Do You Really Believe Killer is the Easiest It's Ever Been?

I see this being said by quite a good number of players. And I (as someone who has been playing for 6 years) want to dispel this falsehood being widely spread among the players.
Killer is not easier now than when I started.
Killers used to be able to face camp. Like actually face camp. Not what modern players call face camping today but actual true blue face camping in which the killer could stand in front of a hooked survivor and literally physically block players from unhooking. Because you could only unhook from directly in front of the hooked survivor. Unhooking from the side was a patch to combat face camping.
NOED used to have an aura, meaning you may not ever find it.
Killers could Mori after the first hook.
Borrowed Time wasn't base kit. Meaning Killers could down an unhooked survivor instantly unless the rescuer was running Borrowed Time. And Borrowed Time to was based on Terror Radius so killers like Freddy, Wraith, Pig, and Ghostface ignored Borrowed Time.
Pain Resonance worked everytime you hooked on a Scourge Hook not just the first time. It also revealed any survivors on the generator.
Ruin slowed down generator repairs.
Nerfed Ruin regressed faster.
Undying worked more than once.
Pop Goes to the Weasel did a flat 25% not a scaling percentage.
Eruption caused incapacitated.
Survivors now have the ability to spam endurance.
Survivors now have perks that speed up gens.
Survivors now have multiple perks to move faster.
Vaults are stronger than they've ever been.
Windows of Opportunity literally plays the game for you but pathing for you.
Killer is not easier now than ever. Killer is in one of the weakest it's been.
Survivors just don't try anymore. Just please watch your hud and see how little your team does. Watch how often there are no generator icons. Survivors only think killer is stronger because only strong killer players still play killer. Weaker and average killers quit the game or became survivor mains.
I'll will die on the hill that survivors lose because of their teammates way more than the killers skill.
I know I'm about to be bombarded with hate. But it's true. We all know it's true if you played killer back then you know it was easier then.
I'll will die on the hill that survivors lose because of their teammates way more than the killers skill.
I don't think people really disagree with this, the difficulties of soloq are often attributed to chance of a really bad teammate, but I don't know why it would be more true now than in the past.
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Killer could be down right impossible and survivors will say it's easy.
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Do we not remember how survivors also had so much back then? Pallet Vacuuming, two pallets on one loop. We also had ds be meta for years, infinites for god knows how long with some still existing now under the right circumstances. BNP were so much stronger. Even if we move more modern, DH meta was a pain. DS up until a while ago literally decided games. Spine Chill destroyed some of the weaker members of the cast, and gen rushing was easier with 80 second gens.
Is the game in its easiest? No. Gen kicking meta would have been that. But this is definetly one of the easier periods.
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I think gen kick meta was the easiest killer ever was and rn the game is fairly balanced.
Of the the things you mentioned keep in mind during that time DS was much stronger and DH was basically broken. Survivors could peace out after doing 4 gens after someone died with a key, old maps were much worse before the redesigns, old boil over was a thing, old OoO made going against a SWF miserable.
Both sides had BS but survivors have definitely lost more over time than killer.
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You listed all the nerfs for killer and buffs for survivor. But not otherwise. Kinda biased, no?
Let's fix it:
- 90 seconds gen time instead of 80
- Dead hard works everytime, with invulnurability and dash forward (now it's just deepwound with very small active window)
- Decisive strike after every hook without prerequisites
- Slower kick time
- Bigger maps with infinites
- Jolt (Surge) was with a big cooldown
- Fat Medkits
- Circle of Healing
- Spinechill + Resilience
should I continue?
And no, I don't say it was super hard for killer, I got my first 1000 kills in old times. Now it's relatively easier and plainer. Do you remember being afraid to pick recently unhooked survivor or baiting DH?
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It's not about what Killers had back then, it's about what SURVIVORS had back then.
Killer is undeniably the 2nd easiest its ever been. It may not be fun, but it's undeniably easier and in a much better spot
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The further back you go the more absolutely hilariously busted stuff exists on both sides. Killers could facecamp the prompt away, survivors could pallet vacuum and so on. If you go really far back it only gets even wilder as you could get completely wacky stuff like first-down ebony mori vs insta-gen BNPs and stuff.
