BHVR need to stop rewarding survivors for making a mistake

Why do perks such as Resilience and Made For This exist and basically rewards you when you're injured? You should not be rewarded for making a mistake in the game. It's surreal that these perks exist in the first place! M1 killers continues to struggle against these perks. The pick rate for Nurse, Blight and Wesker are getting higher and higher but BHVR doesn't address these issues thus we're stuck in this boring Hold Shift+W meta.



  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    I'm not saying I agree completely with OP's POV here, but the way the game is set up - survivors have two 'chances' so to speak. You lose a chance when you make a mistake. When you lose both chances, you go down. This is why stuff like DH Adren etc are called 'second chance' perks. The point OP is making is that there is no prerequisite to MFTs haste nor is there any reasonable way to avoid it

    To take @Sackboy123 's example, if I come across a killer using enduring spiri fury hubris, how can I avoid it? Predrop pallets or abuse windows all game.

    You're both right that getting hit is not always a mistake, I 100% agree, but the point OP is making here is that being injured by itself rewarding you does seem a bit cheap. This is why DH was complained about so much.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited August 2023

    "all of the best killer perks are good, because they give you free value for doing absolutely nothing"

    I'd like you to elaborate on this statement and back it up please. I'll give you CI and DL, what else?

  • Sackboy123
    Sackboy123 Member Posts: 465

    It's a risk and reward perk, you only have 3 perk slots unless you're injured which activates the 4th at the cost of being an instant down

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Yeah, killer has perk variety because there isn't a single one perk thats so busted it makes all others not worth running , not to mention killer perks have strict requirements or time gates, and when they dont its because the effect is so minimal, the day someone comes out claiming enduring and brutal strength are busted I'll laugh so damn hard.

    Meanwhile survivors have a multitude of "get outta jail free cards" that its not even funny.

    Got hit? heres MFT and Resi giving you perma haste and perma action speeds!

    Got caught out of place? Heres sprintburst

    teammate did a risky rescue near the killer? Heres basekit BT + OTR so you can bodyblock for your savior for up to 80 seconds!

    Fumbled the chase before the last gen pops? heres adrenaline to give you a free healthstate AND SB effect. (Not to mention the effect being on hold incase you're in the killers grasp or on hook)

    Theres are just to name a few. yet its impossible to name killer "GOJF cards" because they simply dont exist.

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    The only one of those Killer come-back perks that is any good is NOED and that both requires the gates to be powered and for survivors to not cleanse the totem.

    MFT conditions to activate is just "Be injured" for a permanent speed boost.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 362

    That just depends on how you look at it. Being injured and vulnerable, to me, is a prerequisite. Depending on the perk though, me using the term vulnerable could be completely off. Old DH for example took any fear of being injured out of the equation. So did CoH, strong medkits, and old DS. I don't think MFT is on that level with just the haste but I also don't think it should have 2 effects or work well with some other perks. It still leaves you vulnerable to being hit and can't be used on demand as a quick burst. A visual que for killer wouldn't hurt either.

    All the healing nerfs, while I think a lot of those were needed, didn't really help with this. Now it isn't that it's safer to heal to not feel vulnerable, it just takes too much time to do so. That makes these perks even stronger while also making other objectives go faster.

  • Exarion
    Exarion Member Posts: 69

    yeah, they'll also nerf blight, wesker in next patch, they don't care that it's their own fault that anything but mobility = auto lose against 4x mft

  • Satelit
    Satelit Member Posts: 1,377

    The meta just shifted to favour this perk,the previous meta was all about healing with Medkits and CoH and Resilience wasn't seeing much play because of it.

    This perk wasn't complained about at its peak during the vault speed build with Spine Chill but NOW it's an issue?

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185

    "I think BHVR should stop rewarding both sides for being bad in chase. Remove bloodlust, remove MFT"

    Bloodlust has been a killer feature for 6+ years they're not going remove it because one person is happy to trade Made for This for it.

    If both sides get something that rewards them for "being bad in chases" why wouldn't they just keep them both in.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 362

    I dont mean this to come off bad or anything but as a killer I've had to explain a lot of things to newer/lower hour survivors. I've been accused of wallhacking because of bbq, and other perks or add-ons, more times than I can count. It's just a product of being new.

    I'm not against giving the information to killers on some perks like MFT though. Letting them know someone has it so they can adjust. I'd prefer it be noticeable but even if it's like a slight brightening of scratch marks, or something, it would help.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,591

    Perks like BBQ can be called out rather easy. The killer always finds someone immediately after hooking a survivor? Well, then you know what perk they have. And even if you don't know you can still counter it by sitting behind a gen, hiding in a locker or using a variety of perks. I remember when I was new to the game and BBQ was a nightmare for me to go against (because I was incredibly bad in chase) but I learned quickly how to notice if it was in the game and how to counter it.

    With MFT you cannot reliably tell, if it is in the game or not and you cannot really counter it by adjusting your play style during the match. But you need assume that every survivor has it. My idea would be to do something with the survivor icon during chase. That would be noticeable but not distracting or detrimental for either side.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,363

    they reward you for taking a risk by staying injured instead of healing up. the survivor is trading one resource, health, for a different one, speed.

  • xPrinceHarlequinx
    xPrinceHarlequinx Member Posts: 180

    So like, i don't disagree with the sentiment, that being said, it is literally almost impossible even if you don't make a mistake that you won't be injured at some point. Unless of course, you want survivors to play super stealthy which I personally find highly boring as killer.

    A survivor remaining injured on purpose has kind of a risk/reward factor to it because you could catch them out of position and now they only have one health state so it could be to your benefit.

    However, I have given it a lot of time to settle and see what effect it would have, and I absolutely hate Made For This. In most cases, I don't even think the perk itself is the problem. I think pallet density and the safety of the map itself is what causes it to be as strong as it is. But thats kind of been the problem with the game since it came out.

    Now, if we are talking about 110 killers like Huntress, on a map that's too dense to really go for even any medium range shots and has barely any loops you can throw over, I upgrade to loathing Made For This.

    But then I feel kind of conflicted because I want survivors to have strong tools to make the game a challenge and also have the ability to have fun perks without them getting gutted.

    In conclusion, this game is a constant push and pull and hard to balance. This is where we've landed. We deserve better from the game we love on both sides.

  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    Do you notice any disparity between those things in survivor’s and killer’s hands? Like, of the - one’s a weapon, the other’s a flashlight variety?

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Is it really mistakes when a survivor can't be expected to run the whole match uninjured and if they do they are probably playing super stealth with no interactions to the killers.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 362

    It's rather subjective on what someone considers a good perk. For a lot of these though I see them fairly often. There are some other perks I see good as well, such as Whispers and Rancor. I personally don't see them used enough to put here though.

    Bitter Murmur

    Brutal Strength

    Corrupt Intervention





    Fire Up (mostly for certain builds)

    Hex Haunted Grounds (Hope it's broken. Don't see this often either but get a lot of use out of this on certain builds. Like NOED it can cause a snowball.)

    Hex NOED (I wouldn't say this is as strong since you can see it's aura now but still turns a lot of games around.)


    Lethal Pursuer

    Lightborn (Situational but can completely counter a flashlight squad.)

    Merciless Storm

    Spirit Fury


  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    Has it occurred to you that perhaps survivors role in this asynchronous game inherently requires these types of perks to be balanced? A bear only needs to win one chase with unlimited retry opportunities where its prey needs to win every chase.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Except that comparison doesn’t work at all. Dbd is like if the prey had to be caught three times to be dead. There’s also 4 of them.