The Skull Merchant's Core Design Is Not A Failure (And Here's Why)

jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

No, this isn't a troll post.

It's no secret that Skull Merchant is a pretty disliked character overall, but the specific flavours of comments that you see about her around here tend to vary in severity and accuracy. For some, she has a clear flaw in her 3-gen strategy being overwhelmingly awful for the game and other than that she's just too weak to do anything else; I don't have an issue with this take. The take that I'd want to discuss here is the idea that her core design is fundamentally broken and can never work in DBD, necessitating a full-on ground-up rework at the level of what Freddy got all those years back, or possibly even more extreme. This take is just wrong, and I'm going to explain why I think that.

Now, before I begin, I want to make clear that I won't be going into much detail on how to actually fix Skull Merchant and capitalise on her potential (though I did make a post about that in the feedback section a little while ago). What I'm doing is pointing out what her potential is, and how her core design is one of the best we've received in a long time.

The first thing I think needs to be touched on is the distinction between core design, which is what we are discussing, and live balance, which we are not. The actual specifics of how a power is implemented, from specific numbers to the more granular effects that it has, aren't the same as the necessary core elements that make up the power's identity; to use a simple example, the necessary core identity of the Trapper's power is that he places down bear traps, but the live balance specifics would be how many spawn, how many he can carry, what exactly happens when a survivor steps in one besides immobilisation, and so forth.

Obviously, the Skull Merchant has a more complicated core design than the Trapper, because pretty much every killer that released after him does, but we can still apply that general distinction. If you can tweak it with number changes or very light adjustments, it's probably not the core design.

With all that setup done, what is the Skull Merchant's core design? Personally, I would break it down into two key concepts:

  • Placing down AOE drones in key areas to capitalise on their effects, and;
  • Those effects being versatile and almost modular in how much they change depending on what addons and perks are brought.

If we look at that, rather than the numbers and specifics of what her drones do on live, it's easy to see why this core design would work. It's a strategic and versatile idea, one that asks the player to create a gameplan before the match starts and craft their loadout accordingly. Even with some of the specifics we have, it's easy to see how she'd end up working; hypothetically, if numbers and specific addons were different, you'd get to build her for chase via setting up trap drones you steer survivors into, for chase via baiting survivors into hacking drones and then capitalising on the claw traps, for information via the drones being set up in pathways between generators or in spots that are difficult to reach, and for stealth via setting the drones up in those same pathways but using them yourself to get the drop on survivors.

Can she do all those things effectively on live servers right now? No, but that isn't what we're talking about. We're talking about whether the core of her design is something that could work, and it absolutely is.

When I look at the Skull Merchant's core design, I see the killer with the single most potential for genuinely varied builds in the entire game, and I see one of the most strategic killers we've ever had too. What I also see is echoes of the Artist; a killer with an insane skill ceiling and an incredibly well designed power, with a poor reputation because there's an almost braindead simple way of playing her that gets enough results for most players to never bother learning how to play her properly. The same is true of the Knight, albeit to a less extreme degree.

To repeat, I'm not going into detail on how to fix her issues and bring about this potential, that's a post I've already made and that'd be more suited to the feedback and suggestions category anyways. The scope of my little mini-essay here is just about the potential this killer design has, and how it's being overlooked as a knee-jerk reaction to how bad her 3-gen nonsense is.

It would be a shame, in my opinion, for BHVR to over-correct on the current issues and redesign away all of the massive potential this killer has, and I think the rest of the community could do with being shown what's possible considering how few people are interested in treating the Skull Merchant seriously as a killer. I hope to shed some light on that myself, here and elsewhere.



  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    That would be a perfect example of over-correcting and removing everything that gives her so much potential. You don't need to go that far because her core design right now isn't so bad as to require it.

    You can keep the way her drones are designed right now, they can still be static scouting/active AOEs. You can keep the tracker pad giving Haste per tracked survivor, too, that isn't broken. Those elements of her core mechanical identity don't need to be changed.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I'm not sure what I can say in response to this that isn't already covered by the post.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Well I think she needs her drones help her more if we want to make her want to chase Survivors and not just guard Gens.

    The power would still be around her drones and getting info on Survivors and having control over some area, however in more creative and more fun way that would make her chasing people rather than drop everything on gens. I don't see how would you change her in her currect form without nerfing her into the ground since gens is all it takes outside of very rare few add-ons that help in chase.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    We don't want to just make her chase survivors, we want to make chasing survivors one option of things you can achieve with your drones, and we want that option to preserve her current identity. We also want her to be able to leverage her drones for other things too, like stealth and information gathering.

