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General Discussions

What is the reason to not nerf Blight?

Devs are Blights mains?

Someone on management team loves Blight?

His costumes are selling crazy good , so he is moneymaker?

We all are wrong about him, he is weak killer?

Devs don't want to piss off Blight mains?

Nerfing Pig is more important then nerfing Blight?

Ok, that's all i can think. What you guys think? Why Blight is always ignored when it comes to nerf killers? It's fine to nerf killers like Billy, Freddy, Slinger even poor pet Demo. But why when it comes to nerf Blight, devs are afk'ing.

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  • Member Posts: 5,735

    I agree. I hope his Alch Ring + speed add-ons and the "Potion" themed Add-ons all get nerfed, at least in terms of numbers. I am fine with having him some speed add-on(s) but they are way too strong for their value. Maybe they could make then very rare at least and only one type of speed addon.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Blight is the second best Killer in the game, objectively speaking. His base kit is also second best to none. I also hope they don't nerf his base kit, but he is really strong as he is now, even without add-ons, but he is still fair imo.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    I forgot to mention of course his Iri add-ons are crazy as well. Exposed add-on in right hands / Blight mains is disgusting and that Slowdown + super fast breaking pallets isn't balanced either.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    His irri add-on is problematic too, one rush and break the pallet and give hindred effect to survivor. This add-on just makes 0 sense on Blight. I'd just rework this add-on.

  • Member Posts: 691

    They don't chip away at problems when it comes to killers. So I would think they are taking so long because it's a addon pass with a collision rework.

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    I've been saying for a long time that Blight is mid tier at best. His busted addon's are so easily countered that I still don't understand the cry for addon nukes.

    Blight mains... please change my mind in a custom or something. All these addons, slide/collision techs... Meh, Blight is still Mid tier .

    Solo survivors will get wrecked naturally, but even Trapper can do that.

  • Member Posts: 409

    For the love of all dwights, can we PLEASE stop with these ,,are the devs _______ mains?“

    Its so annoying.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    You seem to be very knowledgeable. Explain how you counter them then.

  • Member Posts: 308

    countering blight isn’t that complicated. just move to the side when he doesn’t expect you to. (obviously easier said than done)

  • Member Posts: 794
    edited August 2023

    The Billy nerfs went way beyond nerfing his best add-ons. They dug a hole and buried him.

    I hate to parrot the crowd here but Blight is only oppressive when he brings strong add-ons.

    Sure he has high-level techniques like hug techs but that requires a high level of skill so I'm pretty comfortable saying that they're acceptable in normal play.

    The real issue is that Blight is massively boosted by his good add-ons, and he is So. Spoiled. For. Choice. when it comes to good add-ons.

    Other killers like Pig, Nemo, and Bubba (to an extent) have such garbage add-ons that it feels super unfair that a killer with much better base abilities has so many more options. I feel the same way about Spirit: she's already a top-tier killer and yet she also has some of the best add-ons in the game.

    The best killers should have the worst add-ons, and vice-versa. Buff Nemo.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I really doubt they would nerf his basekit like that. Most people agree that his basekit is fine, there is no need to ruin Blight with such a nerf.

    He needs his addons nerfed and his exploits fixed, that's all.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 60

    The same reason why they dont nerf nurse because they dont use their head as always nothing new

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    oh yeah, my fav topic:

    Did you played Blight? No. Then don't ask to nerf him!

    Just because he is hard to learn, we should leave him as he is. Actually, no. Let's buff him. He has hard power. Poor Blight deserves some decent buffs.

  • Member Posts: 250

    It's just 3% bro

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Excel spreadsheet says it's fine. His addons have good pick rates (because almost all of them are broken) and Blight performs well in general. Nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to numbers.

    It's funny though, that they announced that Hug Tech would be removed forever ago and here we are. Hug Tech is still a thing but we nerfed a bunch of other techs in the meantime that weren't nearly as strong as Blight's Hug Tech.

