Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Saw a video that confirmed a worry of mine

just watch what happens, this was something I was worried about during the PTG. Are the devs going to do something about how close those turrets are not just to each other but to a gen?

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  • Member Posts: 642

    I’m also not the one in the clip and don’t condone their language.

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    To be honest that's awesome that a group of survivors come together and try to fight off an Alien. Teamwork that lasted a couple of seconds until Alien destroyed all the turrets but it was fun to see!

  • Member Posts: 237

    It's funny but not problematic, you can still M1 survivors in that situation with STBL...

  • Member Posts: 868

    While this video kinda shows the "comedic extreme" of the situation, the reality is worse.

    Setting a whole bunch of turrets in the same room to shoot the Alien back in time is funny but a waste.

    A coordinated SWF team can effectively make the Alien an M1 Killer during every moment that counts with no real counter.

    Place a turret near a gen while working on it: the turret ignores stealth so even with Undetectable you can't be snuck up on (which means the reduced Terror Radius is also pointless). The moment the turret starts to beep faster you start running and the flamethrower will automatically blast the Alien into an M1 Killer from the start of the chase. Combine that with a SWF on comms and it's fairly easy to set up every gen like this or make every strong loops reset the Alien's power (and slowing down to destroy the turrets gives good distance to the Survivor especially if Haste is in play) basically creating a diluted Dull Merchant experience for the Killer.

    I get they tried to emulate Alien Isolation gameplay (flame the Alien to make it retreat to the vents for a bit before he comes back, which is why the Alien's power recharges quickly while in tunnels) but DBD doesn't work like that and the Alien can't simply drop every chase where he's forced into M1 mode (and we all know what M1 Killers have to go through and how they need to play if they want to compete with good Survivors).

    All they need to do is to make the turrets a finite ressource like Wesker's sprays to make Survivors use them wisely and make Undetectable work against turrets to make stealth builds relevant. And let's be honest, Survivors can loop almost any Killer (except Nurse because she doesn't care about regular gameplay and Knight because he can nullify any tile) for ages if they are good enough no matter the power. Being able to delete the Killer's power at the start of most chases for the whole game isn't necessary. There's a reason almost no one plays Singularity despite having a strong power in theory, no one wants to be unable to use their power most of the time if Survivors are half-decent.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    With one of the add-ons you have enough time to M1 it with a very late reaction. Basekit you have more than enough time to reaction M2 the turrets. If they set up multiple in an area to double burn, they lack the safety across the map where they need it.

    A coordinated team can make Alien an M1 Killer at the cost of having 2 people on permanent turret duty, 1 person in chase (and very soon to be on hook), leaving only 1 person to do gens. After someone is plopped on hook, you have no one left to do gens, so the Survivors fall into a death spiral and die.

    Turrets as a finite resource would only be fine if the turret was always kicked into repair mode after being hit, and couldn't be destroyed.

    The only instance Xeno matches will end up in this doom and gloom situation is when the Killer is in the bottom bracket of 'top-MMR' and the Survivors are anywhere above that bottom bracket. Any Killer choice in that circumstance isn't going to have a good time, because they don't know how to play the game yet, and are going to be up against people with minimum double their hours/experience/game knowledge. That means the Killer needs to play more and learn their weak spots to improve. The casual bottom 75% won't run into this issue, and those in the top 25% that want to improve will get better and this will never happen. The problem corrects itself.

  • Member Posts: 4,285
    edited August 2023

    I actually am in that clip (the only Claudette) and let me clarify a few things...

    1, to reach this state, we absolutely abandoned the idea of doing gens. Turrets are very slow and creating this setup took 1-2 gens time alone

    2, this was in PTB and during 1st time we did that. Killer got shocked by this ambush and literally stood still. When we tried to repeat it later in game, we got m1'd for 3 downs and 1 injury

    3, we all died that match obviously. At 5 gens. If we were doing anything reasonable, this clip would never see the light of day. Still. It was worth it, because the game was very much fun (even though nobody survived)

  • Member Posts: 2,113
    edited August 2023

    If I saw this, I'd totally just play along as the alien. Try to sneak in, drop through ceiling, etc... give them a fun little stand-off minigame. They are clearly giving up optimal match play in return for silly fun. I wouldn't be "worried" about people doing this - it won't win them a match.

  • Member Posts: 419

    DBD players overreacting about situations that probably never gonna face... again

  • Member Posts: 755

    I find teabag at exit gates, without blood Warden active and they genrush and abuse strong map loops with all 4 man escape more unfun then this.... Trust me, if they are not doing any Generators at all; to set up a flame thrower festival with Flashlights and stuff. I say, whom cares.

    It not like the flames actually kill the alien and automatically win for the survivors side; it simply fun way to trick killers like me into a ever lasting Blindness. And you can bet, that I am sure good amount of survivors swfs are going to have fun trying this out in the first week of alien in dbd.

    Plus, you can be smart and simplely camp out the doorway area and simply just wait for them to come out, and not deal with the traps in the first place. If the Survivors are not doing their objectives in their, why bother leaving if they aren't. Sure you can bodyblocking the doorway to the bathroom in game and win the game automatically by waiting a hour; but that won't be fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,731

    Looked to me like the entire match literally fell apart and any half competent killer would just win on the spot if you did that to me. No different to CJ teching someone

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