But no, it's not the easiest it has ever been. If I had to pick one point in time that was the case it was still relatively recent though, it was during the height of the eruption-centered gen kicking meta.
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Killer was the easiest it has ever been during the Eruption/CoB/Overcharge/Pain Res meta. Killers had first hook moris and some other wonky stuff years before that, but so did survivors. Yeah, you could Mori after the first hook, but survivors had DS on the first pick up and 2 health state instas.
I wouldn't say killer is the easiest it has ever been now. You can legitimately lose a game on A tier and below killers if the survivors are good. There was zero reason to lose a game during the Eruption/CoB meta. You had to fumble so hard.
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Playing killer back in the days, right after BHVR fixed the most blatant infinites, was way easier and more relaxed. I can’t be bothered to look up the exact patch, but probably at the beginning of 2017.
And this was not because of some buffs or nerfs or game mechanics that no longer exist, most people just didn’t know how to play survivor optimally, gens took way longer (survivors were way less efficient) and looping was still being discovered.
Even with double pallets everywhere and no exhaustion, because killer gameplay is way easier to pick up. Nowadays as a new player you just go on YouTube and let explain to you how to play survivor the correct way.
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What perks should I use that not Gen speed, run fast and endurance? Please tell !
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As someone who played thousands of hours during those things. I would gladly rather have that era back over this current era. Survivors have 4 to 5 health states now, are significantly faster on gens due to perks, are faster in chase due to perks, and know exactly where is safe thanks to Windows.
It was easier for me killer vs old DS and DH. It's true.
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This is just classic recency bias
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I've genuinely lost track of how many threads I've seen that include something along the lines of "playing survivor is ez mode", or "playing survivor is braindead". It's just salty whinging. It's not even worth taking the time to think about.
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Absolutely it's making solo q so unenjoyable atm my teams keep getting slaughtered at 3-4 gens but if I play killer for example I've played clown/ onryo/ myres recently (as survivor is becoming more and more unviable) I always get 3k-4k with just a few rounds on them. They balance the game with the assumption that every survivor is a 4 man team playing in a tournament and it's at the expense of solo q.
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Don't forget the laughable new tiles and loops on Cold Wind and Azarov's, they rlly expect all survivors to be pro loopers and put 1 pallet around a tiny table and remove decent jungle gyms. Also no corn anymore so nowhere to hide they're making the maps so killer sided as well it's not just perks or base kit anymore.
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While strictly speaking the Eruption/COB/Overcharge/PRS was stronger (Knight and SM mains could literally guarantee a 100% winrate even against the best comp team on the planet with the forced DC killer win after 60 minutes), it is not even close just how insanely strong Killer is right now.
The single strongest strategy in DBD for a Killer to win has always been tunneling the first survivor out and since the DS and DH nerf, this has become laughably easy. You hit the survivor the moment they are off the hook, dealing with basekit BT and potential OTR, you catch up, hit them again, pick them up, get potentially DSed that adds like 10 seconds to the chase and then they are back on hook. Rinse and repeat. A Nurse/Blight can potentially tunnel out the first survivor without the first gen being completed if they have Corrupt/Pain Res and the team doesn't use Reassurance to buy as much time as possible. A 3v1 with 4-5 gens is almost unlosable, unless you are really, really bad.
Obviously, not everyone is playing Blight/Nurse and there are capable teams that go into every match knowing exactly how to waste a much time as humanly possible. But if a Killer wants to win, they have a really strong strategy to do so.
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Killers had all of these yes, how ever you're completely leaving out all of the strong stuff Survivors had (which was MUCH MUCH MUCH more numerous) than what killers had. Sure they had true face camping back then, mori's after first hook and noed which not only provided a speed boost and insta down, but a decrease in hit recovery as well without even being associated to a totem...
