Iri Hatched and Pinky finger need changing.

Both are just BS, even after the several nerfs they've gotten, they're still BS to go against.

Huntress's fix is really simple, and its been suggested before, make it so it only works after a certain amount of distance, the hatchet insta downs, same thing has Slinger's own Iri Expose addon, you can also allow her to have 3 or more hatchets this way, cause landing long distance shots requires a lot of skill and would be rewarding, rather than just holding it at close range when the survivor is vaulting or at point blank when camping.

Clown on the other hand... yeah theres no real way to fix this one, landing bottles at long range with him is far from reliable, and removing his slow debuff isnt exactly ideal, since he essentially loses his power completely, so only options is to replace it with something else.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited August 2023

    i think iri head kinda needs small buff to 2 hatchets but i think reason why this add-on does not get buffed is because a lot teammates tend to disconnect at the sight of this add-on.

    pinky finger is balanced expose add-on. it relies on precision to land bottles and it is avoidable by not being dead-zones and looping well. at the end of the day, clown still needs a m1 on survivors to get capitalization on the effect and m1 instant down is not unfair.

    i think attitude behind theses add-on is just playing as if your playing vs Plague where your permanent broken for the entire game. it is possible to escape killers while playing injured the entire game. the killer with instant down do have hook camping capacity but that just global problem with any killer that has base-kit instant downs.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Youre forgetting that Clown can use Bottle addons to bypass the 1 bottle downside, and he severely slows down movement with the gas, making a direct hit considerably easier, and again, he can just facecamp with a bottle ready, making impossible to save.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited August 2023

    so what. if your in a loop across a window or pallet, the slowdown has little meaning towards instant down. part of your comment is "landing bottles at long range with him is far from reliable" is summary of long-range hits being unreliable therefore possible to dodge. the clown only place where instant downs is reliable outside of hooking camping is when your in a deadzone and it cost 2 bottles to do that. with 3 bottle count, he can only do it once and clown still needs good aim. It is on him to mess up but it is not guaranteed hit. He is suppose to be advantage because your in weakest position possible as survivor which is dead-zone with 0 pallets or windows. he is capitalizing on your poor survivor play.

    he can just facecamp with a bottle ready, making impossible to save.

    why does this matter? bubba has this base-kit and others killers like billy, 99% ev myer's, and demon form oni also have instant downs. are they problem as well?

    these add-on are not a problem. losing to them is a survivor skill issue.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    All of those are a problem on their own (hence why Facecamping is getting nerfed)

    Regardless, insta down addons should be hard or super niche, thats why Huntress got nerfed to hell yet its still BS, Clown is no different, he can easily slow you down, making easy for him to not only catch up, but to land a direct hit a lot easier which also slows you down, at that point, you simply go down.

    Knight for example has to essentially deal with constant memorization to remember which guards exposes, (And if you forget then gl) that or sacrifice the second addon slot to make it consistent.

    Even Blight is forced to use at least 5 charges to have his own insta down, or how Artist only works if you remove her crows, and she usually makes it obvious, theres also Dredge's one that only works on the last few secs of Nightfall.

    As you can see, most of these are niche and situational, unlike the two mentioned earlier that are on hand and easy to use.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited August 2023

    yes and these add-on are awful. complete trash tier

    iri hatchet huntress is not even good because if you stay injured. you can neutralize the effectiveness of the add-on and now huntress has -4 hatchets as drawback which is worse then base-kit huntress. even without add-on, staying injured vs huntress is facing iri-heads without equipping iri-heads. you face iri-head huntress all the time in regular gameplay. it is just not that obvious.

    Pinky finger clown is exactly what iri instant down add-on should be. a reliable instant down that takes skill to use if the player is good and punishes the survivor for poor positional play.

    thats why Huntress got nerfed to hell yet its still BS

    it is not bs. it is learn to play issue with survivor.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    So creating uncouterable situations and loosing is a skill issue?

    The add-ons are problematic and promote a scummy playstyle, why not rework them to something else. Or is touching the survivors back to throw a bottle or camping just that exciting that needs to stay.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,962


    I do like the idea of Huntress iri being changed to insta-down on long range snipes and thus granting more hatchets... Only real issue is its been done before, and kinda makes the iri feel generic.

    I don't really consider it problematic myself due to the high risk/high reward nature of it. She's a slower killer with a lullaby to make stealth harder, so shes more likely chasing, and is vulnerable to loops and successful mind games, and she gets 1 shot, that if she misses, she's gonna waste a LOT of time.

