Can't wait for Maria to join the roster tomorrow

The first legendary I'll buy. Should have happened way earlier.
Not the first I've bought but I'm excited, but nobody can replace my Cybil
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If shes not loud when injured, I buy her
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I will take great pleasure to kill her repeatedly with Pyramid Head.
Edit: Speaking of it, I hope Angela NEVER becomes playable as a skin. Poor thing's been through enough.
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Looking forward to her as well
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Its confirmed to be her? Is she the only new Silent Hill skin or are there more?
i just want Harry ;(
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She is on a poster for silent hill skin we should get today, so yes she is pretty much confirmed
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Didnt it also said collection? So we should get more than one skin?
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So far it seems to only be Maria, and it's part of the Silent Hill Collection. They might be surprises but it feels like we're only getting Maria
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They should look into adding Silent hill 4 characters. Eileen and Henry would be great. That game is officially forgotten except by the fans :(
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I haven't played SH4 yet but I agree with you. They definitely need to add them, for sake of completion as well as Harry from the first game.