Survivors on the other hand had much faster heal speeds, much safer loops thanks to the presence of TRUE infinites (no entity blocker and no bloodlust meant some loops like Ironworks, Rancid, or Wretched Shop had a single counter, being The Trapper), filler pallets just having being larger, and the presence of double pallets at basically every loop (jungle gyms, fillers, main buildings, etc), pallets vacuums, thicker fog which made it easier to hide, thicker and taller grass which also made it easier to hide, and there is so much more that I can get into because I didn't even mention perks and items. If you want me to give you a little history lesson/reminder, I'll be more than happy to do so.
Killers nowadays have actually a good number of viable perks and perk variety, something that couldn't really be said all the way up until 2019. We're talking perks like Whispers, Brutal, Nurses Calling and MYC all falling out of the meta not because they got nerfed, but because they were power crept out of the meta since those were the strongest perks at their disposal. Nowadays you can see a Doc and not immediately know they're running something along the lines of Ruin, Nurses, Brutal, BBQ.
Killer powers in general have also gotten much better over time, to give you an idea there's a post I made all the way back in 2018 (that post is still up) where I have Myers listed as the 5th best killer in the game, and Clown as number 6. (there were 14 killers at the time, Legion being the most recent) That tierlist actually received good reception despite it being cringy af.
Maps have also drastically improved over time. Not only have they gotten smaller but they've become a lot less safe thanks to the previously mentioned removal of pallet vacuums, double pallets and entity blockers. I'd bet money that I could run any one who actually accepts the challenge to 1v1 on 1.5.0 and down me within 5 minutes without using Nurse and I'm far from my prime Survivor days.
I could go on and on for hours, days even of just how wrong of a statement this is. This is also coming from some one who's started all the way back in May of 2017, with almost 6k hours with the majority of that being on killer while 'maining' weaker killers for the most part. Now, what I think a lot of people misinterpret when they see some one claiming that killer is the easiest its ever been, is they think they're claiming killer is easy. No, its not, but when comparing it to what we had to go through back in the day? Its night and day.
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Survivor is easy though. If you run Sole Survivor in your build you will escape the majority of the time even when your terrible solo q teams bite it. Because you can open the gates so fast the killer can't stop you.
Windows of Opportunity allows you to run safely very easily and if you know how to loop at all the killer will l leave you or he will throw the match by over commiting to you.
Between Windows and Sole Survivor I lose maybe 1 out of ever 5 games.
Then you have 2 flex slots. For MFT for chases, or Clairvoyance to find hatch. You can also use any of the busted endurance perks for extra health states if you aren't good enough to loop right
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yes everything that helped a survivor you list as past tense “had” “was” survs will have nothing left to help them anymore next minute devs will remove pallets altogether at this rate, solo q future has never looked as bleak :(
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Is it?
Or are most players to new to have played when killers were actually stronger.
I think there are a lot of people here who never faced old ruin or NOED or true Face camping...
I think there are a lot of players here who only started in the last year or two.
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Solo Q is only bad because the devs refuse to make a ranked mode and proper matchmaking system. They still have strong tools at their disposal
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I don't consider escaping whilst everyone else died, as success. Plus, to escape like that consistently I would have to let everyone die and not take any pressure for them. Unless we get those gens done and at least one person gets out the gate, the match is a failure.
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many survivors were against the killer's fov slider because it would allow him to see more through the textures A.K they are so survivors that they didn't realize that the killer was playing in first person and couldn't see through the textures
so believe me, even if the killer has a speed of 0.1 and the gates are open all the time, some survivors will continue to scream that the game is too killer side
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Things happen on both sides
Really old Ruin made Skillchecks harder, old Ruin increased regression rate, new Ruin made the regression rate the same and has a deactivation condition
Really old DS happened every time the Killer picked up a Survivor and progressed the wiggle meter to a certain % (I know there's more to it)
Older maps had 2 pallets per loop... but now it's a pallet on every loop (or close to it)
Gen used to be (I think) 70 charges... now it's 90
There used to be less perks (obviously).... so there was less overlap... so now there's more perks and most of them have overlap and conditions... and less characters
I could go on but my memory is terrible
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Sounds an awful lot like you're the reason your team is dying. You're escaping because others are running a less selfish build. If all 4 survivors played for Sole Survivor you'd escape alot less.
