Sadako global condemnation was a mistake

TheMidnightRidr Member Posts: 598
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

In an effort to make her power more threatening, BHVR reworked her condemn stacks to add globally. This simple change, even ignoring the rest of her changes, promotes spamming teleport arguable more so than her original design with the iridescent addon which has led to matches where survivors are nearly helpless unless they are communicating and coordinated.

I won’t deny there is counterplay, but for the general populous, this killer needs yet another overhaul.

Post edited by Jocelynbee on


  • A_Can_Of_Air
    A_Can_Of_Air Member Posts: 2,009
    edited August 2023

    I’ve found that while spamming teleport is the most effective way to boost condemned, you’re sacrificing chases and hooks in the hopes that you condemn people to bypass that entirely.

    The optimal way to play her is hit and run + use teleports as much as possible but not in a way that loses you easy down opportunities. Spamming it too much is detrimental against survivors that keep on top of condemned.

    Only problem is finding active TV’s to deal with tapes, but if condemned is kept as a priority then survivors can hold her off long enough to get generators done. It’s not easy, but if it was, she’d be horrible.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,224
    edited August 2023

    Spamming teleport is only promoted if you have survivors either failing or ignoring her counter play with tapes. Which they should be punished for this.

    I also find it generally disingenuous when some people will say they she doesn't ever chase. This is objectively false. She isn't a real stealth killer so she isn't getting free hits when she plays the hit and run play style. So to even get those hits in the first place she has to play the loops as a basic m1 with basically no power. That's as easy as it gets for survivor facing a killer at a loop.

    If you do her counter play and know how to loop a killer with no power she isn't a threat.

    I like her current design. On both sides it's a completely different play style from every other killer and quite engaging. People downplay it and act like it's skill less when it takes a lot of macro game play with tv's and herding survivors different directions on top of forcing you to be really good at your m1 killer basics. She takes more skill than a huge chunk of the killer roster in this current form.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,806
    edited August 2023

    With the cooldown, you can't really spam teleport like you could before. That said, if you can find a chase and get a hit in a time frame not much longer than the cooldown and then TP (ideally to a surv who just took a tape - thanks mother's comb), you can still do it enough to be a real menace. Especially early when the survs are just running around in a panic trying to find a tape.

    You're really not losing much by continually switching chase early in the game, and in fact it increases panic, and by the time all the survs have found a tape, most of them might already have several stacks of condemnation. If the whole squad spawns together, the odds all four can find a tape before it becomes a problem against an aggressive Sadako are pretty slim.

    If you get a few stacks of condemnation, take a tape, and she finds you with it, you're in trouble. And that can happen quickly.

    There is counterplay, but it's only reliable when the team is super coordinated. She's a certified pubstomper at present.

    To mitigate some of this, I might allow survs to see the aura of active TVs within a decent radius (like 32 meters). And/or maybe reduce the condemnation from global, but to a still healthy radius (like 64-96 meters).

    And make the amount of condemnation proportional to the surv's proximity to the TV she spawns to. If she spawns right next to a surv, give them a really heavy dose, but if you're far away, only a touch.

    I think there are ways to have made condemnation more of a factor without making it oppressive in solo queue.

    And ffs get rid of her lullaby.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,730

    i don't know, i have played against her and i did not feel that much pressure. I did not get condemned killed yet. the match seemed fairly regular in difficulty. I did not feel overly threaten by her.

    i think her current design is something that some players would likely want pig to play like without going too off-topic. survivor always downplay killer's gameplay because they dislike how they lost. nothing out of the ordinary.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,603

    What information are you missing during the match that only SWF communication allows, prevents you from taking necessary steps to protect yourself from condemned?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,224

    I do agree with you, I haven't felt that threatened against her yet, nor have I been condemned a single time.

    I know it wouldn't happen because of the low level they balance for but honestly if they made her Iri Tape base kit (too easy to remove without it for good survivors), removed her lullaby, and removed the slow down down switching between forms, she'd be quite solid against decent players. Mind you I said decent, not super good 4 man swf.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,730

    i agree with all your changes if your balancing more for higher-level play but as you can see OP post is complaining about global condemn being you know... too effective? I think i see killer more as stages of strength and I would say she is an ok spot for stage of strength that acceptable.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,005
    edited August 2023

    For me Global condemn is a good change (because its close to my suggestion so its a bias), its the teleport cooldown is too short, and the sharing resource between teleport and taking the tape.

    I would make teleport cooldown to 1min, global condemn +1 stack to all survivor, tape or without tape.

    Holding a tape should passive increase condemn, so survivors should not hold a tape to deny her TVs. OR make the tape and TV 2 different resources. So either teleporting or taking a tape dont deny other side's ability

    Just that and I believe her game would be more healthy.

    Currently its just a race to TVs between 5 players (I dont say 2 sides, because survivors constantly dispute for a tape)

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,271

    The rework had the desired effects: -

    • Forced survivors to actually use tapes
    • Made using tapes on Sadako's TVs to shut down her TP actually a thing.

    I still stand by my suggestion for one final improvement to nudge teleporting to be a little more deliberate.

    The only thing I would appreciate is some kind of rough indicator of when the TV will come back on from the survivor side.... even if its just differing levels of static... that would help solo players a lot vs. Her power.