Gonna be honest with you about xeno.

See I'm a huge fan of alien. In fact I binged all the movies when I found out he was coming to dbd, but I probably won't end up buying him for the same damn reason I won't buy singularity, or any killer that has this same damn mechanic in it. I'm referring to the devs giving the survivors the ability to take away my power. I hate this mechanic, its not fun, and I don't see why I should put up with it when there other killers that are just as or better than xeno that exist who don't have the suffer with this unfun annoying mechanic. I'm just giving my feedback to the devs. I agree there needs to be other ways to deal with the killer other than looping, but this just isn't it. I don't support any killer DLC where the survivors have the power to turn off my power.
Now there this thing with singularity where people assume you need some sort of degree to play singularity. Man he isn't hard to play you aim shoot switch to camera then shoot survivor with said camera. Not much to learn there. People won't play him cause survivors, can shutoff his power. Why play a killer like that when there just other killers who are better, and don't have to deal with that crap. I bet you when xeno releases it be fun for a bit cause its xeno, but people will grow to hate this killer cause of these damn turrets/EMP mechanic they keep releasing for killers. I said what I said.
Thing is it takes a long time to set up the turrets, and survivors move really slowly while doing so, which also puts them at risk of being ambushed. Also, Xeno can destroy turrets with his power. It’s not as bad as it seems.
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Wait till you face a discord SWF team,and let me know if you still feel that way. Why put up with this when I can play wesker who fun,and doesn't have to deal with an annoying mechanic?
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Because counterplay matters in a game that can’t decide if it’s a casual party or competitive game.
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I agree,but the ability to shut off my power which I specifically paid for should never be given to survivors.
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So you won't play any Killer with built-in counterplay.
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Not what I said. I won't play any killer where the survivors have the ability to take my power away from me.
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I have 2k hours in this game, do you really think I’ve never gone against that???
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If you have good reflexes you can destroy the turret before it gets you out of your power, besides your power comes back considerably faster when travelling the tunnels.
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I have a bunch of things to say about your post,
- Singularity needs to be countered like that, because slipstream can be easily spread into a survivor with one camera as you said, and also between survivors, thats why its in area and not self-useable like Virus-T Cure from Nemesis or useable in one survivor at a time like Uroboros Aid Spray. The point is that the Singularity needs that counter, because imagine if the counter didn’t exist, Singularity could be literally teleporting and teleporting right behind you, without even the need of a camera, because you will be slipstreamed.
- The thing mentioned in 1. is the main reason why people dont play Singularity, but there are some others like, the killer is so map dependant and is match dependant (Example: If you think the survivors will loop in shack and put a camera but nobody loops there in the match, your camera will be totally useless)
- Xenomorph’s counter is due to his power nature. Unlike Nemesis whip, Demogorgon’s Shred or Wesker’s Uroboros the tail attack doesn’t need to charge before using it, it just needs to be clicked. This in fact one of the most mentioned problems with Xenomorph, that there’s no clue about what the killer is going to do, unlike all the other killers that need to charge/activate an animation or sound to use their power. The turrets make the survivor to lose time collecting and putting them. You can even destroy the turrets with your tail attack, meaning you can destroy them earlier due to the attack’s range. And also if you lose your power, you can literally enter in a tunnel, spam W and S or A and D, and you can nearly insta-charge your power lol and exit by the same tunnel. It’s something that the devs need to be look into. But yeah, every decision have a reason to do it.
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Thats not even the point. Why put up with it in general when there killers out there who don't have too? I would bet you anything this won't fix the wesker problem. He will still be the most seen killer,and xeno will be just another singularity that nobody likes.
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The main reason people dont play Larry is cause hes a really hard killer to learn and master, he wont appeal to everyone.
Xenocat's skill floor and celling is closer to Nemesis's if anything.
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What exactly is hard about singularity? Are people failing school, or something? How do you not understand how his power functions? Thats not the reason people don't play him.
