Are Dailies Outdated?

And I mean by just giving Bloodpoints as a reward?
I just feel like this isn't enough incentive to do them. I've had the same dailies since Chapter 13 now as I just feel like there's no point in doing them. I would probably play Killer a bit more too if I got something better
Like maybe Rift fragments, or Shards. I prefer doing the Rift Challenges because at least we get Lore and Rift Fragments for doing them. But Dailies just seem outdated
Look at Fortnite, giving you Battle Stars for doing their dailies which progress in the Battle Pass
Maybe this game needs something similar
I'd do daylies more often, if they gave you shards as a reward.
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Yeah the current rewards aren't really worth it to be honest and most of survivor dailies are annoying.
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I barely ever do one. A sip of blood is not enough reason to reconsider who I want to play at any given time.
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Mine are only killer, kinda sucks.
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I like doing the dailies cause it makes whatever I'm doing at that time a little bit random
It would be nice to have more dailies (or maybe have them refresh or something when you've completed them) just because I like to let "fate" decide what killer or survivor I'm going to play as sometimes and dailies are a great way to do that
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Too many reasons not to do them.
- Could get a killer that you just don't want to play.
- Maybe you want to do a survivor daily but it only gives you killer
- Rewards are too low
I can't even remember the last time I did a daily. Even with the double BPs it's not worth the effort.
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Too few types of daily rituals, for too meager rewards.
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There should be a set of dailies for each role. Most dailies right now are for killer which kinda sucks if you want to play survivor.
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I was thinking this too. Even if it was only like... 25 shards per, I feel like you'd see a lot more diversity even just because it would give more casual players the chance to unlock original characters sooner.
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Only a little. We would like some dailies to give some shards, or if you complete a certain amount you earn shards, but the easy ones are nice bloodpoints for newer players.
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I think dailys are an attempt to get you to play the other side. Nearly all of my rituals are killer rituals, because I play 99% survivor matches. I suspect it's the opposite for killer mains. Problem is, I tend to just reroll them until I get a ritual for survivor.
I think they are a little outdated, but I am sure for some people they accomplish their intention. Which is to get them to interact with the other side of dbd.
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They were most useful when I started playing, I needed bloodpoints then, now I don't.
If they gave like 600 exp, then yeah, I would do them. But last few months every games is 100k+ bp by default, I'm tired of spending all these bloodpoints, don't need more)
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They're just ridiculously undertuned as far as rewards go, like they need to be tripled in reward. Their current amount is not worth doing.
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I still do dailies. They encourage you to change things up so you're not playing the same perks/characters forever.
Sure the rewards could be higher, then anything that shakes players out of the boring meta is good.
And if you're upset that you're only getting killer challenges... Maybe try playing killer once and a while? Playing killer is still fun and you might even learn a thing or two about the killer you're playing.
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Dailies are extremely dated. The mobile game has a fantastic daily AND weekly system that these devs should just adopt.
I'm glad they started to event tomes regularly, I enjoy those a lot. But in the months in-between I would really love better dailies.
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how often do you get survivor dailies? i trash one killer daily every day and get one killer back. once a week i get a survivor daily.
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There was a time where Dailys were much harder, but netted you way more bloodpoints.
The way i see it, we should have a slider that allows to adjust the difficulty and thus the payout of dailys.
Maybe even add a "i only want to have XXX dailys" with the downside of getting less bloodpoints as if it was random.
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I never do them at all bc all I seem to get are killer dailies, and I have no desire to play a killer. I feel like shards and / or even a small amount of auric cells would be better suited as rewards now, though.
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that happens when you play survivor all the time.
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I always do the dailies every day, but I swap them when some dailies show up.
For example: I dont do the Skull Merchant-Daily, because I dont want to play this killer. Same for Trickster or Bubba.
I dont play the Demo-Daily, because loading up the Shred to max. Range is not necessary, so 1 game is not enough.
I would love to get Shards instead of BPs, even if it would be only 100 Shards or so.
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The rewards are very outdated, IMO. Perhaps shards would be better, or at least increased blood points.
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i would do dailies if they werent all for killers.
i used to play killer, i got mega stressed out while doing so. i have no more interest in playing killer, not even in kill your friends. yet i get nothing but killer dailies, so i always ignore them. plus due to you needing literal millions of BP to get a character up in prestige, an absolute max of 180k (with 3 60k quests) is like a drop in the ocean. at least with rift quests you can choose to do survivor or killer ones.
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It's not making me want to play killer. 🤷🏻
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Yeah shards/fragments would be better, also redo the dailies so they could be completed by either survivor or killer. I asked Mclean on twitch about how there has to be an algorithm that gives you dailies for the role you play the least. He said it's random, I don't believe him.
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Lacklustre rewards notwithstanding, the purpose of Daily Rituals has always been to get players playing both roles, in order to both equalise queues and expand players experiences.
However, with the role incentive BP bonus we now have, that's kinda redundant. If anything you want players choosing the role in need moreso than the role which has a Daily Ritual.
So yes, they're outdated, and could do with a rework. I'm not sure they should give rift fragments as challenges already do that, and provide a 'finite' source of them too. I think I'd rather they gave EXP or Iridescent Shards. Enough to basically double whatever you would typically get from a single game.
They could definitely be changed to cover both roles and be shared tasks, such as "Escape one match or Kill three survivors", "Repair Two Generators or Kick Five Generators", and "Heal Five Health states or Injure Seven Survivors". Alternatively, theme them on their respective DLC. E.g. "Escape as Nancy/Steve or Use Demogorgons Shred 4 times" or "Open the exit gate as Mikaela or Kill 3 survivors while using any Hex perk".
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There should definitely be more survivor ones.
I don't mind the killer ones for the most part as it gives me an excuse to use killers I don't play that often otherwise.
Considering you can still do challenges from the old tomes, I don't think anyone really prioritizes dailies though. Especially if you came into the game recently the old tome challenges can keep you busy pretty much forever at this point.
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You should get one survivor and killer ritual each day that way you don't just play one role and instead, you play both roles. I agree that the incentive needs to be increased.