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Sounds an awful lot like you're the reason your team is dying. You're escaping because others are running a less selfish build. If all 4 survivors played for Sole Survivor you'd escape alot less.
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This ^
Also the introduction of totally not broken (I run it because it's fun /s) perks like MfT genuinely made the game a lot harder
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Multiple streamers/youtubers have 500+ winstreaks but yeah game is survivor sided... You can still lose a lot as killer if you play nicely but if you really try hard, use perks like no way out/NOED and tunnel hard winning is easy, not to mention average survivor is not that good, killer is easy against average teams it's a fact
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Meanwhile soloQ streamers are struggling getting to 10 game streaks these days.
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Yeah, it is.
Ruin was extremely unhealthy and not strong when you were playing against decent players. OG Ruin was only good against bad players, unlike today's much healthier regression. OG Ruin rewarded you for doing nothing, whilst Pain Res and PGTW reward you for playing well and give you a much stronger effect to boot.
Survivors had the following:
Instant heals.
A second instant heal.
Double pallets.
More god pallets.
Vacuum vaults.
Vacuum pallets.
Old God loops.
Old toolboxes.
Old Medkits.
Old Keys.
Old BNPs.
Old Self-Care/We'll Make It.
Old DS.
Old DH.
Old BL.
Old Coldwind.
Old Aazarovs.
Original Swamp.
Original locomotion.
Gained more speed on hit.
Had a longer vault animation.
Longer to break things.
Slower recovery on hit.
Most Killer powers were clunkier. Wraith and Trapper being prime examples.
Every meta perk from 2023 is either non-existent or bad.
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Just about every time streamers go for streaks they run hatch builds, so they are planning on losing from the start.
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I got to red rank 1 before always now I don't get to even to gold. But I still get the kills but now you just can't go for hooks well kills only matter though so it's not end of the world.
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They've changed rank requirements numerous times over the years.
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Nonsense. You misunderstood.
I don't "play for Sole Survivor".
I run so when things go south I don't have to lose just because my solo q squad refused to do gens.
I do gens, I take chases, I go for saves. I play for the 4 man escape. But it's not up to just me. But yeah if things look grim I start playing for me.
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But I that's how horror movies work. DbD is intended to play out like a horror movie
Most horror films have one survivor called the final girl. It's a trope.
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Where exactly are you getting that from? Where have the Devs said DBD is supposed to play out like a horror movie?
Also, the game really doesn't need a 75% Kill rate.
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NGl I liked my Killer games a heck of a lot more back when DH was meta. With DH you could at least bait it out, mind-game or try to use it to your advantage and worst case scenario eat it.
But with so many speed and endurance effects in play now, it's just chase from one pallet to the next while survivors hold W. So it's go for gen-jockeys. Because usually you can't even mind-game survivors, most of them just run from one pallet to the next.
It's true though, in SoloQ, usually die more often because of my teammates not doing much or downright sandbagging, or on my 1st hook after having looped the killer for several gens/get face-camped to death.
To give you an example of the type of teammates in SoloQ: last night I had a game where 1 teammate got grabbed off a gen, and suddenly they gave up, I looped the killer for a LONG time and zero gens popped, after 15 min I just went to the killer. While on hook, I saw my 2 other teammates just stand around and hide. Apparently they were just holding keys and would walk to the edges of the map not doing anything, just standing. For 20+ minutes... I reported them and moved on, but I feel horrible for that poor killer who had to sit through that BS.
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The statements made by BHVR specifically was they wanted the survivors to be "afraid" of the killer and that kill rates were too low. At no point were movies mentioned. My question is are they high enough now? What kill rate are they going for? I think they went way overboard, it feels like trash to play solo survivor right now.
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It's not's just mostly annoying/frustrating now, lol.
Speaking of kill has been almost a year since we last saw kill rates. Something like kill rates (and perk usage) should be shared quarterly. If not just to give us insight into BHVRs direction for the game. And to keep not as useful data from outside sites from entering the conversation.
