Automatic Purchase On Prestige 0 Characters

There is no reason to not give account-wide access to this feature upon Prestiging at least 1 character.
New players dont need to "learn the bloodweb" any time they start leveling up a new character, it takes a single Prestige to understand how the system works.
Veteran players just want to level up as fast as possible, they dont want to sit there and go through all of the Bloodwebs by hand, and the fact that we basically get treated like brand new players any time there is a new character and chapter release is awful.
I know how the Bloodweb works. I should NOT be required to do the DBD equivalent of a Captcha to prove that I know how the Bloodweb works. Just give me access to Automatic Purchase on Prestige 0 characters.
There are a lot of confusing/complicated systems in DBD. The bloodweb isn't one of them. I can't even imagine a new player having difficulties with the auto button on the first bloodweb of their first character.
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It’s extremely unnecessary, that we have to prestige a character once to unlock the feature especially if you are a long time veteran at the game.
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I've got several killers and survivors over P11. I think I've learned how the bloodweb works. Please don't make me go through this slog every time you release a new chapter.
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I 💯 agree 💕 It should be from the get go.
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I said this on the PTB when the feature was being tested.
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How does this only have 9 upvotes?! Imo it's the single most annoying, game close-inducing mechanic lol. Is there another thread about this or am I in the twilight zone? 🤔
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When I originally posted it, it basically got covered up by people complaining about the Anniversary and/or Made For This.
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Bump. This is an amazing change idea. Hopefully its easy to implement!
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I can kind of understand the rationale for killers (only kind of) -- but for survivors it's ridiculous. It's the same blood web no matter what character you play. There's nothing new to learn from it -- it just takes a super long time.
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I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I think the fact that we have the feature at all is so goddamn nice compared to what we used to have to do, but I agree that disabling it for P0 seems rather nonsensical. Hell the first 10 levels are enough to teach a new player how the bloodweb works. It's really not that complicated, pick an item/perk/addon/offering you want and click it.
I got some numbers for the devs, as that is defo what gets them going. 39 survivors, 33 killers. P0-P1 is 50 bloodwebs, thats a total of 3600 bloodwebs needing to be completed manually. I think if anyone needs 3600 bloodwebs to learn how they work they're a lost cause and shouldn't be catered for xD
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I fully agree and that they should give the automatic blood webs at the start of leveling a new character. I also agree by adding that will save a lot of time and energy instead of leveling up by hand.
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Revisiting this because I really wish the Devs would at least acknowledge this lol