Will We Ever Get Nighttime Coldwind Farm?

My putrid eyes cannot handle the sunlight, and it burns my skin, my poor, poor skin, burning from the bright light. It's like a flashbang goes off anytime I load into Coldwind Farm.
Plus it just makes more sense for the game. It's Dead by Daylight. Why does Coldwind have daylight? Why isnt it nighttime or why isnt the sky obstructed to prevent daylight from coming through? Tsk tsk tsk, false advertising clearly.
In all seriousness, I think Coldwind should be nighttime. Darker maps are way easier on my eyes and it makes scratchmarks easier to see with my colorblindness. I dont have too much trouble on other maps but Coldwind... Coldwind just really hurts me... I hate it.
I wish. Seeing a map in the middle of the day sure doesn't make me feel like I'm playing DBD... Having the farm map take place during the day instead of night like the original was an extremely questionable change.. Let's be honest though, what change does BHVR make to this game that isn't questionable besides accessibility features.. None that I can think of.. An even bigger reason why they should've kept it night time for coldwind farm is when the Texas Chainsaw game comes out, it'll be an actually scary amazing looking daytime map that has a reason to be...well daytime as it's based on the movie..
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I would like to add onto this, but farms look really nice during the daytime, but during the nighttime, they feel a bit more ominous since stuff can easily be hiding inside the crops and you wouldnt know. I think it felt better in DBD because of that.
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Why do people complain about Coldwind being set during the day but not Ormond?
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I wouldn't mind seeing night-time variants of existing outdoor maps. Kinda wish there was a feature for community-created maps available or let you at least toggle night/day in custom games.
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I miss old coldwind. It was easier on my eyes.
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I actually really like that it's outside. Makes the map unique.
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I use filters to darken the game on Eyrie of Crows and Coldwind Farm. They're just too bright otherwise. I genuinely cannot play on them without filters. Scratch marks are too hard to see and I get strained eyes from switching from the dark maps into them.
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I don't like daytime Ormond either. I wish Coldwind and Ormond were set at dusk hours like Dead Dawg is, at least.
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I like snow maps.
Also the snowstorm effect makes it a gray-ish blue which is easier on my eyes.
If they made is nighttime, I also wouldnt mind, but I just really dislike Coldwind being as bright as it is.
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I really miss the old coldwind farm vibes.
it's difficult for me to see red aura on the new coldwind map, as well as borgo (impossible to track scratchmark on this map too).
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Borgo is not as bad as it was on the PTB, but damn is it still really bad.
Also anytime I play on Borgo, I always remember that BHVR raised the stone walls and I instantly think about the "Chest High Wall" (0:00 to 1:30, from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6MW-qdNoYA ).
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Because Coldwind has almost no color contras. It's all different shades of yellow and brown with an occasional red object sprinkled in there. Ormond has at least that. But you are right. Ormond would look better at night too.
I've seen videos of the old Ormond and my lord it was ugly but the atmosphere was way better. Even the old Lery's looked better in that regard. I miss dark maps. Coldwind used to look like it actually belonged in a horror game. The same goes for Ormond and Lery's.
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yeah, I hate daylight maps and coldwind is the worst offender.
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We used to have offerings (full moon, half moon, etc) that changed the time of day for maps/made them darker. These were removed because of player complaints.
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Neither hold a candle to the incandescence of Eyrie of Crows.
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I hate daytime maps with a passion. For so long this game was at night and i got so accustomed to it. (Most of the maps still are dark) but then you get coldwind and its like theres a flashlight in my eyes the whole match. I really miss the old coloration.
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people complain about ormond existing. no need to focus on the aspect of it being day.
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I wouldn't mind a day/night and different weather variants on the maps. Would add more variety to the game
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Hopefully not, getting more coldwind variants means having a higher chance of getting coldwind which is already a big no to me.
Also i much prefer daylight coldwind for aesthetic reasons.
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That was why their were removed. Devs wanted more control and having lots of maps to consider for these offerings was probably too much hard work
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With these bright lights? I disagree.
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To be fair, it feels about the same brightness, just in a different pallet. The walls are greyish instead of bluish white. Survivors "glow" less to us but that might be just us as well.
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I want more dark maps. It doesn't feel like horror when everything is lit up.
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On top of that, can we stop this trend of having the floors of maps look like there are spotlights on them at all times? (Trapper main btw)
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Hope we get variations, maybe even ones with low chances to appear. Nostalgic
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i complain about both? All maps should be set at night.
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Ormond gives off horror vibes regardless I'd say.. It just feels eerie.. The farm during the day just throws me off though. Maybe they were going for the during the day Texas Chainsawish look, but for DBD I personally wish they kept the dark. Going through the corn field at night has a way different feel to it. A much more thrilling feeling because I can't see 10 miles in front my character due to it being...well..dark.. Less visibility is better. Even Ormond has that slight snow effect where things get blurry the further you try to look.
1 huge reason I hate that map during the day is I for the life of me, have so much trouble seeing scratch marks as Killer it isn't even funny. That map and Eerie of Crows beg for filters... :/
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Ormand gives off an eerie vibe because it appears to be winter.
I know people associate Winter with the jolliness of Christmas, but a lot of Christmas's themes originally were focused around horror, seeing how almost everything is either dead or hibernating in some way, giving a very empty feeling to the season.
A lot of the stuff we look at today, such as A Christmas Carole, were designed to be horror stories, overtime a lot of the horror aspects were removed but you can still find the original stories out there.
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I’ve heard that before (optimization) but there were complaints about them. And they weren’t touched for years.
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Would be a buff to trapper! I'm down.
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Get devs to buff Freddy. And all of your maps will be quite darker I can assure you ..
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The old aesthetic this realm had was perfect as it was dark, eeiry and you could sense that it was not a natural light that permeated the trial. The newer colouration, whilst more detailed and graphically improved, made it less otherworldly and took away the creepiness. I'd welcome the old colouration and lighting back.
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Need to hear crickets or some cicada, as well, plz
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Give him the Dream Pallets base kit. Him having both snares and pallets would be just fine.
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I much prefer the night versions. Would love a night version of Ormond too.
I've never understood why Dead by Daylight has daytime maps... makes the name redundant.