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I would wager we won't see another one until after killers get nerfed. I would wager its somewhere between a 65-70% kill rate atm.
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Honestly yes they took away boil over's boost to wiggle, of your not running a swf there is zero effort to save so you get hooked no matter what, and this is coming from a someone who solo queue's quite often, there really is no reason to play survivor unless its for a challenge.
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It sounds like Fortnite is more of a horror experience than DBD is.
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Killer was probably at its strongest after 6.1 and before 6.7. That was because the degen 3 genkick build was at its peak, and DS was effectively deleted. After 6.7 with the loss of degen 3 genkick (on all but SM), Killer still has the 50 extra minimum gen seconds, 10% hit/kick cd, and Survs have 10% less, and no real anti-tunnel. So Killer is still stronger than pre-6.1, but weaker than that 6.1-6.7 middle ground. Killers who crutched on the advantages that literally a monkey/8 year old with a spacebar could win with, lost those advantages to crutch on. As a result, they reached an MMR they didn't belong in, and it is harder to lose MMR than gain. That could be the only reason a Killer would think it is more difficult than pre-6.1.
Facecamping has always been inferior to proxycamping, which still exists. Proper facecamping could only be done by instadown Killers like Bubba/Iri Hatchet Huntress, or perma injured Killers like Legion/Plague/Iri Pinhead. Proper facecamping has been untouched, and proxycamping hasn't gotten weaker.
NOED: I'd argue this changed nothing kill rate wise. The more people staying to seek out NOED and getting an extra person out, the more are also dying from an over-extension. It doesn't change the actual problem with NOED, which is hooking someone on the totem itself. When people see the Killer is guarding hook and totem, they don't stay, regardless if they see the aura or not. That happened before and after the aura change. As a side note, I think NOED should be basekit with 0k in endgame, to help slow Survs down if the Killer is evening out pressure/'playing fair', and once the Killer gets a kill, the basekit NOED dies (ala Ruin) or doesn't spawn in endgame.
Mori: They swapped this with the Twins release, so Dec 2020. Which also existed in concert with busted medkits, usable DS, and more. But yes, this was busted. It was an Iri add-on though, and before the BP rework, so if you could only win with Moris it would show. As most matches you wouldn't have a Mori.
Borrowed Time: It was basekit, although Survivors had 3 perk slots /s. It was known that it was such a need, that most people brought BT regardless. Killers would prefer to not lose time hitting a Survivor with BT (and a potential DS), so they would typically only do it if it were free, or to get a STBFL stack.
Pain Res: The reveal was only if Survivors didn't let go immediately before hook, which could only be done consistently with Fearmonger, but Killers seem to not have the perk slot for Fearmonger when I recommend it to them. Even then, the intel didn't matter if you had enough map awareness or other intel sources. Yes, theoretically you could get more let go skill checks, but you also aren't forced to go to a Scourge hook every time now. The breakeven with current PR and old PR (including the math with letgo skill checks) is 6/7 hooks. 6 hooks or fewer is better for current PR, and 7 or more is better for old PR. The only way to get 6 hooks without a kill is to have 2 people death hook. Killers can easily get a kill then win a 3v1, so I'd argue this is better now than it was before.
Ruin/Undying: Ruin (along with every other perk in 6.1) shouldn't have been nerfed. It was perfectly fine as it was before that patch. Both old Ruin and old Undying were noobstompers though, and that isn't a good thing. Skilled Survs understand totem spawns, and can seek them out without losing too much time, but new players don't know where to look. Also newer Survs are worse at skillchecks, so old ruin regression on good skill checks was again, a noobstomper. If Hyperfocus is a complaint with PC/skilled Survs, then it proves old Ruin only was good against weak players to begin with. Undying was only the RNG super spread 2/5 cleanses from 4.2 until pivoted in 4.5. That was Sep 2020 -> Feb 2021. Now it can swap tokens so it works with Devour Hope. To be fair there was an overlap with 1 hook Moris from Sep to Dec, but I wouldn't consider a 2 patch/month timeframe long enough. (6 months imo is enough).
