MMR is a hot topic around me these days. I understand that there are casual players and skilled players in this game, what do you think should be done to make it fun for both players?
I think casual matches and ranked matches should be separated. Unfortunately MMR is a joke these days and both players are complaining.
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MMR doesn't mean anything because you can just lobby dodge until you get the lobby you want. They either need to delete MMR entirely or take a hard stance against dodging.
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I have reached a point where I'm a firm believer that with all the downsides a casual and a ranked gamemode would bring, it would still be a far better system overall. I don't care if I go up against sweaty killers in casual mode sometimes because in SoloQ I ONLY play against those and vice versa.
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MMR a sore subject indeed...
I've been saying this since they came out with new MMR system.
I feel that the new MMR system is heavily competitive, punishing, and almost unenjoyable. I figured since everyone loves the 100% blood points why not make it permanent for a ranked server. The casual server can feature more flexible matchmaking rather than forcing people to face top mmr players 90% of the time. I know matchmaking would change but I would definitely wait 10 minutes just to have a decent match rather than a sweat filled fight for your life match that can be easily be shutdown by a survivor or killer disconnect or any other unsportsmanlike attitude.
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Chaos mode: A second game mode with a bunch of random stuff. You play Claudette? Well, the killer hits you and now you are Ace (or any other character that you own). The killer plays Clown and suddenly they are turned into Nurse. Your perks keep switching randomly. Pallets de- and respawn randomly. Basically, they add another game mode that is so random, that you can't play it competitively because everything is so unbalanced.
A casual game mode is not going to help. Because then you also have more competitive people, that just want to go in there and stomp the hell out of their opponents. Removing MMR would lead to the same thing. You have a few people that stomp everyone else.
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What would prevent people to sweat in Casual Matches?
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I don't think there's a good solution, tbh. Skill (such as it exists in DBD) is extremely hard to quantify, and even if it could be, the matchmaking parameters are comically loose, and when they have been tightened for testing, the queue times became unbearable.
Lobby dodging is just the cherry on top of the crap sundae.
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Let them sweat. At least it will be an even fight. 50% win or lose not 90% lose all the time.
MMR in casual could be a balance everyone needs to have "fun" where top tier doesn't always have to go against top tier but like the good old days of we don't know if the killer is a baby or a pro or if the survivors are swf or if they are random people paired up.
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What I mean is, if someone plays casual mode, they expect the game to be more chill. But what hinders the 4 man SWF with 4 BNPs to queue in this Mode? Or the Alchemist Ring-Blight or 3-Gen Skull Merchant? So either both sides start to bring their strongest Builds because they expect the other side to do that as well (which would render a Casual Mode obsolete) OR one side is going in casual and gets stomped by the other side who does not want to go casual on them.
(And I know it will come up - yes, you can ban certain things in this mode. And while this would solve Items and Add Ons, it would not change playstyles like 3-Gen Skull Merchant or stuff like this)
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This is part of why I don't think separating the modes will help. People who are committed to winning at any cost will just stay in the casual mode because they are terrified of losing, even if the victories are hollow. Kind of why hardcore tunnellers always tunnel.
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They need to make an unranked mode
Then they need to add Gens and Hooks to MMR
Even then they need to bring back Ranks
Tweak the Pip system...
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I don't think you played this game very long.. Or if you did you would realize the old ranking system actually made sense but just needed tweaking not to be obliterated and replaced with the new SMMR. The old ranking system allowed for random matches because people didn't play everyday and they decide to play near reset as a top tier player. When they fly threw the ranks it becomes more and more competitive and more challenging or they find a few lucky matches where there is still competition but can be overturned with a switch of a lightbulb. You can't stop toxic/try hard/sweaty players yes I understand this but it beats playing against them 90% of the time. If you like playing 100% sweaty all the time by all means play your Ranked Matches. I will relax and have fun and sweat from time to time on Casual but not enough to say I'm uninstalling this game.
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I like the idea of having two different modes in theory, but I can't see it working in practice. You would just end up with both survivors and killers that would constantly play casual mode with no intention of being casual because they would view it as an easy win.
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Who said it was going to be easy? Also, I would play ranked if I wanted a challenge against top tier players otherwise, I'll play casual if the ranked matches are too much and by too much I mean "not fun anymore". Ranked and Unranked has worked for many many games why not this one?
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Why are so many people opposed to Ranked vs Casual Matches.
Has nobody ever played a competitive battle royal or competitive shooter that literally has ranked matches and reward their players for successfully winning a challenge. Or is dead by daylight the only game people has played? Who cares if it doesn't work 100% as long as there is a chance it might work and if it doesn't that is what tweaking is for. Its not permanent. This would also give the devs the chance to play with matchmaking to give a challenge to ranked players and casual to introduce new players to dbd.
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SBMM and MMR are not real, stop believing blatantly and obviously false information
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Nothing, there will always be people who queue for casual, and then play in a very sweaty way. But there are also people who seek a competitive experience, and don't want to be matched against casuals. Like all those streamers going for win-streaks. If these people queued for ranked, it would contribute to make the casual queue less sweaty, at least a little.
Let me give you an example. Yesterday I tried a new killer. But for some reason my MMR is super low and I'm getting matched against babies (I don't know why maybe because I bought the killer a long time ago). I've played 10 matches, all stomps at 5 gens. This is not fun for the survivors or for me: I want to play sweaty against other sweaty players, and they want to play non-sweaty against non-sweaty killers. Yet, neither of us can do anything about it except play the match until MMR adjusts. If there was a ranked queue, I could at least speed-up the process.
