Apparently I'm not the only one having an absolute miserable time on survivor



  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

    Yeah, i learned this about a year ago or whenever Knight came out. I dropped the game completely and only played like once a month since then for an hour or two before i realized why I stopped playing in the first place and go back to Overwatch, Apex, Fortnite, Resident Evil, anything/everything else

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    I haven't played in over four months or so. I been taking breaks since resident evil resistance came out.

    I think about loading up once in awhile, but then I stop and ask myself Why?

    I'll enjoy it for a night or maybe two by the third I get reminded why. Fun is not allowed just competitiveness.

    I have fun playing killer survivor is the same boring game play either sit on gens or get camped out the match at five gens. Boring!

    I would rather play something else.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    This is a common issue with online games the longer they go on. Experienced players ignore less effective options and the available pool of tactics get reduced to 2/3 main ones at most, which dominoes into more people playing effectively and casual players getting left behind. Casuals leave, experienced players try harder, and harder, and harder...

    There's a point where you just can't get into the game anymore which effectively locks your community to your main players and the devs' main goal is keeping them instead of bringing new players.

    This game is loooooong past the point of having fun. We're at a point where it is expected from everyone to perform flawlessly or get shamed publicly by your own team mates or rivals.

    And the worst part is that I don't think the devs can do much against this. Reopening the game to casual play means adding some random bs mechanic that could turn the tide of the game out of sheer chance, and core players tend to hate that because it's unpredictable and uncounterable, and can heavily mess with the kill/escape ratio.

    You cannot bite the hand that has been feeding you the past couple of years for a chance to add more new blood into the game.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,502

    Pain Res QOL proposal: no tokens. The perk got 100 charges and on each hook the most progressed gen gets regressed by up to 25%, paying 1% per charge. So no more empty and wasted tokens, when the gen popped right before you hooked it, the max regression is the same as it is right now, but if you happen to hit a 4% gen, the impact on you won't be as devestating. To fight hook camping the perk could go into cooldown for 25s after hooking someone.

  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 113

    I play almost exclusively survivor. When I play I'm playing to escape. I'm going to do anything I can to accomplish that goal. If that means I knock out gens while others rush to unhook I will do it. If I escape I consider it a successful match whether I pipped up or not. I've had matches where I got a +2 on pip, but didn't escape and for me that is not a win. I'm more likely to be annoyed if I'm playing with other survivors who do not have escape as their primary objective.

    However, that doesn't mean everyone else has to play with the same objective as me. I very much prefer being on a team with other survivors that prioritize escape, but my approval is not required for them to prioritize something else. I can assure you I don't care at all what anyone else thinks about the way I play and I don't expect anyone else to care about what I think of the way they play.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    This should be the mindset to have but unfortunately a lot of survivor players want to be oh ho I want to be chased f the objective and my fellow survivors oh no i got down teice let me rage quit literally cannot play soloq anymore without having multiple of these types of players on the team

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited August 2023

    You are absolutely right! The problem is the community and your post having so many upvotes is the perfect proof of it.

    But let's use your same logic in reverse here for a moment: Where are all those survivors that wait at the exit gates for the killer to kill them so they can have at least a 1K at? Where are those survivors that say "Guys, don't bring any flashlight because is unfun for the killer to get robbed of their hook after 40 second chase"? Or those who don't do the generators as fast as they can so the killer have time to breath and do some chases "for fun".

    The truth is, survivors don't give a damn about the killer's fun and want to have it their way, whatever is just doing their objective and escape or bully the killer till the endgame. All while complaining that they can't play the game "just for fun" anymore simply because they lose.

    The funny thing is, if you really played just for the fun of it or cared about the other side's fun, you would simply "go in for some good chases and what happens, happens" and won't mind being hooked or lose the game because the killer didn't play how you wanted. But, here you are.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    I lose about 90% of my games 🤷🏻 it's whatever

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    You know, this is actually a 2-sided issue. Survivors play to win too. And they won't stop rushing gens injured with Resilience and Adrenaline just because that Trapper has 2 hooks at 1 gen left. Of course both sides will do what it takes to win. That's only natural.

    And now that survivors have pretty much stopped running any anti-tunneling perks at all, tunneling is a safe way to get good results. It's not nice but it is understandable. BHVR should probably revert the nerf to DS but this won't do anything, if survivors don't use it. It's the equivalent of a killer using no slow down perks (aka me for whatever reason). Of course the survivors are going to rush the gens as fast as they can.

    I would stop slugging for the 4k, if I had any other chance to pip and actually reach Iri 1 grade. But I have a habit of playing killers that are pretty bad at pipping. I like Bubba and Billy and both are terrible (please remove depips).

    At least there is something to look forward to regarding camping and 3 gens. The devs are looking into these and they intend to nerf both of them.

  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 113

    I completely understand. The matches that confound me the most are when 2 survivors basically take turns running up and taking each other off the hook the moment the killer gets someone on there. They both end up eliminated quickly and have done literally nothing but take turns getting hooked. The best ones though are the ones that do that and then send angry messages to me after they are eliminated telling me how bad I play the game.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270


    And what made me go from annoyed to angry is one of those buffoons decided to send me a xbox message insulting me because I was a claudette that escaped through hatch even though me and my friend were doing gens until those two got themselves out of the game which my friend decided the best play was to go for hatch and sacrificed himself people like that is why I hate survivors who decide to go for chases over doing the f ing objective

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Issue now is that killers are learning if they camp it will annoy the first person they hooked. So if a survivor doesn't come over and rescue and trade places, you'll see an "opt out" on hook happen. Now it's 3 v 1 and the killer gets the match they wanted all along.

    Most survivors aren't interested in wasting the time it takes to be bait on the hook for their team and I get that. Meanwhile, if they DC and get a bot that will wait it out, they get punished for the killer's bad playstyle.

    This anti-camp mechanic will be interesting when it arrives.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426

    Tbf its the same thing on the survivor side and one reinforces the other.

    Gens get slammed so killers tunnel to keep up. Kills get slammed so survivors tunnel gens to keep up.

    Unless both agree to not do that it won't stop.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Time and again, "The game is miserable because people aren't playing how I want them to play"

    If you can only have fun when everyone in an random online pick up group does exactly what you want them to do with the same mindset as you in an effort to put your needs before their own because that's what you consider good gaming.

    Then no amount of game changes and community shifts in attitude will placate you because the problem is interior not exterior.

    Take a break, maybe you'll have fun again after walking away for a bit and taking it less seriously.

  • satx3241
    satx3241 Member Posts: 113

    Yep. If other survivors want to play in a way that guarantees they aren't escaping that's their prerogative, but I'm not participating. I would rather try to knock out 5 gens by myself than do that. I'm still probably going to lose, but I'm going to lose trying to accomplish the supposed objective of being a survivor.