Pop/Eruption: I think old Pop was fine, again 6.1 changes bad. Now however it does 30% current, which is better than old pop from when the 4th piston is active (or ~67 gen seconds/90). Even then, why waste the time kicking a 25% gen, just save the pop for another one. Even 50% gens don't lose too much (13.5 pop gen seconds from 20). Eruption though was fine where it was before 6.1, and even now after 6.6. Now a Pop+Eruption+Nowhere to Hide build is super strong on even M1 Killers with any form of Mobility like Sadako/Wraith/Freddy. People like to troll post saying 'just wait' for the buffed Eruption or claiming SWF can comm it, but you can't just not progress gens while someone is in chase in soloq, and SWF comms aren't immutable unless you are intentionally going down early.
Spam Endurance: Again, a bad change in 6.1 (who would have guessed), prevented all forms of Endurance from stacking. You can't spam Endurance if you can only get 1 source, whether it is anti-tunnel Endurance or otherwise, so this claim is an outright lie. This is why OTR is a joke of a perk, because with ears, a Killer can know whether to proc the basekit BT to deny the OTR. I would just make it so anti-tunnel Endurance doesn't deep wound, but while you have anti-tunnel Endurance you lose collision. That way OTR/BT can't bodyblock, and they also can't be blocked from vaulting. This would also allow for a DH or Styptic if the Killer turbo tunnels through all anti-tunnel endurance as well.
Gen speed perks: What gen speed perk wasn't mirrored in greater strength by the 90s gens? Deja Vu was largely the same, but because of 3gen Killers, it now has a permanent duration and 1% buff, so you can blame Knight and SM mains for that. (~76s 5% vs ~85s 6%) Friendly Competition is a gen speed nerf, because you have to lose 15% per person to duo, or 30% per person to trio a gen. (Solo 2 gens in 90s, or duo in 53s+duo in ~50s for 103s total for 2 gens) Same with Prove Thyself which nearly negated the penalty, but now doesn't even do that. (Solo 2 gens in 90s, Old PT ~92s for 2 duo'd gens, New PT ~96s for 2 duo'd gens) Object of Obsession gets 6% for 3s every 30s, so .6% average, that's so bad I'm not doing the math. Overzealous was introduced as 6% with 80s gens, and now is 10% with 90s gens, but also don't forget you can just injure them to force them into another 14s cleanse/bless. (~75s 6% vs ~82s 10%) You need 2 100% gens to breakeven and get a tiny bit of profit from the totem time, and that's without getting injured. Quick Gambit gives gen haste when the Killer can hear the team working on gens... so the Killer can interrupt it... yeah great /s. Spine Chill now requires direct LOS, so that lost what little gen haste it had to give. Resilience hasn't been changed from the 9%. Hyperfocus is only good when you dedicate your entire build to it with BTL/Stakeout/Juicy Toolbox, but that is more the problem with it working with Toolboxes than anything. I'd be totally fine with Hyperfocus not working with Toolboxes. So nearly every gen haste perk is garbage, is actually a gen slowdown perk (PT/Friendly Comp.), or doesn't even compare to the basekit 10s gens got in the first place.
Multiple Haste Perks: The only new ones are BT's haste (go for the rescuer and it doesn't mess with Killer), Made for This (can't work while exhausted), Teamwork Power of Two (which requires a heal and is lost on injury, so it can't stack with MfT), and Nic Cage's perks which are either exhaustion (doesn't stack with MfT, and 1/3rd or 2/3rds a Sprint Burst with the dice roll) or only used when the Killer wouldn't be hit by them (Plot Twist to heal, or Dramaturgy to roll the dice for items). Even then both, TPoT and Blood Pact require 2 people in chase, so Killer has extra slowdown. (either 2 people not doing gens, or 2 people are forced to duo gens with the 15% penalty each) Fearmonger counters Made for This, and if you had the space for it with old PR for intel then you have the space for it now, especially when it arguably is more valuable (also denies Dramaturgy item farming). Heck, MfT is worse than Sprint Burst in terms of distance until 50s of running. Bloodlust 3 takes 35s to build up, so if a Killer can't down someone with 15s of Bloodlust 3 that's a personal problem.