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My killer lobbies are filled with 1 or 2 high prestige players with the others around the high teens. My survivor lobbies are filled with level 1-4 prestige with me at 17. Get stomped and get stomped lol
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So only the super competitive ones get the benefit. As a flip side, what's stopping casuals or toxics from joining competitive mode? If nothing else just to spite ppl.
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It may not be easy. I'm just thinking there will be lots of people that would play casual because they would think it will be easier.
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If survivors decide to disconnect and kill themselves on Rank System. Phone a friend because I don't think this will ever get fixed.
If killers decide to camp/tunnel/run toxic builds it is their right too. It is highly competitive for a reason and its strategy as behavior has said time and time again.
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They need to make balance decisions that impact low skill players and not high skill players and vice versa.
This CAN be done in DBD very easily. Here is video talking about the premise in TF2, but it still applies here in DBD:
The main point is where he talks about the B.A.S.E. Jumper item in TF2.
For example, if you watch low skill survivors play, you'll see them predrop shack pallet at 5 gens, panic, vault over it, and get hit anyway. So if we nerfed killer shack, for example, you wouldn't hurt the low level players, because they aren't able to do the things high level players do with shack to begin with. I'm not for making gens take longer. Personally i think they should take less. But nerfing the strength of loops so that things are more properly 50/50s would go a long way to fixing the balance of the game.
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I don't think there is anything easy about this game. Casual would provide a balance of randomly selected players and it wouldn't rely on a "skill based" system that was designed to be competitive.
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You have to revert it back to what it was. What we have right now is practically random. A couple months ago, when it was less loose and had longer queue times, you somewhat knew what you were being paired with/were going up against. You also have to make the game more bearable for killer, whether that means nerfing survivor stuff or buffing the killers. The reason you've got a noob team vs a killer who's actually trying is because 1) the loose MMR/low MMR ceiling forces you to get bad teammates, and 2) killer has dealt with so much crap of theirs getting nerfed that only the most resilient, dedicated, and elite killers remain, who have no problems with camping, tunneling, or slugging any of you. Ideally, the MMR gets fixed before balancing does, because you can't get good data of what's good or not with this crap data we're getting now.
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I think splitting to just casual and ranked wouldn't be enough. You're still going to get people playing efficiently in casual mode with slugging and tunneling and 4man swf BNP/Torch enjoyers. I don't see how a casual mode would be any different unless it was simply without MMR tiering. Most people who play the game enough don't care about BPs and sit at cap anyway so offering that as a bonus to ranked doesn't really work.
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SoloQ is just unfixable in my opinion. Also, reverting back would be nice but they would never undo something they believe in.
But what if they didn't have to nerf or buff. What if everything was balanced but people complain anyway? What if people were complaining because they were tired of losing?
I feel like a lot of the perks that were nerfed shouldn't have been nerfed. Both Killer and Survivor. The only one that I saw was pure abuse was Decisive Strike. I think even survivors can agree that perk was a time waster for the killer.
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This whole thread is about MMR. But you do have a point about BPs. Then against Ranked could be about Top Tier Competitive with other rewards or just bragging rights with a leaderboard maybe?
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So then what ends up is both sides having nothing fixed while being split for longer ques that still have the same troubles.
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Since we didn't reply to the op we felt bad
There's nothing that can be done to please both sides. If the devs push a casual direction, the competitive will complain and vise versa. We think the best is a middle ground and putting up with the rest as it'll at least keep the game alive and (semi) healthy.
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That sounds like throw your hands and give up to me. Its sad because I've been playing this game since 2018 and its always been a come back to game for me. But once something better comes along I don't think I will be coming back and that is what is going to happen to this population. When all they had to do was create 2 environments. Give the players a challenge or play casually not just 90% lost rate. To respond back to the op hes right "This SBMMR is a joke"
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SBMM DC penalty queue and free for all no SBMM no DC penalty queue. If you want competition play in SBMM where there's punishment for leaving a game early. If you're just here for fun casual then go to the free for all but don't get upset when people DC.
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Rank mode has only one limitation. That's making SWF impossible. Next, we will detail the rating system in more detail. Maps, Hooks, Gens, Items, Addons, etc. should be considered. Casual mode, on the other hand, should literally be casual. I think it would be good to eliminate the current MMR and make it a completely random match.
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It's more "holding out for a hero" deal. We can't think of a practical working solution, but maybe something will happen sooner or later. But splitting categories is at best a solution that will last a month before people spoil it.
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Yeah, I am brand-new to the game.
Jokes aside, I was only talking about a casual and ranked mode. Not about the old Ranking-System.
When it comes to the old Ranking System, I agree that it was better. But only with the big Rank Reset (from Rank 1 to Rank 10 or 11). But since this will not return, it is pointless to talk about it.
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In ranked matches, you need to create new goals that are not win or lose. For example, make it possible for only you to see your rating, and make your MMR more detailed. Specifically, you are a killer and have a 1000 rate. And 4 matched survivors have an equal 1100 rating.
0 → lose 20 rate
1 kill → no loss of rating
2 kills → get 20 rating
3 kills → get 40 rating
4 kills = get 60 rating
By doing so, it wouldn't be sad if three survivors escaped. 2 kills and you win. It's just that the opponent was a skilled player.
We need to think again about "winning and losing" in casual and ranked modes.