Balance favours Killers.
If my last 50 games as Killer and Survivors taught me something is that Killers have it too easy and peaceful.
Escape rate is as low as it gets,for me atleast.
My Killrate is 3+ on a bad day,and I let a lot of survivors escape because I feel pity for them.
Hell...I haven't even been able to escape and collect 1 item...
What do developers do all day?
Play Killer once a month vs SWF.
How can anyone justify this...
Killers have it easier but I would absolutely not say killers have it easy unless you play Wesker. Survivor has also gotten plenty of strong changes that puts them in a good spot, so I disagree as a Survivor main.
Most people, including most good players, would not be able to successfully play killer against a good SWF. So you have to put some respect on the people who work hard to be good at killer, it takes a lot of effort and skill to pull it off.
0 -
What Killers do you play?
7 -
A lot of them.
I keep away from Nurse,Blight and Hag.
Blight makes me dizzy and sweaty and Hag's too 4D chess.
Nurse...I'm afraid I might learn her too much.
Since the anniversary,I've played mostly Wesker,Artist,Trickster and Nemesis...sprinkled with some Skull Merchant.
Out of all of these,Wesker is the strongest and easiest,Artist and SK bring me the same results while Trickster and Nemesis are build dependent,frustrating and clumsy to play.
They're not designed well at all!
0 -
Can you record some matches so we can see what is happening in them? Would give us an idea. But the general problem here, still is, and always has been, matchmaking.
SWF cause an insane imbalance in the game that matchmaking has a hard time with. Devs also generally balance around a 60% kill rate. So in theory, if you played 50 games you should see around 80 escapes. They might not all be YOU, but that point still stands. I'm also guessing at least some of those games had a DC, or someone who intentionally gave up, afk'd, killed themselves on hook, etc. And those things probably aren't factored into the 60% kill rate.
Perhaps you play in a very aggressive way as survivor that makes it so you die, but your teammates escape? It is hard to say what it is without some kind of video of a typical game.
17 -
I feel like you clickbated me with this thread. xD
You really think that killers are "the easier and peaceful role"?=)
I don't know against what survivors you were playing, but I'd suggest you to play something below B tier for a few matches and come back with a feedback.=)
11 -
A lot of my teammates make it really easy on the killer by not playing. They UE around the edges of the map, they get birds in lockers, and they absolutely avoid gens. Annoyingly even the bots are playing the same way. The AI loves to sandbag just like the jerks it's replacing.
Unless you chain killers to the ground so they can't move, there's no way to balance for that garbage. Trying to play the current event with my friend is miserable. Our teammates are hiding while we take all the aggro. If the killer sees them, they sandbag us on our nearly finished gen, pop it to steal the bonus BP, and then go back into hiding. How can the killer not win in these matches?
2 -
"Killers have it too easy." Wow. That is a hot take, if I've ever seen one. The 1 killer that has to sweat like their life depends on it and still barely competes in the game with 4 survivors that chill on gens and relax for the most part has it too easy. Killer is a much more stressful role than survivor is. And it has always been this way. You get no down time when you play killer. You are constantly on the clock and your mistakes matter a lot more.
"I let a lot of survivors escape because I feel pity for them." That explains a lot. Pretty much your entire post. DBD has a MMR system. Letting survivors go means you technically lose to them. Which artificially keeps your MMR low and in turn means you get to go against bad survivors.
If the devs played this game once in a month against a high level SWF the game would be dead. High level SWFs limit themselves in terms of perks, items, addons and offerings and still stomp killers without any restrictions. Survivors are way stronger than killers, if they play good enough. And at that point it doesn't matter how good the killer is because they still lose when survivors stop restricting themselves.
At the lowest level, the killer is way stronger than the survivors. If you want an explanation for that, feel free to ask and I'll go into detail. But the higher you go, the stronger survivors become and the weaker killers become in comparison.
What I take from your post is that you play at a pretty low level. Which is ok. No shame in that. But it does not represent the actual state of the game.
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While killers have it easier than in the past, it's not a cake walk unless survivors make it one.
9 -
I am far too lazy to do that!
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Oh bohohooo,Mr. Killers haven't gotten 4Ks and 50 wins in a row,how stressful...
You might want to relax by playing Nurse and showing these power role Survivors proper manners!
That ought to teach them not to understimate you again!
2 -
lol no
8 -
Welcome to the world of no escapes.
I play with a casual swf sometimes and we can go HOURS without an escape. Idk why they even keep playing lol
1 -
Love it when people claim to play "killer". Yeah which killer?
Not all killers have the same power level dude.
8 -
The strongest killer in the game cannot be the standard. A majority of players (most killer mains included) agree that this Nurse and Blight are overpowered. But these are only 2 out of 32 killers in this game.
Good luck achieving the same results with the other killers.
9 -
Yeah man. When I want to chill, I just say "I'm gonna play some DBD killer." s/
9 -
And you don't see how it's your dumb teammates making you lose, and not the killer being too strong?
4 -
I already said which killers I play most and with which perform best.