    Hitting long range axes is really difficult and requires great prediction and mind games if the survivor is aware they are being targetted.


    Now Clown is complex cause his power is so simple and is good for expressly one purpose; he is exceptional at 1vs1 and anti looping, and that is literally all he has. He gets easily bum rushed for even the slightest things not going his way in chase. This addon gives him an immediate potency boost, and allows him to end a chase even faster... so makes him even better at the one thing he good at to a pretty oppressive degree in skilled hands.

    I'd like to see his basekit improved to spread his choices a little more, but while this addon is what it is, it kinda blocks him from being buffed in other areas.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    I don't know they're unhealthy yes but if I think of broken add ons myers come to mind, I would prefer them nerfing tombstone is just unfair and I find perma tier 3 a bit much too, then look at blight and new sadako they need add ons nerf

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Iri head is honestly just a bad addon after the nerfs. Huntress is already very strong at camping and iri head doesn't really change anything. She gets good value from the addon if you lock your animation but once you know she has the addon you just try to force the injure. If she misses once she gets punished hard, and I think it isn't even a remotely good addon compared to being able to have 7 hatchets. I don't find it be be problematic like before when she could have 3 1-shot downs.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    clown camping is not uncounterable situation. you can hook trade against him. it just requires coordination. instant down saves chases time. at least from my perceptive, instant down is like gen defence, it allows you to go more chases. the facecamping instant down is more of balance issue with facecamping. the way it got resolved was like how buckle up currently works where you unhook someone and both survivor had endurance. huntress is already good at camping hooks. iri head changes very little in term of hooking camping for her.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    Do you like these add-ons? Do you think they offer intersting gameplay for both sides?

    I never even said if the add-ons are good or not, i said they were problematic.

    In my opinion, this add-ons are kinda lazy and unfun for both sides and makes both killers less intersting to play.

    Instead of making cool shots with huntress, you just want to make safe shots with survivors being animation locked.

    With clown, you just want to throw the bottle while already smelling the survivor, instead of using both bottles for anti loop.

    I think they remove intersting decision, power and counter just for the cheap exposed status.

    So, even if you think the add-ons aren't busted. And i would argue that iri head isn't really that good. I still consider the add-ons toxic for both sides. And i would prefer them to be reworked into something more unique

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i think they are challenge type add-on's. i do not think killer should be balanced around them. Killer should not rely on them to be relevant.

    In my opinion, this add-ons are kinda lazy and unfun for both sides and makes both killers less intersting to play.

    that is mostly because drawback of add-on prevents you from using it in other ways.

    instead of making cool shots with huntress, you just want to make safe shots with survivors being animation locked.

    have you considered not taking windows in front of a winded-up hatchet or using pallets stun as mindgames?

    With clown, you just want to throw the bottle while already smelling the survivor, instead of using both bottles for anti loop.

    this used not be a problem until its latest negative change. you can still use pink bottles but yellow bottles are too expensive now. prior to the change, you had two chances to use yellow-pink into instant down but now capacity is too severe to use yellows. I suppose you can still do it but you only get a single chance.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    No, both addons are fine. If anything Iri Head is actually pretty weak now.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I already told you that i am not saying if the add-ons are strong or not.

    Iri hatchet is not Huntress's stronghest add-on or even broken.

    I just don't like the design of the add-ons and think they are toxic by nature.

    It's fine if you like them, but i like add-ons that give different tools or expand your playstyle.

    This add-ons are boom or bust by nature, because it is the only way for them to be remotely fair.

  • jordanjustice
    jordanjustice Member Posts: 110
    edited August 2023

    All Iri/Very Rare add-ons for Killers are just mega cheats. My attitude for them is that the match is considered null. Its no longer a fair match. I don't really care what happens with the add-ons. The fact that they exist is a huge issue and cheat/advantage for the killer. So, yah, no reason to get upset if you are in a match with a killer who has an Iri add-on... Just play around, have fun and try new stuff out... No need to try, it's already a non-match.

    On the Myers topic.. Myers' Iri add-ons are insane. Everyone knows it, but the devs like having him be insanely over-powered. Why have a game where you are getting chased by the killer trying not to get downed... when you can play half a game of not being chased but being creepily looked at, and then get grabbed and gutted out of nowhere on your first chase with the killer. All fun. So fun.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    Iri Head is fine right now I think.

    Pinky Finger should get the Iri Head treatment and cap the limit of bottles at 2 so you can’t use other add ons to off set the downside.

    Then give Clown some base kit buffs and then if Pinky Finger is still too strong nerf it further.