Status Effects

Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I want to hear some opinions on the games current status effects from the forums.

Any over tuned?

Any under tuned?

Status effects under represented in perks or addons?

New ones you'd like to see?

I currently feel like Blindness is pretty under tuned and Deafened is a rare one that's under utilized that could be seen more.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Blindness is really only undertuned against SWF. Imo, it can be pretty decent against Solo Queue.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2023

    The real question is how do you buff it overall without affecting solo queue more?

    I was thinking you could make it hide their perks on the bottom of the screen. So they couldn't see the cooldowns or timers on skills or what was active. Effects everyone equally. Quite minor but something.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Honestly? No idea. Other than maybe making it have an effect like Dredge's darkness, just for shorter amounts of time. Not sure what to do with Third Seal then, though,

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i think reason why blindness is not valued is because survivor has no wall-hack perks or relevant wall-hack items in the meta to counter. think of blindness like exhaustion for wall-hack perks. it is defensive status effect.

    The two ways you can use the perk offensively is to counter perks like windows of opportunity which killer cannot be bothered to counter or to use it for slugging to purposely hide the aura of survivors on the floor in attempt to bleed people out. Bleeding people out takes forever and is impractical. The totem is more likely to be cleansed or you will down entire team regardless because your opponent is playing poorly.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I wish more killers had add ons that caused obliviousness

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,250

    I think Blindness should only affect auras from perks and add-ons and should not hide basekit auras, this is the main issue with it that makes it stronger against solo queue than SWFs. To make up for this loss of power, it should receive the additional effect of hiding the Killer's red stain which affects both solo and SWF equally. Since the aura nerf means it would no longer hide generator or hook auras from the killer when they are the one suffering from Blindness, I would also increase Residual Manifest's duration to compensate since hiding the red stain is irrelevant in that case.

    Haste effects should not be allowed to stack under any circumstances. The highest available bonus to movement speed should be applied and the rest ignored.

    All other status effects are fine as is imo, though I think Endurance is starting to become overused by the devs.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    I think Blindness is too weak. I'd probably want it to hide the Stain/Killer noises for Survivors and hide Scratches for Killer.

    I think Mangled is probably too good in the current meta.

    Hemorrhage is weird. It's very feast or famine, either you get a ridiculous amount of value or you get none.

    I really dislike Deafness.

    Oblivious is good.

    Endurance and Haste are both fine, just not when they get combined into one perk.

    Hindered just feels bad, but it's fine balance-wise.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,027

    I think Hemmorhage should be tuned down a little bit. Especially on Sloppy Butcher, I don't think it needs to boost that at all, normal Hemmorhage is punishing enough.

    I do agree with Blindness hiding the Red Stain, that'd be a good buff to it and it would make perfect sense.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    edited August 2023

    They could develop some more elemental or psychological status effects. As rough examples off the top of my head:

    Scorched: Interractions on generators and healing result in trickier, faster skill-checks for a period of time (to represent the pain of touching something with burnt hands)

    Frozen: Players leave behind steam from their breathe which stays for longer and more obvious than scratch marks. Players have a small penalty to the speed of all interractions. Players have to heat up by fire to rid the status.

    Vertigo: Players pathing can be affected, so running in a straight line can drift left and right (I'd prefer a FOV alteration, but understand this can make people feel sick, so tdecided on this version).

    Terror: Players will scream randomly and controls can "flip", so left becomes right or crouch becomes run briefly to mimic the panic. Terror is only brief though.

    Sprained: Player vault speeds are reduced. Turning is a little less sensitive. Can affect both sides.

    Weakened: Killers take longer to break pallets or walls for a brief period of time.

    Illusion: Affects both sides. Aura-reading perks give false information in some way.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    Blindness is fine as is. Buffing it would only hurt solo queue players. And as someone who plays mainly solo queue. I have died on hook plenty of times due to teammates not paying attention to third seal.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Do you really see third seal that often? Playing nearly all day everyday I see third seal like once every 6 months..