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So no Plague, Nemesis, Myers, Ghostface, Hag, Knight, Singularity, Trapper, Legion, etc etc
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Read my previous comment. If you still don’t understand how the people “is so dumb and don’t know how to use an ez killer” go to buy the Singularity’s DLC and play a match by yourself
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Singularity's ability is hard countered by Made for This as well. He has a certain catch up speed over a period of time and MFT makes that more and more difficult.
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Knowing how to place his Biopods properly, having quick reaction and direction to aim them quickly in the middle of chases with a constant camera change, and having some decent aim at least.
It does require quite a bit of micro-management.
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The pipes can also affect the survivors so its a double edged sword.
The pallet one requires LOTS of progress on a gen to even get, and if i recall the killer can see the trap, so they can prepare for it.
And they'll likely add a limit on how close turrets can be, also how far they gotta be from obstacles, it was a pain to place them on maps like RPD
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
That makes absolutely no sense
Xenomorph has two powers, one of which is a powerful chase tool and needs a check/balance. Every killer has those
Trapper has disarming traps
Wraith has pallet stunning him out of cloak
Hillbilly/Bubba have their power being stopped by windows and sometimes lockers
Nurse... Okay you've got me on that one. She has to fatigue after ever blink and she's slower than default.
Myers has breaking line of sight to delay tier ups
Hag has crouching and trap removal
Doctor has snap out of it, as well as using lockers to avoid static blast
Huntress has to reload and has to be (semi) accurate
Pig has the jigsaw boxes and her dash is heavily telegraphed
Clown has to reload and his gas is avoidable
Spirit has... Okay, again you've got me here. I guess the fact she loses sight of you?
Legion has a power that can only down you if he lands 4 successful frenzy hits
Nemesis/Wesker/Plague have infection cures
Ghost Face has reveal (when it works). You can also bodyblock him while he's carrying if you're 99'd to force a reset
Demogorgon has removeable portals/a jukeable power
Oni has predropping pallets/taking sharp turns
Deathslinger has to reload/you can break the chain
Pyramid Head's ranged attack is telegraphed and torment can be removed, albeit not very often
Blight... Uhh, has to recharge his power/fatigue? Yeah we'll go with that
Twins has kicking victor/keeping hold of him
I could go on
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Like I can already see reddit posts about people not liking the turrets,and comparing him to singularity,but you people that think I'm wrong ok fine. When alien releases,and nobody plays him cause who the hell wants to be bullied by turrets, I'll be here waiting to say I told you so.
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The turrets really aren't that strong by themselves and stacking them takes a large amount of time. They are nowhere near the level emps were and are to singu
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He's also got some pretty good add-ons to counter them, or even benefit from them.
So he can use those, or have some insane addons like 30% vault speed to make him way scarier if the turrets are not around or extra slowdown with free mangled, etc etc if you are confident countering the turrets yourself
Plus I can already tell coup is gonna be ridiculous on this killer, and a perfect plan B for when your tail gets taken away
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Oh that's so exciting. I get to use add-ons to counter some B's mechanic other killers don't have to. I love wasting my addon slots countering a mechanic that shouldn't even be there while other normal killers get to actually use add-ons to change or enhance there powers. Gee how fun! :D
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I think it’s also because there isn’t a trade off in “countering” the Killer’s power which makes playing the Killer feel bad.
Cleansing vs Plague gives her the choice of becoming a ranged Killer for a short while. Removing infection against Nemesis and Wesker exposes them via Killer Instinct. Removing Demo’s portals takes time and Killer Instinct informs the Killer of it. Taking Sadako’s tape means that you get two stacks if you get caught holding it. Solving the box reveals the Survivor to Pinhead and gives him the choice to TP to it.
For Singularity, the only downside is the speed penalty on Survivors when using the EMP and the aoe range is huge. For Alien, I’ve seen videos of people stacking the turrets in shack or the toilet in Gideon which probably needs changing.
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I totally agree with you!
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He is a high mobility killer with a range attack that can down over pallets. With add-ons + bamboozle vaulting with 45% extra speed, and his iri damaging you if you stun him, right at the start of the game
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Coincidentally, even the very first DBD killer's power can be disabled by survivors. You could say this tradition is as old as the game itself.
