Discussion about xenomorph

fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

FIrst of all i want to start by saying im super stocked that he's finaly in the game. He was one of the killer i was hoping for a long time. Probably on top of my wishlist with Terrifier. But i have to say that it feel a bit like a let down. I mean he looks fun dont get me wrong . But to me there's stuff missing ! Im really not sure with the mechanics, i was hoping for way more. Not talking about being stronger or weaker. But the core mechanic to me it seems boring and like its gonna get old really fast. Ive watched multiple videos of fan made conception for his core powers , there was some really strong idea brought up. Sky was the limit. I was so hyped to get to finally see what BHR would give us. Is it just me or the turret thingy feels terrible and boring ? When im thinking about aliens , first power that comes to my mind is Acid , Facehugger , chest bursting, furtive , wall climbing. Yes the turret interaction did happen in a movie , so its basicaly lore related but...

Idunno it feels to me like this just another killer opression thing, he might be the first killer that has to be carefull of his surrounding, stop mid chase to do a secondary objective in killing the turrets. Its already a hard enough to 1v4, those secondary objective were there to slow down survivors not the other way around. AM i tripping or being too harsh on BHR ? Or maybe my hope where to high on this one ?

I was really hoping for some sort of interaction with the facehugger and im sure a lot of ppl where.

Lemme know what you feel about it id like to know.


  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Acidic Blood-This is an add-on so it is in the game

    Facehuggers-This would have made Xeno another gen stall killer which nobody wanted

    Wall Climbing-A dev confirmed this was considered but the game wouldn't really have been able to handle it from a technical standpoint and it wouldn't work on certain maps.

    Beyond that considering the chapter is based on the first movie there really wasn't much more they could do like Xeno doesn't actually do a lot in that movie. The only thing they really left out was cocooning people and had their own type of hooking system but would anyone have really been excited over that?

    So outside of wall climbing BHVR actually hit the notes they needed to. A pounce would be cool but that's basically what demo has and people already compare Xeno and Demo too much. On the topic of the turrets all you need is one of the yellow add-ons that nerf them (start chart or e-helmet) and they're basically a joke so as far as built in counterplay killers go Xeno probably has the weakest one out of all of them. Most cases turrets buy survivors 3 seconds of distance and that's it which is probably fair for having the best map traversal in the game.

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2023

    how would facehugger transform him into a gen stalling killer ? im not saying theyre fair or unfair the turret, i just think its extermely awfull to have to deal with that. Killers shouldnt have a secondary objective to deal with we already have enough.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Xeno wont be played much from what I seen survivors saying that very fun to play against and balanced killer.

    Just like demo, which even was available one of the rarest killer.

    Alien power is far weaker compared to Wesker's or Blight's, yet alien power can be turned off by survivors, new killers theme is counterplay, which wont work because one just can play the older killers without counterplay

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    Exactly what i meant by killer opression. Theres already video around showing survivors playing with aliens by stacking turret blinding etc. To me its simply bad choice. When there was so much to be done. I agree that wallclimbing is not a good idea in the game, but adding a secondary objective with facehugger, or having to cure acid, would have made sense. Or at the very least if you feel hes too powerfull then dont add anything to him but remove these stupid turret. From a Killer POV this is awfull and just another thing to deal with.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Yeah, and the turrets also having mega spine chill, can sense the alien from 40 meters potentially, so stealth won't be a thing with him.

    A good squad, hell even decent solo players will have much fun bullying the Alien.

    Sorry but another killer designed around the fun of survivors

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    exactly man. This game gives so much tools to memes killers. Im really disapointed.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I mean how would you incorporate Facehuggers? Because to me it sounds like a side objective for survivors to get rid of.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,851
    edited August 2023

    Aside from the Wall Crawling missing, i'm pretty satisfied with how Xeno's current kit is designed, also honestly glad that Facehuggers wasn't included as part of the power.

