Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The threshold of entry for survivors is too high

Right now in the game, killers are much stronger than survivors if the survivors are not pro players. A weak killer will easily catch a weak survivor because the entry threshold for survivors is MUCH higher than for killers. Survivors are much harder to play than assassins: you need to build routes, know how to mana, know techniques against each assassin, and more. One mistake for a survivor - you get a stage on the hook then tunneling from the killer and you are dead. I suggest making pallets recoverable, make more perks for constant acceleration. If you are weak for survivor - you won't run from killer for more than 20 seconds.

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  • Member Posts: 699

    Well, yes. It comes with having as much content as DBD.

  • Member Posts: 26

    It's about the majority of survivors - people who are bad at running from killer and can't play without the Windows of Opportunity perk. In most cases, such survivors fall in 10-20 seconds at best 30-40. Pro survivors in any conditions will be good, but there are few of them. We're talking about average and weak survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    Failure is okay, we can learn from failure. things dont need to be trivialized and made easier just because something is hard to learn.

    When I first played this game, I never played another horror game at all. I was horrified, my hands were shaking, and I was struggling to get through match to match.

    You know what I did? I researched. I went to the DBD wiki (which has amazingly bountiful information btw) and learned the killer mechanics, powers, and survivor mechanics and resources.

    It quickly helped me improve how I play in less than a month and i recommend anyone new at DBD to do the same.

    Survivors dont need changes, survivors need to get their head in the game, put in the work, and learn how to face killers.

  • Member Posts: 237

    You are new, killer with the correct survivor meta are struggling a lot, you are probably in low MMR, it's difficult for you because you don't have much perks and don't know how to caunter some killers or loop efficiently, low MMR DBD is a hell, my MMR as survivors are very low, but my MMR as a killer is high, survivors now have a lot of perks that give endurece making killers needs to hit 3 times to get a down, MFT making 4.4 killers and M1 killers struggle a lot in matches, survivors have a lot of good perks that can combo with others survivors perks, killers perks are... Meh, like alien is a strong killer, but for me his perks pretty weak and very situational

  • Member Posts: 944

    The massive gap between swf and solos has ruined the game for casuals, they buffed killer to compete with 3-4 man swf, if it was my game I make it solo and duo queuee only then I balance around that, current game is impossible to balance for everyone

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    Oh right, because having players is overrated.

    I think it's rare for single person to start playing survivors. It's kinda hard to get into. New players usually start playing as killers or SWF.

    I may be wrong, but it simply makes sense to me.

  • Member Posts: 944

    I'm not english not sure if it's sarcasm or not, when you start the game in current version yes it's common to become a killer main, low mmr killer is very easy, survivor is a slaughter I escaped maybe 1/20 times when I started, now I tend to enjoy surv more but not when i started playing it was awful

  • Member Posts: 235

    I totally agree that entry threshold is too high for survivors in comparison with Killers. And it needs to be adressed. But in a smart way that benefits only bad survivors. Some feature that is easy to play around for experience Killers or really good in-game tutorial.

    What you are suggesting is buffing survivors. This is not acceptable :D

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    First sentence is sarcasm.

    I am pretty sure SWF is main source of new players. It's kinda more fun as a group...

    I have started like that at least. Got into survivors as SWF, later you add either killer or soloQ whenever your group is not online.

  • Member Posts: 524

    Nobody in their right minds would balance for the "lower skill bracket", if you have to buff a perk or a mechanic so much that a fresh install is able to get consistent value, then as you can image, the "skillful" playerbase will be uncatchable and the game will be miserable for killer players.

    You always balance games around the very best players, because the very best know how to use and abuse every single advantage and trick in the game, and if the game is balanced for top level play, it will as a direct consequence, be balanced for all the other skill levels.

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    You can make noob friendly features without breaking the game.

    It's basically equivalent of soloQ features. HUD is currently main example.

    But you definitely shouldn't balance the game around noobs. That simply won't end well, it would destroy any skill ceiling for survivors.

    I don't even think it's that hard. Just watch some streamers and mimic it... It works for both killers and survivors.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    You always balance games around the very best players, because the very best know how to use and abuse every single advantage and trick in the game, and if the game is balanced for top level play, it will as a direct consequence, be balanced for all the other skill levels.

    that is not true. a killer that is balanced for top-level play might not be balanced for lower-level of play. for example, a player who is adapt at successfully outplaying blight with alchemist ring might be fine with said add-on but a low to middle-level play who constantly get hit by blight rush will be obliterated by the add-on.

    this also applies reverse. trapper might have great kill-rate for newcomers and middle-level of players but may perform terribly against 4 man SWF that optimizes survivor gameplay to the max.

    Nobody in their right minds would balance for the "lower skill bracket", if you have to buff a perk or a mechanic so much that a fresh install is able to get consistent value, then as you can image, the "skillful" playerbase will be uncatchable and the game will be miserable for killer players.

    so supaalf playing nurse should not be winning all his games as nurse because he is good at said killer? maybe we should nerf nurse until supaalf starts consistently losing at nurse. now apply that logic to survivor. you want nerf something because survivor is using the mechanic properly. you are suppose to get rewarded when you play better than your opponent....

  • Member Posts: 524

    Its more the fault of a lackluster tutorial system than anything else.

    Tutorial for survivor is just -

    "Dis a hook , hook bad"

    "Dis a gen, you do gen"

    then it throws you into a full bot lobby vs a trapper and lets you fend for yourself.

    Tutorial system needs to expand to include a "running" tutorial with a TL tile and a jungle gym tile. so new players would atleast know the basics of looping

  • Member Posts: 2,205

    You need to learn maps.