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    I play daily, and I've seen it at least once a week. Maybe more. Even if it's once a year, would be way too OP with buffs to blindness. Then we'd probably be seeing it every other match.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    It might be an idea to apply blindness to other teammates, when healthy. That you literally cannot see them until the status effect has run its course, you should of course be able to still hear them though. Comparable to perks that cause you not to see any downed survivors, but now healthy ones are included.

    Though that might be too OP against SoloQ.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    With how easy it is to remove hex totems would it really be OP? Most hexes don’t last past 2 minutes at best.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 291

    bloodlust is overtuned, as it is a status effect. it needs to have its tier 2 & 3 removed as it has become outdated. if tier 1 needs small tuning to assist it, then so be it, but 2-3 are just outdated and not needed.

    deafened i agree should be utilized more, as its only a thing for hags addon.

    for perks, MFT is a pretty hot topic, but as a survivor main i think it should be reduced to 2%. it just feels awful to go against as an M1 killer, so reducing it to 2% shouldn't be bad because its not as little as 1% and its not as strong as 3%, its a good middle-ground.

    also blindness is probably the worst status effect in the game unless your playing a killer such as pig, wesker, nemesis, etc. as survivors can't see your power aura things (i.x jigsaw boxes, chests)

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Blindness is not affecting killer items. Pig has add-on for it, it removes boxes until trap activated.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 291
    edited August 2023

    really? thats weird. when i was against a wesker he brought third seal on haddonfield and i couldn't see his chest auras like at all. is it a bug maybe?

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,720

    I think blindness could use a second effect, similar to hemorrhage. I'd suggest making blind survivors unable to see the red stain.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,250

    You can only see the supply case auras against Wesker while you're infected. If you were infected and they still weren't visible then yes that is a bug.

  • oreoslurpee
    oreoslurpee Member Posts: 291

    lmao thats probably what happened then! been awhile since i remember that match, i most likely wasn't infected.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    I love how often killer mains claim this, when it's simply not true. Yes, a hex can be cleansed early if the spawn is unlucky. But it definitely does not occur as often as killers claim. Hexes can be downright horrific if not cleansed early and can lead to snowballing of all sorts. So, smart survivors will search for them. Smart killers will patrol them.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,302

    Blindness is basically solely used to be a dick to soloq players on indoor maps.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Not a killer main and I'm sorry you think that but it is true.

    "Hexes can be downright horrific if not cleansed early and can lead to snowballing of all sorts."

    The vast majority of all hexes are a joke, not horrifying. Outside of like DH and maybe BF most could stay up for minutes and not be that big of a deal at all.

    "Smart killers will patrol them."

    No, just no. Smart killers are not patroling them because this tells smart survivors where they are. Second if you're guarding totems you aren't pressuring gens. This would be bad killer mistakes.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    Hexes are usually near gens anyway so they aren't that hard to check on.

    I also love the claim "most hexes can be ignored!". Killers love that one too.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    I don't like the idea of buffing blindness.

    The status is very toxic for solo queue while not affecting SWF that much.

    Even if it was buffed in way to affect both, ut would still hurt solos more if it was any popular.

    Being stuck on hook or slugged because solos don't know where you are is not fun no matter what you do.

    It might be weak, but it should probably stay weak and niche.

    Magled and heamorrage is becoming kinda overkill when combined and as easy to apply. Not sure if it's op or not, but it's becoming annoying how frequent it is nowadays.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "most hexes can be ignored"

    Is actually true for most of them bar a few unless the survivors are complete potatoes. If the survivors are bad at the game then any hex is going to be super deadly.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    Oh okay, so unless it's devour or blood fury, survivors are potatoes and bad at the game for cleansing hex totems. Gotcha.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited August 2023

    For cleansing? No, not what I said. Thinking most hexes are crazy strong if left up? Yeah, that's not true unless the survivors are bad.