Will We Ever Get Nighttime Coldwind Farm?

Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

My putrid eyes cannot handle the sunlight, and it burns my skin, my poor, poor skin, burning from the bright light. It's like a flashbang goes off anytime I load into Coldwind Farm.

Plus it just makes more sense for the game. It's Dead by Daylight. Why does Coldwind have daylight? Why isnt it nighttime or why isnt the sky obstructed to prevent daylight from coming through? Tsk tsk tsk, false advertising clearly.

In all seriousness, I think Coldwind should be nighttime. Darker maps are way easier on my eyes and it makes scratchmarks easier to see with my colorblindness. I dont have too much trouble on other maps but Coldwind... Coldwind just really hurts me... I hate it.
