The Terms "Tunneling" and "Genrushing" are misused.
So killers focusing their objecive is toxic compared to survivors doing it? Thanks for agreeing with my point, i guess.
May i inquire whats expected of killers if not "kill survivors"?
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I will describe what "genrushing" is most commonly described as when salt is not involved.
Survivors are ignoring all other objectives, including killer specific in a desperation to finish all generators as quickly as possible. Multiple survivors also running builds that contain toolboxes+BNPs and Hyperfocus+Stake out type perks is also "genrushing", as long as they sit on the generators.
If survivors spray to clear Wesker's uroboros, they are not genrushing.
Survivors favoring an unhook over finishing a generator is NOT genrushing.
A build is not required to be "genrishing", but without a genrush build the term is very narrow.
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If there's no incentive to do other objectives, there's no point in taking the extra time to do it. That's just common sense. Do you go out of your way to destroy every breakable wall as killer? Of course not. What's the incentive? You're just wasting time.
Pinhead's Box can't be ignored, Pig's helmets can only be ignored if survivors 99 the gens, there's no benefit to using the vaccine against Nemmy, Plague's fountains are ignored to avoid giving her a power-up, Wesker's infection inflicts survivors with 8% hindered ontop of automatically carrying them if they're caught by his virulent bound so there's incentive to spray, there's little incentive to not be in the dream state against Freddy, and you have to snap out of Doctor's Tier 3 Madness in order to do gens.
I feel like I'm missing a few, but I can't think of any others. I mean, there's Demo but I haven't seen a Demodog in ages. Does anybody still play him?
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It is not about doing the objective itself, it is about how you do it... And this is where I say there is no variation in holding m1 on a generator, whereas killer has the choice how to play.
I would still say it is not always the best decision to just tunnel the first survivor out you see, and it has its advantages to juggle two of them.
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I agree with that, it is basically prioritising generators over everything else no matter how stupid it may be to do so... Like literally letting someone die on first hook just to finish the first gen on the opposite site of the map. But I don't think it requires a build.
For example imagine survivors not healing against stealth killers or Oni and some other stuff that is just objectively bad plas in favor of doing gens.
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Both are bad and suck the fun out of the game for the other side.
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I define tunneling focusing only on one survivor until they're death chasing and hooking them again and again. Well if you do hook one survivor and go after weak link and hook them and go after them well yes it's tunneling. But what I do is still usually go after someone else and if it does not work out then I come back for weak link so then it's not tunneling.
I just did that in my last match. Hooked kate then jake and went after laurie didn't work out so I went after jake again and hooked then went for laurie and hooked them and after that I found jake and took him out. So there was no tunneling. But I did got blamed for tunneling by jake and appearently I should quit as I don't have the level... Can't imagine what the chat it's on pc and when you actually tunnel.
Majority of the survivors are not in the skill level you need to tunnel to win. There are lot of soloQ players it's not like 4 man swf are that common. Well we could just say 90% dbd players are bad/worse well better word would be casual. If everyone would be good then 2K would be usually maximium result for killer even tunneling is not enough agains't good survivors even if you play nurse and blight.
But most luckily are not that level usually not even that 4 man swf you face. So there is usually enough time to win if you play effieciently. There are definetely many games I have lost because I have had tunnel vision on one survivor like I said before don't tunnel strongest link that's why it's smart to take at least ond more chase maybe not everyone is that good. Well I do usually squeeze 2K from those games but I did want to win.
When survivors just rush gens I go straight away for tunneling whoever got hooked first before I tried to force second stage with camping as well now you can't do it. I just try to secure kill I can. Those games usually are unwinnable and it's only way to get something out of them.
Still sometimes im able to win and sometimes I win by actually stopping the tunneling as others come to protect I have slugged them all. So even there are still other playstyles to win. But like I said I actually jisy aim to get that one kill and tunneling is great for that and opens possibility for 2K.
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Well the bar for "needing to tunnel to win" (realistically) is also influenced by killer choice and the killers own skill level as well. A Clown or trapper will need to do it a lot more than an Artist or Huntress.
90% might be a bit high but I agree that more than not are casual players.
Both are valid imo. If you want to take your (tbf good) chances on the survivor skill level you can, but if you want to play efficiently in case they're better than most I can't say that's wrong either. Against casuals the efficient route will also win as well. So in that regard I believe it covers more bases.
It's the weird middle ground where you have some causals and some strong players in your game where it varies and get situational.
I think it really just depends on your viewpoint and if you're playing for the best case scenario or the worst one.
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With weak killers it bit debends if needing to tunnel as you might face weaker survivors. I played games with trapper other day and got some very potato survivors they ended up all dead at 4 gens. So I think it debends how much you play these weaker killers if you need to.
Mmr range has big effect on matches I assume you're probably in top mmr so there is more likely competive survivors even with weaker killers. I think I reached that mmr now too because I do play effiently and use my opportunies to get kills. I probably tunnel in half of my games in some form.
I get my first kill usually around 5 hooks. Im probably gonna decrease my mmr now to get easier matches to be honest games has become bit too much sweating. Im on console too so I do have mechanical disadvantage compared to pc. Or maybe I just play basement bubba for a while.
Otz did while back video winning 80% of games without tunneling he had rule he could not hook same survivor twice a row if I remember right. I would want to see him make video where he just tunnel that he has to hook same survivor again and again what would be the winrate then for comparision?
He ofcourse is very good killer so average killer doing same would not have as good result but he could show what is most efficient strat. I do think honestly best is to some kind of hybrid and use every opportunity you have. Knowing when to camp/slug/tunnel and which chases to commit or drop.
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It comes down to perception, sometimes mixed with excuses, but always governed by emotion. No matter how clearly defined those terms are, a bad game can cause a good number of players to call foul.
None of these actions are even against the rules. People do tunnel, camp or ignore survivors in favour of gens, but the rules are clear and each action can result in a loss because of the risks. Everyone has bad games. Rather than focus on the bad ones, move on and look for a better game next time around.
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People have been playing DBD for a long time and have a semblance of how the game should be played if you wanna win. And even when survivors bring "fun" items like Flashlights the killer still doesn't like it and they rather bring Lightborn or Franklin's. There's really not a very reliable way to have fun in the game doing something different than focusing on gens and hope to win. And when there are playstyles like that you usually need at least a 2-man SWF to accomplish it.
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Probably just a by product of calling everything toxic by default that it blurred the lines between actual toxicity and just flat out I don't like that.