Demogorgon's stealth buffs useless since his footsteps are louder than his terror radius anyway.

Nothing much to say, as much as extra stealth would be a nice touch to demogorgon because alien is him but better, demo's footsteps give him away wayyy too much. In fact I would say his global teleport sound gives him away too much as well.
Alien has his "portals" set up by default. Can go to any one of them at a decent position (most of the time), have info and say under. The only thing demo has on him is zoning. Which isn't always better.
If you're looking to keep him caught up with alien (that's why he got buffed after not being touched forever obv) at least don't touch him once and leave him, make his undetectable actually useful or maybe give him something base-kit to differentiate him from alien without taking away what he has already.
And besides all that, you also hear the sound he makes when entering a portal, so you now he's coming. Still a strong killer tho