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Killers are obviously favored at lower levels of play, but the higher MMR Survivors are quite the opposite a lot of the time. I don't think there's much wrong with that, but I hope they eventually find a nice medium to help casual Survivors not get stomped as much, while also helping higher MMR Killers with the same issue. Blight/Nurse/Wesker seem to be majorly dominant when it comes to dealing with SWF or much more coordinated Survivor groups. It would be nice if they found a way to bring the other Killers up to that level without outright changing too much about them if it's even possible.
6 -
What? That's exactly what I was saying. How did you misread 'there's no way to balance for garbage survivors' to mean I agree with the OP that killers are too strong?
1 -
Riiight, so.
"Killers are OP and win constantly when survivors aren't DCing and afking"
"Ok cool, can you show some videos of this?"
So its just conjecture with no proof or evidence of anything that we can analyze.
14 -
I feel like morale is also a factor. The amount of times it'll be 2 survivors left and my random teammate does NOTHING is infuriating. 1 gen left, I'm leading the killer on a long chase while keeping an eye on the HUD to see nothing at all. We both DEFINITELY could've escaped, but now it's gonna be a hatch game.
3 -
I probably should have seen this coming. You remind me of the guy that claimed he won 99% of his games as killer and then dissapeared into the void when someone challenged him to prove how good he actually was.
'Tis another case of: "The game is clearly X sided! Prove? Trust me, bro."
10 -
Oh yeah, morale is definitely a factor when it gets down to two survivors left. But I'm frustrated beyond belief by how often this non-participation is going on from the beginning with all four survivors still in the match. The HUD shows them doing nothing, and then my friend or I will get downed to see the other two survivors are getting in and out of lockers or just hanging out on the second story of some building doing nothing. This was a serious problem before the event, but now it happens in at least half of our matches if not more.
This happens with aggressive killers, farming killers, and AFK killers. The survivors are the problem. I see many survivors who escape with fewer than 8k points. That shouldn't be possible.
0 -
I can sorta understand on indoor maps, because finding gens can be a pain... but I've seen it happen on every map. Personally... I've been bringing Deja vu lately so I'm not the unproductive teammate.
0 -
Trapper is truly a menace to society.
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You can get your own proof from Twitch...
Or you can play yourself.
And I don't owe you or anyone proof to have an opinion,which might be a fact.
You and that Hillbilly guy shouldn't be allowed on these discussions,it's obvious you're trolls.
You need proof to know someone is injured when the wound is visible,there are plenty more of these posts,and would be more if you weren't invalidating anyone's opinion.
And I highly doubt me giving you or the other guy any of my gameplay would solve anything.
At best you'll point out every survivor mistake ever,be either mine or my opponents.
And like I said,there's plenty of data on YouTube and Twitch...mostly on Twitch.
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I dunno, what i see on twitch is people like hens joining up with their SWF buddies and stomping killers for 100 games in a row. I'm talking about specifically YOUR experience. If you make some claims, you provide evidence, but since you refuse to do so, at this point i can either conclude:
1) You are lying
2) You aren't as good as you think you are
3) The survivors aren't that good
10 -
While I agree with your statement I think simply putting all the survivor bias on swf is not very healthy. How many actual 4 squad sweat swfs do you actually see vs the amount of casual solo or 2 stack
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While the lower levels do often have a killer stomp rate, how can you say that the only viable part of taking MMR seriously is at the top when swfs dominate the field? 4 solo survivors with high MMR can be 3 or 4k by a killer of the same caliber
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Playing any killer nowadays is more than possible with relative ease thanks to how bad matchmaking has been.
Also both sides can have negative experiences, just sayin
0 -
Well that's the thing.
I think Killer as a whole is easier because MMR algorithm is subpar, I can queue up as killer at any point on any killer and 80-90% of my games will be casual or lower-skilled players, even when I used to sweat really hard on Killer (4k'ing/tunneling/camping) if I played 20 games, 16 were stomps, 2 were challenging, and 2 I got stomped due to the survivors being way better.
However, the higher you go skillwise the more having to play against four brains puts the killer at a disadvantage. Killer becomes exponentially more difficult if all four survivors know what to do, which is why in tournaments everyone is limited so heavily (from my knowledge, I don't really keep up with comp DBD.)
With this in mind its why I don't really take posts about killers being unplayable seriously, very few people ever get to play killer at the level where killer is stressful as heck, and even in strong survivor metas, killer is still easier to play. That being said, people who act like killer as a whole takes no skill are equally as dumb tbh.
1 -
the difficulty of the game is honestly so random for both sides imo, you can get the easiest matches in the world one day and then get super hard matches the next. Tho it's much simpler to get easy matches as killer since you can basically control what your side takes unlike how you have to find 3 other like minded survivors who are good in order to get super easy matches.
0 -
No offense but it sounds like you are in low MMR hell. That doesn't necessarily you mean you are bad at the game but it does mean that getting out of there won't be easy. Unfortunately such a thing exists in every multiplayer coop game. In DBD it is probably at its worst since you play in a team of 4 against 1 person. That means that all 4 should work together but especially in low MMR this does not work out. You get team mates that have no idea what they are doing you get team mates that are just bad and all of this drags you down.
