Stop giving me killers thousands of miles away from my region!

Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

I'll wait for a killer within my region, I don't want killers in Thailand that have a tremendous latency advantage over me. This is the second match today where my killer was an ocean away from me. We had a Wesker in Thailand and it was brutal, not fun and completely unacceptable. The advantage that Wesker had over everyone was ridiculous. Nothing was done, he was getting hits from impossible distances. Hit validation didn't kick in. This Wesker was rewarded heavily for his lag at the expense of all four survivors. The high ping killer icon was on display the entirety of the mat so I knew it was going to be a headache.

Why does this game reward high latency killers?


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Due to the way they handle their server regions depending on where they are they literally don't have a server allocation unique to that region and are folded into whatever is the "nearest" regional server. Could also be VPN as well and they don't really seem to have anything setup to screen for VPN usage.

    I know some folks posted a couple weeks ago that they went from having normal latency games in India to playing high latency games on servers in Germany almost overnight and that the servers closer to where they actually lived shut down.

  • malotus97
    malotus97 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I just waited ages for a lobby (I play on NA west) and could only get a Korean lobby where I had 220 ping and everyone else had 20. lol

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 967

    Agreed. Agreed. Agreed!

    This option is long overdue in my opinion.

    Personally, I wouldn't mind waiting a lot longer if it meant I was getting matched in the correct region and with players of a similar skill.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,481
    edited August 2023

    Yup. I've never used that 'Did you have fun?' option post-game but I've started to now every time I get a killer playing from Mars. I give 1/5. It probably means nothing but I've gotta give some sort of feedback. I was against a Demo yesterday and it was literally an unplayable game. He was a car length away from me (Haddonfield) when I vaulted, then suddenly I'm getting grabbed.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    EU Server Players are from this small region:

    Map based on openstreetmap ODbL

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    That's an economic and business issue. AWS doesn't operate in many regions due to adverse laws, instability, poor infrastructure, and lack of demand. Many of these markets in poor regions have four-figure player counts; otherwise, it's not worth accommodating. I'm only interested in going against players with reasonable network conditions; usually, this means people within my region or market. On the other hand, perhaps if the game didn't reward high-latency killers so much, it wouldn't matter anyway.

    Same but good idea; I will start using it too.

    Yeah, and the issue is inducing a lousy connection is easy. So some people intentionally use mobile hotspots to get that advantage. Bvhr needs to eliminate the lag advantage, allow us to restrict matches to high-connection quality players, or warn us that there aren't enough players in your region. Give us options, and stop rewarding high-latency killers!

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Unless you can come up with a new networking solution at scale you're gonna have latency issues no matter what.

    There just isn't a lot of options to be given when your smaller region lacks both available players and data center allocation. You may not get a high quality connection basically ever depending on where you are if you did restrictive matchmaking.

    As for not rewarding killers with high latency, killer client is what drives the game even though we're on dedicated servers rather p2p these days. I don't see how they can change that without making things worse for y'all in low pop regions.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Latency issues will always be there, but the advantage provided doesn't have to be. Sure, it sucks if you're in a remote or rural area or a region with poor infrastructure and no server, but does everyone else have to suffer for it? The networking philosophy is called Favor The Killer and is too favorable at the expense of the Survivor experience. Hits are still handled on The Killer's end and are only server validated when the ping threshold exceeds a specific value. User tests put that number at nearly 300 ms, which is exceptionally high.

    I played last night against The Clown; tough match because of his latency advantage over us. We all saw the killer latency icon throughout the Trial but could also feel he was lagging. Did the game punish him at all? Nope, he was rewarded with extremely generous hits. He was in a remote village outside of Puebla, Mexico, on satellite internet!! He told me he loves DbD because it's the only game that "works" for him since other games disconnect him or make it impossible for him to play. Why? Because DbD rewards laggy killers, and other games punish them.

    I'm not sure which solution is best, but I know that providing The Killer with a perpetual advantage isn't the solution! So allow me to opt out of high latency killer lobbies, or just let me see their ping in the lobby (like before) to decide to back out. Or reduce the threshold for server validation to kick in and make it fairer.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I can't imagine trying to play this game on satellite internet.

    If you don't mind me asking, what region are you in? If you're getting matched up with someone is Mexico I would think you'd be hitting the NA West server.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 945

    BHVR has been addressing a few of my most complained-about grievances with the game of late, so I hope next up is the netcode situation. While moving authority to the server completely is likely too much to hope for, they should at least improve their validation techniques and employ said validation much earlier already than only on connections exceeding some 300ms. And yes, at the very, very least they should reinstate killer ping warnings in the lobby (>100ms) - why these have been removed in the first place beggars comprehension. Ideally they would just show everyone's ping in realtime, in the lobby and in trials.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498

    Just show the killer's ping before the game starts, if the killer can see survivor ping and dodge accordingly I have no idea why survivors are forced to play against killers with high ping.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I agree, but he does it because it works for him; he occasionally gets hit with rejected hits but said that was extremely rare. And I'm located in the Northeast US. I don't always get transoceanic killers, but those are especially painful.

    100% right!

    Bvhr knows those killers will likely never get matches, and for some reason, they want to accommodate these high-latency killer players. Who would knowingly go into a lag fest of a game where The Killer has a perpetual advantage over you? That's probably why they shield the info.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,125

    Perhaps they are using VPN? I get survivors whom I suspect are from China/Taiwan all the time

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    It's not a secretive thing, back when we could see everyone's ping during the p2p era there was a sizable amount of players who basically never got matches due to have red bar ping. Understandably they had a statistically significant amount of players who wanted to play the game and the majority had no say in the quality of their connection to others. So they made it so we didn't see lobby ping anymore.

    Obviously that means sometimes folks rolled the dice into a laggy death spiral, but it did address a matchmaking issue. We had hoped that things like this wouldn't persist to be an issue after dedicated servers, but with the wave they've stuffed regions it hasn't been the greatest result.

    Nobody wants to play laggy games even the folks who are the culprit most times even if they advantages in doing so.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Why doesn't this game give you the option to pick a region/server like ffxiv and you stay locked in it unless you change it?

    I rather wait for a proper match then one where it's an automatic loss due to someone playing from Neptune.

    And yeah, this is the only game I've ever played that rewards bad ping and I've played a loooot of online games.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I don't know why they aren't showing the killer's ping (or username) in lobbies, that seems counterintuitive.