Please consider reverting the Billy collision *fix* on Eyrie - it's suffering.

Hi there,

This is just a small plea that you will consider reverting the change to the collision on Eyrie of Crows for Billy. While that map was suffering prior to the "fix", it was manageable when the collision was changed a few chapters ago.

Billy gets stuck on almost EVERYTHING within Eyrie of Crows. From the tiny little bricks that stick out on the structures, to shack, to the VERY annoying twigs that have the hit box of a school bus. The small bit of comfort were those rocks not being as rough as they used to be. It was still possible to pre-drop the pallet and avoid getting hit at those rocks with pallets, it just made him more bearable to play.

Below is a screen grab of a BIlly on Eyrie next to those rocks. Do you see how miserable this is? Look how far from the rock Billy is and still hits an invisible box.

Billy is one of the hardest killers in the game to get results with and most Billy players already want to d/c the second they get Eyrie, but these rocks made it tolerable. The change to this has just made this my most hated map to play as Billy.

It feels like every patch something new coms out to make Billy more and more painful to play, this just did not need a change.

Side Note: seriously, those little twigs in the middle of walk ways, etc don't need hit boxes so big.

Screen shot from an older video of mine - these are the twigs I mean.

Literally not even on the screen and I bonk.

Again, this is an older short of mine, so you guys have addressed overheat, but if you'd like to experience a day in Billy's shoes and see why this was an unnecessary change, I've added my short below.

I do hope you'll take the time to consider this, but either way, thank you for taking the time to read my feedback.


  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    Just a note - for eyrie, it's also Bubba's problem.

    I am scared to even try to use my chain in main, because all the tiny minor flying books, twigs and little things that don't concern other killers are immediatelly show-stopper for Bubba's chain. So frustrating

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    Exactly, any Chainsaw killers are going to have a bad day, without how annoying these tiny or minor "obstacles". They should simply have no collision at all and be just map cosmetic props.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    Yeah, like every new "bugfix" or adjustment does nothing but hurt him more and more.

  • Lynnziezie
    Lynnziezie Member Posts: 2

    A very well put together post about the problems of this map. If I had to be honest, I thought the photo of the collisions "bugfix" was a photoshopped meme - because what doesn't billy collide with on this map?

    As stated, the non collision on said rocks was a non issue of the rocks due to the sheer size they were. You would have to force a survivor to MAJORLY overcommit to even get a curve here. And even then, without lopro chains, as you said in your original post, predropping the pallet completely makes these rocks safe.

    I really hope BHVR don't continue to address and "fix" slideable/non collision tiles. That would truly kill yet another dimension of billy (previously skybilly) which would further cripple this killer. Yet Blight and Oni would not be penalised, as they can still slide around any object and hug tech a lot more tiles without much an issue as billy.

    BHVR, pls fix Eyrie of Crows - but not in this way.

  • TheRealAlien
    TheRealAlien Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    There is no reason bushes have collision like on Eyrie in general but I think especially for billy this needs to be fixed. It resets a whole chainsaw sprint cause of a poor hitbox.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 291

    I agree. It seems like every fix that comes through for Collision related to Billy is just further turning him into a back rev only killer. I don't want to be boring to face, but if I get stuck on everything, why would I even play him? If Blight and Oni are able to slide on just about everything, why is Billy punished so much when he requires so much more mechanical skill to even get a 1/4th of the results Blight does.

    Please, I beg...whoever is in the balance team / bug team that keeps making changes like this for Billy, perhaps see if it's actually an issue first? Even with smooth collision on these rocks, there is a good chance Billy is getting 4 outted if survivors play safe, and it did not give him an insane advantage, just a little faster of a down if the survivor over committed. Just as Syn cars are. If you don't over commit, you're fine, if you do ,you're dead.

    Every killer in the game has counter play that survivors have to learn. If people complain about stuff like this with Billy, they simply don't vs him enough and do not understand his mechanics.

    So many things over the last year or so have been painful for Billy.

    1. Removing Sky Billy (Not Space Billy), simply letting us have air momentum when we drop off of something at a fast speed. Instead we now drop like a dead weight.
    2. Chests collision changed, so we get stuck on them now making Crane on Ormond so much harder to curve
    3. Speaking of Ormond - The snow piles. I used to love doing drift Billy on Ormond and basically playing bumper cars through the snow piles. Now I just bonk. It wasn't an insane threat, it was just enjoyable fun and easy to dodge.
    4. Low hanging branches and wires on maps like Badham or certain shacks that literally just stop Billy in his tracks when they shouldn't even have collision
    5. Now the rocks on Eyrie

    There are so many more than this, but these are the few that immediately pop in my head, because they upset me so much.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 291

    Forgive me, I know it's a Demo and Bubba issue, too. It was just the patch notes specifically saying it fixed it for Billy, so I wanted to respond to it in terms of Billy, but yes Collision issues like this are very frustrating for all parties.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,919

    Oh I wasn't saying that you didn't know. No need to apologise :)

    It's a problem for a lot of killers Billy does experience it more frequently than the others. Hopefully they listen and fix it.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    I can literally feel the disappointment in that "I mindgamed her!!!!" reaction.

    also RIP sky billy. It was fun while it laster :(

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 291

    It truly hurts.I play Oni, and Bubba and they have this same interaction at pallets, but it doesn't bother me even 1/10th as much as Billy, because it already takes so much work to mind game tiles with him.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 291
    edited August 2023

    My friend Jinxy is currently doing a Billy Win Streak, so clearly he is a very good Billy.

    This is a clip showing JUST HOW SAFE these rocks are against a Billy using their power now. Thalita didn't even drop the pallet in this clip, because she was completely safe and didn't have to, unless Billy just M1s. If the collision was the way it used to be, she would have needed to drop the pallet, but still would have been completely safe if she dropped it, unless she messed up like crazy. Still a very safe tile with old collision, but PLAYABLE with Billy's power and easily stays very safe by just dropping the pallet.

    It's okay for a tile to be strong against Billy, but not even requiring the survivor drop a pallet to counter the killers power at these tiles is so silly.

    Do you see how wide he has to take the curve, because the hit box is massive? (Not to mention the amazing twigs being right there).

    I think this really shows why the Collision change was not needed. When he downs her, it is completely her fault, because she misplays the tile massively, otherwise, he'd only be able to M1 here for the most part.

    Please, again...I beg, revert the change. It hurt no one, but made Eyrie at least bearable among the many safe pallets and frustrating twigs.

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