    You need to learn perks.

    You need to learn killer powers.

    You need to learn how to loop.

    Specific mechanics are not difficult. It's basically system of situation A, then do B. In most cases response is hold W....

    Overall knowledge is harder, you won't get that in tutorial.

    It's just easier with friends who plays for some time and you can ask during the game what is that, what to do etc.

  • Member Posts: 524

    You're coming from a blatantly false premise.

    Blight and nurse are not "balanced" for any kind of skill level , if you nerf C33 or Alc ring, blight WOULD be balanced for top level play and the other 99% of blight players wouldn't even notice the changes because they didn't know how to abuse the addons either way. Thats the whole premise of the trickle down balancing system.

    The community all agrees that demogorgon is one of the most balanced killers in the game. however, if you put an experienced demo player vs baby survivors, of course it would seem like demo is busted beyond belief. does this mean demo is overpowered? lmao no.

    and yet that is the entire premise of your argument "if u put skill killa vs nub survivor then killa is not balanse!!1!1"

    For DBD to be properly "balanced" no side should have basic mechanics / perks / powers that an experienced player can abuse/exploit in order to artificially "increase" their "skill level".


    Again, because this needs to be drilled into your head, stop trying to make arguments based on "if skilled killer faces baby survivor it means the killer is not balanced!!" no, thats not a character balance issue, thats a matchmaking issue. once you reach the MMR bracket where players dont know how to counter an addon, you'll also be at the skill bracket where people dont know how to get value of said add on.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    For DBD to be properly "balanced" no side should have basic mechanics / perks / powers that an experienced player can abuse/exploit in order to artificially "increase" their "skill level".

    ok. apply that logic to demo's add-on. demo's add-on artificially increased his power-level because it allowed experienced killer players to utilize information to get value out of his portals. as a result, the demo player would have an artificially "increase" to their "skill-level". as a result, the add-on was changed in accordance to your logic.

  • Member Posts: 524

    Are you seriously complaining about information add-ons.....? an experienced player knows where to go either way, so those kind of add-ons only help a 1/10 player go to 4/10, while someone thats already 9/10 goes to 9.01/10

    Its like bringing deja vu to dead dawg saloon. will a top mmr player need deja vu to know that theres a gen by gallows, another by windmill and another on the main building balcony? No not really. Will it help a fresh install player? Yeah. Is it unbalanced? No.....


    For the love of god, stop trying to argue in bad faith with the "gotcha moments" , its ad hominem at its finest.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited August 2023

    i am not complaining. i am just using your logic to explain the changes. the amount info that add-on does is unmatched. there is no amount of killer skill that can replace that add-on. you cannot predict when to teleport from a closest portal onto another gen without gen yellow-aura perks at a perfect rate.

    there are only 1 good automatic yellow gen perk for killer and that gen perk is discordance. the drawback is that it only works whens two people are on a generator. the other two perks that are similar but not very good are gearhead which has short timer and relies on survivor skill-checks and surveillance which requires killer to manually kick a gen. surveillance is too time consuming to use and does not give passive dynamic information and gearhead is too weak. virtually nothing can replace the value of that add-on in term of info for demo. The other perk that you can use is bbq/flood of rage but those perks require hooks. your highly sugar coating the 1/10 to 4/10 and 9/10 to 9.01/10. that add-on makes any player that let say uses demo portals as 2/10 power into an instant 10/10.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 552

    Just add survivors, regular workouts, not a button in the menu that no one will click on, and no hints at the beginning of the match that no one will read! Just find a way to lay out the entire base of killers to the survivors at the beginning of the match, and that's it, the situation will improve at times. Stop nerfing murderers for the sake of newcomers, the survivors are already stronger, but only in good hands, but why don't the developers add training and make a normal mmr, without ######### Smurfs. 

    and you're lying, on some maps you can safely run, more stupidly throwing pallets and running away as soon as you hear the radius of the killer's horror and find out that he sees you, not to mention that it's extremely simple and effective.

    And in general, look at the state of the game now, after all these changes designed to please everyone, especially beginners.

    it's better not to do anything else

  • Member Posts: 699

    What I'm getting at is the game is complicated. Survivors have to learn maps, pallet spawns, window spawns, common tiles, special tiles, how to run tiles, pathing, movement+camera manipulation, main buildings, killer powers and how to play around them, being efficient with time, coordinating with other survivors and understand what stage the game is in and what needs to happen next, and only then do they start to be okay at the game. Killers have substantially less to learn to begin with outside of "get close, M1, get close, M1" and hook.

    Once survivors get a hang of the above, the power dynamic changes. Now killers have to learn maps, and tiles, and how to use their power most efficiently, and how to mindgame. This is where the gap between the two roles starts to shrink. And as survivors get better and more coordinated, they tend to become the more powerful role, depending on the killer they're versing except when a killer is playing a very strong killer at a very high level.

    My point being that the game is already balanced around the common denominator, since only the strongest killers stand a chance against strong survivors, and map design reflects this. Making pallets regenerate would only make the game more survivor sided and give those weaker killers even less of a chance.

  • Member Posts: 24
    edited August 2023

    How did you manage to get downed by the killer within 20 seconds? Even if I just hold down W, I can evade the killer for 20 seconds. Also, your MMR must be very low so the system matches you with players close to your MMR, meaning not only are you a newcomer, but your opponents are as well.As a rank 1 player for both killer and survivor, I can confidently tell you that survivors have a greater advantage.

    You need to learn to observe the killer's movements and react accordingly, using pallets and windows to create distance from the killer. Then, keep playing consistently to familiarize yourself with the maps and learn how to deal with each type of killer.

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