Why can't I disable the profanity filter?

I know I'm wasting my time here, devs won't read this or do anything about it, but here I go.
I know this question is probably asked a lot, but surely filtering profanity is something someone would choose to do. It's not like reading profanity is illegal or something, why can't I turn it off? The AI censors the most random ######### and I just wanna read what people say in the endgame chat. I have no idea if they're shouting the most obscene abuse at me or they're commending my performance because the AI censors whatever it wants. I rarely get mad in end game chat yet half of what I say is just hashtags, I said nothing wrong but the AI has made an assumption...
This game is a PEGI-18/ESRB-M, the only people who should be playing it are adults. Sure, there are kids who play this game, but surely the graphic violence is more of a concern there than some 30 year old reprobate in their mothers basement shouting obscenities at them... Hell I know when I was 11 I was swearing like a trooper, that may just be a Scottish thing but even kids aren't unaware of profanity. The filter really sends mixed messages. Is this game's desired demographic adults, as the games theme and official organisations have deemed it, or is it really for kids? Give the option to turn off the filter, we don't need babysat, we're adults.
Because the Devs understand the the majority of the people playing this game are actually 10-14 years old or at least in mindset. As such, profanity is not appropriate for their fragile, undeveloped minds.
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aye but chucking living people on meat hooks is A-Okay lmao. It's absurd
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Yeah, children seeing that along with mori's is ok, but words? Bad lol. The logic with this one is weird. XD
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I'd definitely vote for being able to disable the profanity filter on my end.
To get on my soap box and be melodramatic about it:
It is my responsibility to filter out elements from my own life I want to see or not, I don't need someone to pre-emptively shield me in case I MIGHT get upset... it's a prevailing attitude of the modern world that everyone needs to be protected. The world at large doesn't care about my, or anyone else's feelings, and sheltering people is not beneficial to them in the long run. Eventually you will encounter someone who doesn't respect or care if you're offended, and you need to be able to handle that... preferably by taking a higher path that doesn't sink to their level.
To tackle it from a philosophical point of view, interacting with people and things that upset, annoy or anger you is how you build the inner strength to ensure your mind is not so brittle that mean words can affect it, and we'd all benefit from being a little more resilient instead of pretending like the world owes us something.
Mostly being able to write something like "Bloody hate mate, great chainsaw! You ######### eviscerated my ass there!" would make my day.
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DBD the most E-10+ M-rated game I've ever played
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Couldn't have said it better mate, calling someone sheltered used to be insulting, now its the standard. It's no wonder everyone gets offended so easily these days when even in a game for adults we're "protected" from bad language.
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Nicolas Cage is allowed use the F word uncensored.
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HAHAHAHAHA I didn't even think of that xD. So they can swear but we cant, got it lmao.
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Fully agree it is just ridiculous, I cannot think of a single other game where I cannot at least turn the profanity filter off, but then again DBD is very special when it comes to turning annoying things off.