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Notice that turrets are around gens and surely you will put turret close to the loop close to gen so indeed you lose 5 secs to put a turret and xeno have to waste time destroying it
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I don't think turrets are that impactful. They don't slow the killer down at all, and they only activate in close proximity, and they can be destroyed with good timing.
Unlike EMPs, which can disable all of Larry's time consuming set up in an instant from across the map, likely just as you're about to use your power.
I think Turrets are more similar to Ghostfaces reveal mechanic than they are to EMPs, and probably less annoying than a reveal because you can skirt around it and/or destroy it. It gives you a valid choice as to whether you commit to the chase for a Basic attack or delay the chase to maintain your powerful Special, which IS more powerful than the similar powers on Nemesis and Demogorgon.
EMPs are more similar to erasing Hags traps, only they're an AoE effect that inflicts less slowdown.
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i think you greatly under estimate strength of those turrets. the strategy for using turrets is to take 2 gens. any two gens and put 1 turret next to each gen for spine chill effect. this is kills his stealth. to counter his tail strike, you place 2 turrets in the most center pallet loops in the map facing each other in linear line and then run into it. what you get is a character that cannot use his stealth due to turrets... and becomes m1 killer because survivor is always running into 2 turrets that knock away your ability. so your gameplay loop is to go out of a tunnel, see a turret, tail strike it, suffer a cooldown so survivor get head start. you chase them, they go into a loop with 2 turrets... you lose your ability. you go back into the tunnel. rince and repeat. xeno is going to be fun killer when survivor does not use turrets correctly but not very fun to play when survivor is competent.
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So like Ghostface with teleports.
Competent survivors don't get exposed by Ghostface and he becomes an M1 killer.
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i agree altho with the exaustion addon this can be made less of a problem.
and sadly he is not the only killer that gets hurt badly by this perk compared to others.
ex doc, slinger, trickster..etc.
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One basic attack destroys the turret you know that right? You don't have to be that dramatic it doesn't leave you paralyzed for the rest of the match.
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He has good add-ons to counter turrets, ripley's watch automatically destroy turrets (common grey add-on), some yellow add-ons decrease flame distance, increase resistance to stagerring and increase respawn timer for turrets. Even then you can still get m1 hits most of the time because you're steathly, singularity is far worse
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for how little her power does, and how easily you can counter turrets, shes not gonna be like singularity in this regard, more like sadako (not in the whole "ima insta kill you" way, but in the "i better do this bc thatll be helpful soon" way)
not "free power removal" but instead, "additional threat to killer and additional objective for survivor"
if your power gets removed, go crawl around in your tunnels and get it back (after punting the turret into the next galaxy ofc)
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And have a addon that make him more resistant
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It seems to me...it seems that you are exaggerating a little
As for the singularity, you are completely right, because EMP is not just made to completely counter the power of the killers, but also to do it incredibly easily and with 100% probability, you will not destroy them in any way, the survivor just took and 100% will disable your ability, no matter how hard killer tries, especially considering that...that it is literally designed to allow survivors to use it in any situation from which killer can draw at least some benefit
The alien is much better, against the turrets you can
Break (at a radius of 4.8 meters by the way)
Weaken with addons
Quickly restore the ability in tunnels.
Turn it off for 15 seconds (approximately after you get out
Survivors with turrets are very vulnerable.
when against EMP you can
Alien is a good example of a killer with an item, they don't weaken it too much. unless the developers need to do something with the moments when there are more than 1 turrets in one place, because well, they slow down very much
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It feels like to me, bHVR had a meeting about counter play maybe like last year and all Killers since then has had things survivors can do to combat the Killer. Some of these Killers were better, others not so good, One was reworked and another is gonna get the same.
musta been all the Survivors screaming for counterplay for years that finally got to them and now Killers have to put up with bHVR designing a lot more with built in counterplay cause we get to play it, even when its terrible to play, Survivors are SO lucky they dont have to spend money to properly try out and figure out that a Killer is just terrible to play.