    This must be the perks of being the golden child of DBD.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Just wait for next mid-chapter. I am sure they will nerf Nemmy's tentacle tech and his base-kit before Blight gets his judgment.

    Nemesis was a bit overperforming, so we decided to get him closer to other kills. These nerfs will make him better for both sides.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    I think he just has Spirit syndrome. Nerf his strong add-ons, adjust weaker ones as necessary, fix bugs and go from there.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    If they do go that route, then they'll do it Freddy-style. Freddy has been shadow nerfed for a while now. They removed any synergy his dream pallets had with perks without saying anything in the patch notes.

    Nemesis will probably be the same. One day you won't be able to hit over obstacles anymore. Then, the patch after that breaking pallets with the tentacle will no longer charge Spirit Fury. And suddenly his zombies will no longer show up to work.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Blight has the second best base kit in the game and the best add ons in the game, you can’t have both. He’ll be completely fine if they just tune his busted add ons.

  • Member Posts: 605
    edited August 2023

    Wait out the next midchapter.

    We will get the Alien-DLC in two weeks, so the Midchapter-PTB (for me the MUCH MORE interesting time than Chapters) is probably in 5 weeks.

    They touched Nurse in Midchapter 1 and Spirit in Midchapter 2. I wouldnt be surprised if Midchapter 3 of 2023 is for Blight.

  • Member Posts: 1,097
    edited August 2023

    I have a theory that developers really only test and play killers and don't really understand how bad survivor feels right now. We hardly ever see killer nerfs even in egregious cases of broken perks or powers. Its just buffs buffs buffs and then Otz talks about it and they finally fix it.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited August 2023

    for once I do agree with you , is getting really tiring getting patches that focus on nerfing other low tier killers even if the changes are nerfs to the addons for the most part , the real question is WHY ARE THEY NERFING ADDONS THAT WERE TOTALLY FINE?

    anyway thats just BHVR logic right there i guess , keeping TOP tier killers stronger meanwhile the LOW tier killers are getting crushed with addons and power nerfs cough cough MFT , like they did with freddy and billy . atleast billy has a bit of lethalitly but freddy..oh boy , the poor man has the worst anti-loop in the game + dream pallets still not being basekit is a total insult for him.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Idk, I feel like Otz has talked about Blight needing add-on nerfs quite a bit.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    I think in blights case he has so many crazy addons that maybe its the killer baseline that needs changes. They have mentioned baseline changes to him in the past. Why waste time changing addons if you plan on changing him, that's my thoughts on why blight sees no addon nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    I hope that's not the case. Basekit wise, I think Blight is absolutely fine. I really hope they don't Billy him.

  • Member Posts: 1,097

    I feel like blight gets a lot of really unfair hits that make playing against him very difficult to understand. I would like to see his bumping be a lot more consistent. A lot less sliding and a lot more everything causes you to bump correctly. I know people get mad when a "tech" is removed, but blight has the ability to kill half of the loops in the game by sliding/hug tech.

  • Member Posts: 3,181
    edited August 2023

    I agree in that Blight could use some updated collisions. I've slid off things that looked no different to something I've bounced off of, and yeah, the techs could probably use looking at. Other than that, I think his Base-kit is totally fine. Hell, i think it's practically near pefect. It''s a strong power, but it leaves room for counterplay.

    They just ######### it up with the add-ons, per the usual.

  • Member Posts: 121

    I'll answer all of these in order, then give my personal reasoning.

    1. Doubtful, I assume most devs want to leave work at work. Even if they did, they'd need to get higher ups/bosses to approve. Seems incredibly unlikely.
    2. Nah, same as above.
    3. Nah, Feng Min's cosmetics are literally equivalent to printing money. And they are about as transparent with that as they can be without outright stating it. Additionally, I'd argue survivor cosmetics are generally easier to design than killer cosmetics. Also, if a killer's cosmetics had monetary pull equivalent to Feng, it would be someone you see more frequently like Huntress or Wesker.
    4. This one had me laughing! Great add!
    5. Doubt they care, most patches they piss off a large portion of player base (no matter how great of changes they make). Plus, those who agree with changes (or aren't pissed) rarely speak up.
    6. Another great add!