Windows: It doesn't change what is on the map, which can be learned from understanding map knowledge, and utilized by both sides. For skilled Survs, it is a perk tax for soloq to understand what pallets were already used. I'd argue Any Means Necessary is better overall for skilled Survs.
With butchered anti-tunnel, and butchered medkits, and extensive basekit buffs, Killer is quite easy in comparison to what they have to deal with. Even when things were super strong for Killer, there were equivalent strong counters, such as 5s DS, 8s Syringe heals, and more. Due to the lack of the oppositional strength, Killer is relatively stronger. They might not have the noobstomping old ruin/undying, or the brainless 3gen perks, but anyone relying on those crutches artificially inflated their rank/MMR anyways, and never learned how to deal with better opponents. I don't disagree that bad teammates cause more deaths, but that doesn't change how strong or weak Killer and Survivor are relative to each other.
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I think killer is easier to play than it was even a couple years ago, and certainly easier than it was 3-4+ years ago. That's not saying it's OP or too easy, but I think people get a little distance from something lose their perspective. OG DH and DS were far more infuriating to face than anything going today.
When I first started, the DH/DS/UB/Adren/IW build was ascendant, and it sucked to face. Plus you had to the old key/hatch dynamic that also really sucked.
And that's not even to mention infinite loops, vacuum pallets and maps that were absolutely busted in favor of survivor.
I don't think now is the easiest it's ever been (gen kick was), but close. And I don't think that's bad; I think it's more balanced than ever as well.
And I do think the game should be slightly stacked against survivor. Thematically, it feels right to go into each match feeling like you're probably going to die.
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It's the same conversation every time.
"Killer is the easiest it's ever been!"
"How is that?"
"Tunneling and camping."
"But what if I don't do that?"
"you suck lmao git gud skill issue quit playing lol take this L"
"Okay, I guess I'll start tunneling and camping."
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Who in the history of the world has ever had this conversation? Hyperbole much?
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are you another one of them dbd forum users who win 90% of their solo q matches? Yall really gotta stream man so we can stop watching JRM go 6 in 15 everyday.
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This forum, every day. Anyone who complains about having a hard time as killer is always belittled for not being good at the game. But apparently being good at the game translates to resorting to the scummy tactics everyone reviles.
So people get berated for winning (because you're toxic), and they get berated for losing (because you're bad). That's the DbD community in a nutshell.
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We feel like joining the echo chamber just because "We all know it's true if you played killer back then you know it was easier then." While true on a technicality this is effectively false.
Killer was easiest during the kick meta, which wasn't THAT long ago. Currently, while it isn't the easiest its still MUCH better than back then [we are assuming you mean way back like plague release or earlier]. Since we've also been here for 6 years we feel like we got a decent claim for that. In addition, the points are scattered through the timeline and some are effectively null (survivors always had perks for gen speed and have 4 perks for movement speed, 3 of which are relatively recent and have conditions [Hope needs endgame, theory is tied to a totem, mft requires you being injured and not exhausted, power of 2 requires a full heal and for you 2 to stick together close and healthy]. Vaults have always been hit or miss depending on the map such as both old and new haddonfield.)
Survivors also had A LOT more powerful tools to play with which plenty of people above have listed so we wont bother (which are also oddly enough scattered through space and time). While you have a point that killers have lost some things, most are still serviceable to a strong extent while some, such as true face camping and moris off hook, were unhealthy for the game.
Your free to your own opinion but calling it an out right lie ("falsehood") and your opinion true isn't gona work with the evidence on hand.
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I got to red grade in last summer-winter consistently. I don't think they changed them after that. Easiest to pip was probably during eruption meta on killer. Now the matches are over quickly (which often result depip) and there is not enough time and it's not usually worth to prolong the matches purposelly or sweat to get pips. So I take just the kills and don't pay attention to hooks. Even I won 20 matches a row I still depipped some games and lot were just safety pip.