DC Bots are great, but we need something to stop players who have given up from refusing to DC

Some people quit games all the time, for whatever are their personal reasons, and because of that when they would get a very long DC penalty for DC'ing they will just start harassing the killer asking to be killed and ruining the fun for everyone.

The bots are a way to avoid prejudicing the survivors and putting them in an unwinnable game just because one of them didn't want to play anymore. Players doing what I have mentioned are not only bypassing the DC penalty but are also putting the other survivors in a worse spot than it would be if they just DC'd.

It's unfair that people who do this are not punished for doing it. But, at the same time, even though I don't agree with people who start a match already with the mindset of quitting if anything inconvenient happens, I understand that you should not feel forced to play a game you don't want to.

I do not think DC penalties should be removed, but I think it's time we make them less oppressive. I don't think you should get locked for more than 10 minutes for DC'ing, even after doing it a few times.


  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    I agree with this. The penalties as they are now also punish the wrong people (the ones who suffer from random server crashes). It's not fair for them to get punished when the crashes aren't their fault.

  • jordanjustice
    jordanjustice Member Posts: 110

    I heard that they just upped the DC penalty. Not sure if true or not. If so, I would agree that they were wrong in doing so. I believe if they did, they just proved that they have no idea whats going on and how to correct things in their own game.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,001

    I see the argument, and you do make sense, but I am strongly against any leeway afforded to selfish players like this.

    I see this as what reporting for griefing/assisting the enemy team is for. Combined with the updates to provide feedback you get for reporting players, this is the direction I'd prefer to go.

    Yes it is frustrating as a survivor/killer, but the short term sacrifice is this annoyance of not getting a bot to replace, for the long term gain of slowly pushing these types of players out of the game.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 620

    We're not going to push those types of players out of the game because we're always going to get new players.  And many people do have legit reasons for giving up (i.e. being hardcore tunneled). They shouldn't be punished for wanting to get out of matches like that.

    The devs seem pretty adamant about harsh penalties, so I'd rather remove the DC bots. They're not helping us if players continue to be pushed to throw on hook. And in my experience, the bots haven't been helpful even when players do DC.

  • jordanjustice
    jordanjustice Member Posts: 110

    "These" players will never get pushed out of the game. They will always be there.

    Choice is pretty simple right now. You let people DC without penalty and you get a bot to replace them, or they kill themselves on hook (which will never be punished) and you lose a team member completely.

    Playing for the "long game", to slowly mold the community into playing like you think it should be played, is a pipe dream. Reality is what it is... You just have to choose which option you would rather have.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,001
    edited August 2023

    Choice isn't that simple sadly. Bots are an attempt to mitigate the problem, not solve it. You let people DC for free, get used to playing with bots all the time.

    You're ofc not wrong, players suiciding on hook is a problem yes, but the answer isn't to let people just leave whenever they feel like it.

    This is a game you where you have to commit to a match for the game to work, and anyone who usnt going to commit shouldn't be playing. This means you can't allow DC for free. Think about if a game like League of Legends allowed people to leave for a bot. It'd be worthless... DBD has less obvious issues because the game is asynchronous in nature, but you're still giving a strong advantage to a skilled killer.

    A suggestion I liked for preventing unhooking is:

    Have it be 1 attempt with a 10% chance available 10s before stage 2, unless you have Deliverance. Slippery meat increases this single attempt chance as normal to a 20% chance. This has the problem that the killer can potentially timing your unhook attempt, but if hes doing that, he's not guarding gens.

    You'll still get people run into the killer to die if they want out, but the fact the killer can leave them slugged on the floor snd refuse to hook them is a natural deterent