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General Discussions

DbD doesn't know what it wants to be

Member Posts: 6,564
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

Playing TCM just reminded me 2018 Summer's DbD. TCM is chill, fun and party game. Nobody takes it serious and everyone are just trying to have fun.

That how was DbD before. Sure it was full with busted things and they needed to be changed. But not that much.

2018 DbD is very different game then the game currently we have.

Now as i mentioned on title, DbD really does not know what it wants to be.

It wants to be party game? Hell no. This game is so toxic and stressful for it.

It wants to be e-sport game? Hell no. This game is so unbalanced for any e-sport game.

So honestly i don't know what do DbD wants to be.

I just miss old silly DbD.

Post edited by MikaelaWantsYourBoon on

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  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Sometimes I feel like I wanna go back to the days when I was new DBD player. I was terrible but it was probably the most fun I ever had in the game (the time of the portrait of murder PTB competes).

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Don't worry the dbd community will take hold of TCM soon enough and will start crying for nerfs and buffs soon enough.

  • Member Posts: 409
    edited August 2023

    When will you guys finally learn how these things work?

    People dont take tcm that serious yet because everyone is still figuering out how to play. Give it a few weeks.

    EDIT: Besides that, there is nothing wrong playing any game serious.

  • Member Posts: 605

    Wait some weeks or months. TCM will become toxic and stressful on one side OR it will die soon.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited August 2023

    Game is fun 👌. I wish Texas was real

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    DBD is trying to be a party game and a comp game simultaneously which is what's causing issues.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I keep my stuff set to friends only. Don't need to hear someone get mad over a game play.

  • Member Posts: 979

    TCM isn't going to be balanced for the competitive minded or the people who want fairness. There's also zero matchmaking so you could very well be matched with new players. The serious players will leave after realizing this.

  • Member Posts: 112

    It has 14K players on launch day and no crossplay so who cares it will be gone in 3 months

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    The devs simply changed with the community. And one thing the community got wrong was the perception that balance = fun.

    If you look back at the main complaints from back then, large majority of them if not all have been addressed.

  • Member Posts: 435

    DBD Takes itself way too seriously, I wish they'd add more fun/ goofy stuff like emotes. All my rounds feel like tournaments and they're removing the horror aspect by making the maps super un-scary and bright like cold wind as well as adding Killers that just are not scary at all like Skull Merchant. So I kind of agree tbf.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Nah I find TCM pretty boring after playing it. Survivors just hide whole game and you try to find them which is most boring thing in dbd as well... but in TCM it's every game. Many killers is fun but there should be more survivors at least 6.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Dbd just need multiple killer mode even one killer who can be played by two people then it would be best game and TCM could not even try to compete. Dbd gets stale because there is just one game mode. It would not have to be even balanced 2vs8 would be just fun. Or killer played by 2 people like twins could already be that.

  • Member Posts: 497

    15k on one platform, and it does have crossplay just not on old gens (Xbox One and PS4, both released in 2013)

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    The problem is DbD did not lose fun part for long period. I think i mostly started hate after MMR added.

  • Member Posts: 869

    This. Give it awhile. If it's still just as fun for all levels of play in a few months then I'll give credit where credit is due. Nobody can argue the game looks a million times better than DBD, that's for sure. I love being able to see the Killer outfits since they're in 3rd person. Not to mention the many different ways that Survivors can escape and all the different objects they can interact with and use to achieve victory. The same can be said for the Killer side. It's much more fun killing with friends than it is alone in DBD... I hope this game takes off and keeps going strong. TCM is what Survival horror should be at minimum. DBD is so far behind in terms of game play mechanics it's not even funny.. All DBD has is the licenses..Take those away and DBD honestly has nothing on TCM.. :/

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Nah people were bitching and moaning since the very beginning

    What has changed is the reasoning behind the bitching and moaning

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I remember seeing an interview with GUN's lead dev who explicitly said he really hopes people don't try to make TCM competitive, because that isn't what it is designed to be, and not what they want for it. A fond hope, but sweaty people are gonna do what sweaty people do, for better or worse. Mostly worse, I'm sure.

    Likewise, DBD isn't designed to be competitive really can't fairly be, but people trying to make it so has created most of the game's problems.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    dead by daylight players are playing tcm

    It’s inevitable it’ll eventually become an unfun game

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    I've been playing the game for about 3 hours and this already the case. The most straight forward exits are the ones you go to every time because the other more convoluted ways really aren't worth the time and effort. I'm already escaping some games in less than 5 mins because of this. Killers are either non existent in the match or way strong. It needs quite a bit of tweaking and changes otherwise its going to have very little staying power imo..

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    My feelings are influencers and the playerbase are more to blame than BHVR for its identity issue. BHVR do hold some responsibility for moving it into a competitive area. Unfortunately, at a championship level it's inheritantly boring and clinical. The fun is sucked right out.

    However, a majority of influencers focus on meta builds and how to win and show up salty players (which ironically can make people want to be salty to get their 15 minutes of fame). Players then start using them with some perception they need this to win which - unless you play at the top - you do not.

    The player-base also follows this, trying to do the tricks of those streamers and such. They try the same builds to win and, if they don't, surely it's a balance issue because the build should have worked! Some players want to play chill, but defining what is "chill" isn't clear. The playerbase gets caught up in it all. However, that's not totally the influencers' fault because people should think more for themselves. People aren't sheep.

  • Member Posts: 869

    "People aren't sheep." You could've fooled me. That's all I see in gaming nowadays.. xD

  • Member Posts: 118

    Tech Test of TCM ended with a 2min in speed run of the survivors fully knowing what to do and unlike in DBD you basically get no realy notification on what's going on. I mean sure you get NAME left the basement but that doesn't tell much. Although they did change the generator to default to on which it wasn't in the tech test but still. So players that got in the tech test in the last 48 hours obviously don't know the map too well making it really frustrating.

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