skill ceiling is way too high especially considering the benefits other perks give you
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Mine was david. I gravitated to him due to his lore and personality and how much he made an impact to alot of lgbt players to even be brave enough to come out themselves. Unfortunately, ive been slowly moving towards gabriel more lately since they've neglected david for awhile in terms of new skins which is disappointing and not surprising ever since he was revealed to be gay.
However, i love the sci-fi aspect for gabriel and his lore is pretty strong. Love that he's a clone which is unique.
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I play pretty much all the girls, and a few of the guys. If I had to pick someone as a total "man," it'd probably be between Meg, Kate, and Nea, from discussions friends and I have had before.
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I only play Ada as survivor. she's my fav re character. but ill drop her if they add a survivor who looks like sadako or kayako.
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as you can see, she’s my icon on the forums xD
when i first started playing, i maimed nea for most of my time because No0b3 introduced me to the game and i wanted to adapt his “toxic” play style, though i stopped because i was just bad at the game. then i picked laurie, and ever since then i’ve just fell in love with her. she’s the most badass survivor literally EVER and she’s just so cool, she’s also absolutely stunning and now im currently trying to P100 her.
laurie strode and michael myers were the best thing to be added to this game
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Jeff. Because he likes metal and dogs. And just seems to be a nice guy
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Well, i am older and heavier than Jeff, but that used to be true for me too. Thats why Jeff is my swf-main, if i play solo, i go for the invisible woman, because i like the stealth approach, even if it became a lot less viable during the last years.
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I main survivor just is easy to play as and win as