Suggestion for a new feature "Concede"

Please hear me out on this. I know most or all of you might read the title and think "NO" at once.
As a killer main DBD can be pretty frustrating and disheartening. Massive disrespect and insults are part of the experience when you are a killer main in DBD. Either during the match or afterward in chat.
We all have these matches where it is 100% clear that victory is not an option, not even close. You get these people who have a second objective, to make the Killer's game experience as miserable as possible. Some even admit to that in chat. So you are chasing these wonderful people, they drop a pallet, and they start t-bagging so fast that their legs seems to move at the speed of light. During the chase, you hear them using their flesh, sorry flashlight going "click, click". They turn around aiming at the floor, click click. Another dropped pallet t-bags with light speed.
And during that you hear the gens go pling, pling. It does not matter if you change target or not. It is clear you can not win, and you are nothing but a plaything, a curiosity for the 4 other people in the match. These quaint people do not leave the match when the gates are open. They wait and wait until you force them out, so they can again show their disrespect with plenty of light speed t-bags. I am not new to the game and have plenty of experience, so please don't even think about replying with "git gud".
This is not happening all the time of course but often enough to be annoying, disheartening, and it feels like playing a Bully Simulator.
So my suggestion would be to add a "concede" option for the killer that would end the match at once as a draw. If these things are happening to you as a killer you can not really fight back, you can either stand in a corner in protest doing nothing or you have to endure the bullying.
This suggested option would be a way out of this misery and would perhaps discourage toxic swf groups from being....well, toxic.
What's with all the self-pitying killer threads? As though survivors don't get BM from killers. It's just part of the experience when you play this game. What happens when you outplay a killer by dodging their powers for 2-3 gens? You get BM on the hook till you die. It's just how the playerbase is. Killers are neither the primary victims of disrespect nor are they immune to it.
Why not just offer a suggestion to improve the game without writing pararaphs about how mean and nasty survivor players are?
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What kind of response is that?
No, Bullying should not be part of the game experience. Period.
Or do you suggest that BHVR is condoning bullying in their game?
It is just how the playbase is? Well, that is the problem! And the playerbase should be better than this.
The suggested function would help to improve the game. If the Killer concedes, the match ends. No points or MMR for anyone, and chat function would be disabled.
It would force the bully squads to behave, or they will not have anyone left to play against.
It has nothing to do with self-pity. It is a valid way to deal with bullying by adding a function to shut it down.