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    well thats usualy how killer are designed, its part of their base kit powers. sadako, plague, wesker, nemesis only to name a few! and are those killers considered too strong ? theyre not

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2023

    but why ? tell me your point why you wouldnt want it. i think i would incporate the face huggers with pods being static on the maps at certain location. Once you hit a survivor they would bleed attract facehuggers , then they would have to get rid of them not sure how, but i would add stages kind of a progression to it until fatality if they do not get rid of. If you do not get rid of it in time the chest would burst. kind of like a piggy trap ! id remove the turret and tone down and runner mode. maybe add a cd to the tunnels to balance it. somewhere around those lines

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    If they added it it would mostly likely be like Cenobite of Pig.

    One of those is a pubstomper and meh versus SWF and the other is D tier and neither one is very popular. That does not sound like a template for success.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    From my own testing. And in short

    - Fun killer.

    - Impresive tunnel system.

    - Yellow addons overlaps, almost all nerf turrets. Helmet probably best addons of all. Helmet should be half basekit half addon.

    - Green addons are very weak in numbers.

    - Brown,purple, iri addons seems fine.

    - Chase music could be improved into something more than a 2 second loop.

    And yeah i dont like the new "Do this so killer dont have power".

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,851
    edited August 2023
    1. The point of the Facehugger and the Chestburster is that Facehuggers puts someone in a coma for a short period of time, after which a Chestburster embryo is implanted inside the host with no safe way to remove it as it's meant as a death sentence for whoever carries it inside themselves, If they added the Facehugger & Chestburster as part of the Xeno's power kit to serve as a slowdown like Pig, i guarantee you that it would have been dumped down from how it was potrayed in the first movie and every other Alien movie for the sake of gameplay balance.
    2. The Xenomorph drone doesn't lay egg, The Hive Queen does. Having a Xenomorph Drone spawn egg would be out of character.
    3. The power should revolve around The Xenomorph drone itself as seen in the first Alien movie since that's what the chapter is based on and not around an aspect of the Xenomorph race in general.

    All in all, for what we ended up with, The Xenomorph is potrayed in-game with the majority of it's aspects from the first movie, only thing really missing is the Wall Crawling.

  • ThatRedPyramidThing
    ThatRedPyramidThing Member Posts: 91

    DISCLAIMER: I play on Xbox so I haven't gotten to play the Alien yet. My opinions are based on what I've seen from Tru3 and Otz streams.

    Tru3 and Otz say they think he's strong. And his runner mode looks fun and powerful.

    HOWEVER! it also makes me nervous that like Meatball the survivors are going to be able to easily cancel out your power with easily attainable items. Like it's so oppressive with Meatball that he basically doesn't have a power at all. EMPs ruin Meatball so hard thst you are quite literally stronger if you just don't even bother using his power at all. Because his power just wastes his own time.

    Maybe some one who played the PTB can tell me if Alien gets oppressed by the items as hard as Meatball does?

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    While i partialy agree, i dont on some points. Yes in most case while they carry the embryo they die. In prometheus Dr.Shaw did remove her. The eggs are layed in some movies by the queen while others not. There many apparittion of the eggs in multiple movies without any presence of the queen. Prometheus is one first alien is one just to name those 2. I agree that if they get infected by the embryo should die. based on a timer, that doesnt hold them from doing objectives until then. But their could be side objectives to be done to reduce the chance of getting infected by one. Im not stucked to one particular idea, i just think anything would be nicer than the turrets. Especialy the huggers. There just iconic

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    it is just unfun anyway to have your power denied as a killer, why would you play a killer that get denied to use is power when you can play some that wont.

    Its going to be ridiculously strong vs soloQ and youll get trolled with SWF!

