Dev, How About Kill Switch Skull Merchant For Now?

I’d be down with this.
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Yes please 😤
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This implies there's any plans to change Skull Merchant in the future.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is.
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Killswitch Red head's pinky finger too.
Such a mind numbing ultra rare for no reason.
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This is not what the killswitch is for
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You can't demand a kill switch from a killer because you don't like the character's gameplay.
People spend real money or game time to unlock those characters. You can't just deactivate a product they've paid for.
We also know that BHVR takes time to make changes to any aspect of the game, so it's not feasible to deactivate a character until a redesign you like is ready.
Kill Switch is an internal tool to disable something that causes some kind of bug or exploit in the game, not for players to choose what they want or don't want to play against.
At most you can question or suggest an alternative to that gameplay, or better map design to avoid three gen .
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I spend money to play the game, not get locked into hour long ego chess matches.
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I don't like playing against Wesker can we killswitch Wesker too?
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BHVR confirmed she will be getting changes. We don’t know when that’ll be though.
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They kill switched Haddonfield for months while they reworked that map and it was just considered unfun, it didn't cause hour stall games like Skull Merchant 3 gen.
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Unfairly for you, your money is worth the same as that of those who prefer to play "long ego chess matches".
Three gen is not a problem only of the skull merchant, and both sides have abuseable tools due to game design.
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It got killswitch because of a bug and since BHVR was wrapping up the realm rework there wasn't much reason to fix the bug when the entire map was being changed.
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Nah, Chess Merchant is 100% the most fun way to counter MFT and Buckle Up + FTP. If BHVR's going to give Survivors perks to make chase not worth it, we can have a killer who makes gens not worth it either.
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Killswitch is for bugs
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There is, one of the community leaders replied to a post about the SM 3 gen and they said they are working on it but it will take some time.
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If you don't want to be locked in 3-gen, then dying is fast escape from it...
You can try to break it, fail and go next. Not really complicated concept.
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no there was a bug on that map that required the kill switch, it wasn't switched off because it was being reworked.
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Sound like the design of the Killer is bugged if no one has fun playing against them. This is a game, and people play games to have fun. If no one is having fun, then it is an error in design or a bug.
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Exactly, Skull Merchant isn't going to be Kill Switch, just because there is a flaw to her killer power design that makes her unfun to play agaisnt; alot of killer would be considered unfun and would be called out screaming to be kill switch, if that was the case. Kill Switches were implemented to give Devs ability to pull/disabled a killer/map specifically if there is a game Breaking bug that isn't counter by any means.
There is no real game breaking bugs with skull merchant, and no, her power doesn't count; as that is how she is meant to be played that way. You best be DC, Killing yourself on hook, or just putting up with the hour long chess match game; until she gets Reworked.
Perfect example for a theoretical kill switch opportunity that could happen; if say her power is broken by some means like the drones can no longer be deployed after use, or claw trap batteries no longer depleted and stuck on survivors body even after being down and hook. So far, that hasn't happened.
Nurse was killswitch because a game breaking bug that prevents her from using her blinks at all, or the fatigue is much longer and she couldn't recover tokens to used her power. Certain maps, like autoheaven were disabled because broken map tiles like the school bus and specifically map corner being safe spots for survivors and the killer could not move or even injured any Survivor within distance inside this areas.
They never kill switch any killer/map, just because no body likes playing agaisnt them or the map generally.
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There were bugs that were left on other maps during reworks and they weren't kill switched, just left there for months until the rework went through. Haddonfield was only one that received a 5 month kill switch. Sorry but BHVR has been very inconsistent with what is considered kill switch worthy and what isn't.
While I understand reworks and bug fixes take time something needs to be done to end these hour long 3gen stalls until a fix is ready - which seems like won't be anytime soon.
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What kind of bug was it? I know that you could hit people though fences, which was funny.
wait, didn't you used to get stuck somewhere in old Haddonfield? Was it that one? It's been two years so I am not sure.
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Leave Clown out of this conversation plz <3.
It's an add-on that I haven't touched since the Hatch changes. If anything, they can give it the Iri head treatment of NOT being paired with Gin bottle (Adds 2 bottles, making it 3 in total) and Soda pop (Adds 1, which makes it 2 in total)
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If anything, they can give it the Makeup kit treatment of reworking it into an add-on that isn't substandard.
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One thing I still don't get is why people keep complaining about 1 hr games.
People act like there is no escape without DC... except there is... if you want out of a SM game, play super reckless and ignore her while you work on the 3 gen.
She'll have to down you to stop you, then you bleed out if she camps you and someone else repairs another gen. If not, then someone can possibly make a save, and you carry on doing the gen. Likely you'll die, but that inflates her kill rate, which us what you want to get her nerfed.
It's only a 1 hr game if you constantly play her game and don't commit.
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I know you're being sarcastic
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I mean, he is not wrong.
If all survivors just swarm gens and ignore drones. Game will end quite fast one way or another. That's how team Eternal managed to win. Stayed injured and focus all gens.
That strategy is even easier when survivors have MFT to use...
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yeah, compared to matches that usually take around 10-15 minutes, 1-hour game is considered fast
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If you stay injured, ignore drones and just swarm last gen, it won't be 1 hour game.
It becomes 1 hour game when each survivor prerun away whenever merchant gets nearby, which is a good way how to beat 3-gen usually. But it won't work if you are going to respect and wait for each drone.
If you want fast game, then stay injured, ignore drones and play risky. Either you will pull it off and beat her 3-gen, or die. But it will end fast for sure.
Eternal said they didn't prepare for it at all. They were doing trial error method during that match. I am sure they would finish it under 30 (probably around 20) minutes, if they played again.
Issue is soloQ won't do that. You need to have each player on board and confident in staying injured. It's quite easy in current meta tho.
In my 70 +/- games I had two groups that were doing this, but I usually don't go full 3-gen...
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Oh you kinda ate with that statement ngl 😩
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You wouldn't really killswitch her but in what world do you not just gut the killer while you wait to get a rework for her?
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I made a Skull merchant rework ideas if you guys wanna check it out. Just curious what you guys might think and hopefully the devs might see it and consider it. Not sure how long it would be to make the change because of coding and other tech stuff