Once you get out of there it will be better though. You will still get the occasional incredibly bad lobby but overall it is manageable.
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I hardly ever get less than 3 kills as Huntress and Doc who are my 2 mains. I literally have to throw to get less than a 3k
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peaceful? yes. easy? yes but not all the time. as a killer only good loopers, an efficient team and maybe immersive survivors give you a hard time whereas as survivor many things can make your experience a lot harder, things that don't even require skill. and there's "teammates" factor as well. the issue is there aren't too many very good survivors that know what they are doing, there aren't too many good killers either but killers can use skilless "tactics" to win.
1 -
I did not say that. You misunderstand the point.
I am of the believe that most people are in mid MMR. Even most of the people that claim they are in high MMR are probably just average players. So we should mostly balance around that level (because most of us are there). Which BHVR does more or lest successful. Sometimes it feels like survivors can make an infinite amount of mistakes and still stomp you by doing the bare minimum and other times it feels as though the killer is unbeatable.
This is because both sides make mistakes, often without even realizing it. There are also a number of other factors like maps and loadouts that can turn the match in one's favor.
I genuinely think that Peanits said the truth when he shared with us that only a very small portion of players is in high and low MMR. This portion is probably so small that for survivors only the very best solos and SWFs get up there. Which means they do stand a very real chance against the killers they face. They won't make huge mistakes and they will show some basic level of coordination no matter if they are in a SWF or solo group. At that level most killers just can't realistically compete anymore. Because if survivors work efficiently they outpace about 75% of the killer roaster by default. And then you also need to consider what happens when all survivors are good not just in the 1v4 but also in the 1v1.
Your average to somewhat good killer relies on the survivor making mistakes to end their chases more quickly. When these don't happen, then the killer takes much longer to get a down, which leads to less pressure resulting into more free gen time for survivors, which leads to faster games and more survivors escaping.
What I write in this paragraph is only a theory as we do not have any official explanation for it. If you have another theory feel free to disagree and inform me about any flaws in this argument. The reason we haven't seen kill rates drop significantly in high MMR is because BHVR have shown us kill rates that portrayed how well the top 5% killers on each individual killer did. Meaning that it is possible that the highest MMR Freddy main is just barely below the soft cap for high MMR and for that reason plays against average players. The MMR system should limit matches where killers get absolutely destroyed severely (and I assume it does). This would also lead to killers only getting to a point where they can still barely compete with very little exceptions (highest level survivor groups). Any higher than that and their win-lose ratio leads to their MMR dropping and their matches getting slightly easier (presumably), which balances their kill rates out again.
Basically what I am saying is that most killers have a lower cap in what they can achieve than survivors. Meaning, at some point it doesn't matter how good you are as killer. Because you get held back by the game. More so than the survivors.
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I am not in low elo,actually I am trying to depip to get easier and more calm games.
And please in the future don't reply to me without proof of your achievements as survivors.
I need concrete proof of you facing the Nurse whom,I believe both you and the Reinami guy said "has counterplay".
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Maybe because if the average Killer has a hard time to win even against average Survivors, then the player might just stop playing Killer? If playing Killer is tuned to be more stressful and difficult, why would your average player commit to playing the role long term?
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I do agree that playing killer is far from skilless as it requires you to learn and adapt to multiple different play styles (both from the different killers and the different squads you will face) as well as it seems like both sides seem to face inequality matchmaking (I recently made my own post regarding this) on top of never considering things such as the map, the chosen killer, the skills of the survivors and their builds. Dbd is far too random to be balanced
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I'm not sure what you mean by depipping. Because that has nothing to do with matchmaking. You can reach Iri 1 and still lose most of your matches. It's just a lot harder because you get a lot of points for winning. If you want easier matches, then you need to lose. Otherwise your MMR won't decrease.
I am not insanely good as survivor either. But I've noticed that since the HUD change my solo queue games have gotten a lot better. Part of that is me having more info and being able to make better decisions and also my team mates that have gotten a lot better. I still have the occasional dc or hook suicide but these don't happen as often as you implied. For me it's a rather rare occurence.
I didn't imply anything about Nurse. I think she lacks counterplay but she is also the 1 thing that killers have to go against the strongest the survivors can show up with. She is a crutch and too strong for casual players but somehow balanced for the absolute highest level players. I don't know where you would have seen me say something like: "Nurse has sufficient counterplay." I'm pretty sure you mistake me for someone else here.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't check the usernames. You replied to a post that was not directed at you but at @TragicSolitude and I didn't realize it wasn't them who replied. So now I have probably mixed up some things.
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That's exactly what I unironically think, for once because I'm good enough to win most of my games, and second because my source of stress in game comes from the blatant misplays of my team mates that throw a whole match, while on killer if I lose I can only blame it on my mistakes
Killer is definitely a lot less stressful than survivor