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    No the turrets are nowhere near as bad as the EMPs. The trade off is Xeno kinda suffers from the problem some killers like Knight and Dredge do where they need a specific add-on to feel good to play. In Xeno's case you need either the e-helmet which I think makes the meter that takes you out of your power build up slower or the star chart which makes the turret range 2 meters less which easily puts the turret in tail range. I know some people are running both but I honestly think that's overkill and you really only need one. But as long as you do bring one of them they're just a minor annoyance that really arn't too bad, they don't actually slow you so you have the choice to try and ignore them and get a hit or destroy the turret and keep your power and continue the chase.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    No the turrets are nowhere near as bad as the EMPs. The trade off is Xeno kinda suffers from the problem some killers like Knight and Dredge do where they need a specific add-on to feel good to play. In Xeno's case you need either the e-helmet which I think makes the meter that takes you out of your power build up slower or the star chart which makes the turret range 2 meters less which easily puts the turret in tail range. I know some people are running both but I honestly think that's overkill and you really only need one. But as long as you do bring one of them they're just a minor annoyance that really arn't too bad, they don't actually slow you so you have the choice to try and ignore them and get a hit or destroy the turret and keep your power and continue the chase.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    I highly doubt devs gonna recycle the turrets they will nerf it but alien will keep being bad

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    sadly i have to admit youre probably right ! removing them would be to admit they failed miserably ! idk if they rushed him in , but this is sad to say the least !

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,851
    edited August 2023

    Thing is, the whole embryo removal and if it can be done or not is frankly inconsistent.

    Eg: Colonial Marines states that it cannot be removed without the host dying, however while in some alien comics, you got two hosts who've managed to remove their embryo implants by themselves, it usually boils down to if the plot calls it or not.

    Also i wouldn't count anything from Prometheus as being the same as the Xenos in the later movies since those variants don't exist until Alien: Covenant, it's uncertain if the egg Doctor Shaw had inside her is similar enough to that of the Chestbursters since they're two completely different variants.

    Regardless though, i stand by what i said, i'm satisfied with how Xeno's kit turned out and i firmly believe the Chestburster doesn't belong in it no matter how iconic it is because we're not playing as a hive queen, we're playing as the Xeno Drone from the first Alien movie, who don't lay eggs.

  • Unimatrix00
    Unimatrix00 Member Posts: 459

    Gosh, some of you will complain no matter what. This chapter is based on the FIRST movie ALIEN. So, the fact they didn't include some of the mechanics you wanted really boils down to the fact that it is based on the first movie, not the series.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,603

    I think it's a good decision they didn't give Xenomorph Facehuggers. Because they could make a lot of people unable to play. There is such a thing as arachnophobia and they are quite similar from a visual perspective. Even I am disgusted by these things and I've got to say that this is a new experience for me. I haven't felt that in any other horror film I've watched.

    The part about climbing on walls is very nice in theory but we also have to consider technical limitations. The game can't even handle more than 2 zombies at once. This would definitely be too much. Plus, they'd have to change a bunch of maps to make this power work.

    The turret thing is maybe not the most original but it is a way to force survivors to interact with the killer and give them a side objective. Which is something that we've asked for. There probably will be some more adjustments to these in the future. On the PTB it looked mostly fine to me and like a good way to counter an otherwise very strong chase power.

    The mobility of this killer is pretty much unrivaled. This is interesting to me. I think this killer will be great with a variety of different perks and even when you get burned by a turret you can get your power back immediately. Xenomorph might be the strongest hit and run killer yet.

    I think we'll have to wait and see how it turns out. It does look promising but I hope they will make the tail attack a bit nicer to use (felt a bit clunky on the PTB). I wouldn't say you are wrong by not being totally hyped. Just cautious. Which is fine. Once it goes live we will know, how much we like the killer. And judging by Singularity, I think the devs won't be affraid to make some quick changes to turrets and whatever else if necessary.

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63

    there no turret in the first alien ? what your point now ? Gosh !

  • fearsxoxo
    fearsxoxo Member Posts: 63


    this video summaries pretty much why there should be no turret ! gives survivors a toy , they will use the toy to bully killers.