Ive tried again

No way...Singularity is a crap of killer maybe nub stomper but on higher diff its useless.The chase power need to be revisited asap and think as what killer would like while being fair with surv not think as a surv
Singularity is not worth the effort. EMPs need to be less accessible and his overclock should also buff movement speed at base. Only then would be be worth playing imo.
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I wonder if making it so emps don't come back on their own is a good idea
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Doesnt mind if they wouldnt come back on his own i would prefer a surv doesnt get slipstreamed 3 times before get a hit.
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My changes would be:
1 - EMP can only cleanse for slipstream the person who uses it and disable cameras.
2- extend the duration of overclock or reduce time to reappear. Pplay with those values to find the spot.
And voila! You get a good killer to play on high ranks and join the trinity of Nurse,blight and spirit
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Doesnt overclock last longer for each survivor infected? That + addon should be good.
But i would not mind some extra basic duration.
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Yeah but that boost is as useful as nothing cuz surv have plenty of emps
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Im simply for adding a Mechanic to the EMP Boxes similar to Skullmerchants Drones when Hacking.
If you miss it, the EMP gets destroyed and it starts to 3D Print again.
Being able to pick up an EMP in the middle of a chase is stupid.
Also using an EMP doesn't slow you down but instead makes you just stand in Place, it then slows you down by 3% for every Slippstream cleansed or Biopod Disabled for a few seconds.
This way it's actually a Trade off.
Fix the Slippstreaming on Survivors. If there is more then 50% visible it Slippstreams. No matter if there is a Tiny Twig in the way or a stupid leaf.
Also yeah, increase his Movement Speed by +5% while in Overclock.
The Addon that already does that can be changed to something else. Maybe just make Survivors Hindered by -5% for 10 seconds after becoming Slippstreamed.
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The Fact that they just randomly appear and all you need to do is just pick them up bothers me a lot. At least with every other Killer there is actually an Interaction needed that takes a few seconds.
I would be ok with it if it at least penalised the Survivors for running around with an EMP. Maybe a Base 5% Hindered while holding an EMP could help.
It wouldn't stopp you from using it on Biopods located near Gens.
But using it in Chase would be far less worth it and since you can't just Place it on the Ground when you would like to, Survivors wouldn't just pick up EMPs everytime they see them.
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Doesnt mind what penalty you add to use EMP the main problem is the use of EMP by other teammates to cleanse you
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this makes him super oppressive what the #########.
do people even think about the other side before suggesting stuff like that.
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He definitely has a high skill floor and ceiling but he’s fine tbh. Nothing wrong with a killer who requires a lot of skill to use
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And no skill to deny his power
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I play both Sides so yes, i do think about the Survivor Side in that regard.
Also these are just some suggestions. I didn't mean he should get all of these changes. But just 1 or 2 of them would be nice.