    I genuinely just think it is because the numbers they use to track him don't support the nerf. I think the combination of on-going collected data reflecting Blight's pick rate, kill rate, maybe even survivor DC rate (and any other stats I am missing) don't warrant a nerf as they may indicate he is where they want him to be.

    Some killer(s) will always be the strongest. But if they are not over played, they may not need a change. I'd argue a nerf for a balanced killer who is played CONSTANTLY (Ex: Wesker) over a nerf of an OP killer I genuinely rarely, if ever, go against (Blight).

    That said, I think the lines of "what is too much abundance" should vary based on the killer's strength. Example, if Wesker and Blight were both extremely prevalent, then Blight should be adjusted well before considering adjusting Wesker.

    Just my opinion on the matter! Great discussion, thanks for the topic/post!

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Probably the cosmetics sell more than other killers.

  • Member Posts: 150

    While i agree that he is overpowered and should be nerfed. I can guess i few reasons why the devs are reluctant:

    Devs balance around stats and the average level of play and Blight is very hard to play. His controls are also harder on console. I imagine the average Blight player is not winning that often compared to other killers.

    A lot of his power comes from addons, and reworking them all would take time.There might also be some technical reasons related to how his bumps and charges work.

    He is probably being looked at but is not at the top of the priority list. 3 Gens and Sleep Merchant might be higher priorities.

    One side having busted things does not justify the other side having busted things. Efficient survivors are very strong but that does not justify how strong Blight is.

    The scenario you describe only applies to actual comp play. In regular high level matches you have a few more viable killers. Artist, Wesker, Singularity (Also hard to play but quite strong), Spirit, Huntress, and Oni. Plague too if she uses her best addons. These killers can do well in matchmaking despite being significantly weaker than Blight/Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 463

    I don't understand the balance team. I think they just need to fire most of them and hire Scott Jund, Otz, and other big streamers to give input. I don't understand how some killers can have bad rare or better add ons that do very little for a cost/downside but Blight has a ton of insane add ons with no downside.

    Like how do you nerf Clown in his rework? How do you even manage that? Clown doesn't keep his exhaustion bottles but Blight keeps alchemist ring?

  • Member Posts: 291

    Honestly, for as OP as the forum makes it seem like Blight is, I rarely see them in matches. Wesker, Nurse and Knight is about it lately.

  • Member Posts: 39

    By busted addons You mean just alch Ring and C33 or also other ones like doble speed, etc?

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    Same reason they don't nerf SWF, For the people + buckle up, took many many months to tone down CoH and heals, allowed machine gun build, original mettle of man, Decisive Strike in its original and remade forms, nurse, spirit prayer beads, orginal undying and many other egregious balance decisions in the past. BHVR implements wacky ideas and makes changes after years of feedback or blatant info from the stats. Love it or hate it that's how they balance and unless Blight is winning in the majority of cases it will take years of feedback based on BHVRS track record before they finally address an issue the community complains about.

  • Member Posts: 150

    I agree with most of what you said and know about the comp restrictions. And i do think that this game heavily favors Swfs at the highest levels.

    But most tryhard swfs you encounter in matchmaking are nowhere near the level of a comp Swf in terms of skill level. Non Comp swfs can be beaten by A tier killers. At B tier and bellow you are going to struggle against good survivors though.

    My point is that outside of Comp play you don't need Blight or Nurse to do well as killer, even against experienced survivors. So i don't agree with the notion that they need to stay as strong as they are to deal with Swfs.

    Both sides have overpowered/unfair things. Instead of justifying one Op thing (Blight/Nurse) with another (Buckle up + FtP /MfT) i would rather nerf both things. Neither are healthy for the game.

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