    The entire strength of Skull Merchant's power design is how versatile it could be, with some changes. You mention that there are a few addons that help in chase- what if she had more, and they were cheaper? What if entering a drone's active radius did something inherently to help with chase, but did less to help guard generators?

    Preserving how a character currently works as much as possible should be the highest priority for any rework done for any reason, and Skull Merchant doesn't even come close to warranting a full redesign like that.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I feel that you may be conflating live balance with core design here, because some of that is only true if you're looking at the way she's been implemented and isn't required at all for her core identity.

    For instance, take this idea that she doesn't have to make any interesting choices. That's not even true of her live version right now... unless she's 3-genning. If she's playing for chase, she has the exact same interesting choices as Trapper, because that's how you play her for chase. That's the case right now, and that only increases if changes are made that don't involve a full redesign.

    I'm also not sure what you mean by passive tracking in this context. She has less passive tracking than current Doctor, her tracking requires interaction before it functions.

    Mostly though, you're referring to her "core strategy", but the thing about her actual power design is that she doesn't have one. She has a bunch of stuff she can do a little bit that she should, in theory, be able to specialise into with addons and perks. More active gameplay would mean lessening her lethality and buffing everything else, that's it; reward the player for engaging with the way her kit is actually designed instead of abusing the most straightforward and interactionless option.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,927
    edited August 2023

    I share this opinion that this character has potential, and dont want her to go. I dont like to bash a straw man, but there is so much unconstructive and unhelpful criticism, it's hard not to think SM suffers from people bashing her for easy/free validation.

    It's frustrating because I do have things I like about her, and want to see her issues fixed to then push those qualities... but I've seen most conversations around her devolve into "just delete her" and nothing more.

    Her concept as a tech/scanner/tracker killer is pretty awesome, and the idea of playing MGS to get past her drones sounds loads of fun... Its just unfortunately that the obvious issue with such a power is the gen guard potential, which obviously is the very pitfall SM fell in.

    I'd like to see her radar reveal scratch marks detected by drones, maybe a deadzone on gens so they can't build lock-on. Or a complete rework... whatever, but just to give up on what could be a really interesting killer because its popular to hate her annoys me.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    She has multiple zones that constantly give her info, the cooldowns aren't even that long for how long the drones stay unhackable and active.

    Yes, all the issues are from the popular strategy, but if her design directly promotes that strategy, then she is badly designed.

    It doesn't matter that if she doesn't play the game in that strategy, most of my points don't apply, you are just making the game more difficult for yourself.

    So no, if making 3-gen the only choice you have to make is which gens you want to protect and then the game just plays itself

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I wasn't directly comparing Skull Merchant to Artist, I brought up both Artist and Knight because they have a similar issue to Skull Merchant; a negative reputation that's brought about by a single element of their kit, not the entirety of it. (Although, people don't like playing against Artist played properly either, it seems.)

    I also didn't think I needed to clarify that obviously Artist is in a better spot than Skull Merchant. That's pretty self evident in that Artist isn't causing games to stall out for an hour.

    From here though, you kind of lose me and I'm not sure what you're talking about. You say there'd be no skill ceiling to playing SM with the right changes "beyond placing drones at obvious spots", but... they wouldn't be particularly obvious if you had to think about it. If they weren't just dropped on top of generators to defend them, they'd be... y'know, traps, basically, whether you want to chase survivors into them or not. SM would have the same skill ceiling as Trapper and Hag bare minimum, and it works perfectly well for them. That's not even accounting for how the different builds would each require different drone placements and different macro sense to execute.

    Which, that's another thing, her skill ceiling would be strategic and based on macro play, not mechanical. There's nothing inherently wrong with that.

    As for interactions, there'd be interactions for both sides. The killer side we've gone over, and then on the survivor side you'd be figuring out which build the SM is going for and reacting accordingly. She'd still have the counterplay of choosing when to hack drones, after all.

    I think a lot of people get blinded by the idea of if they personally would enjoy playing as or against a killer, in discussions like these, when that's not exactly a fair measure to use. There are people who loathe facing or playing as literally every killer in the game, you can't please everyone.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    ...None of that is required from her core design, though. That's just how she's balanced on live servers right now. You don't need to start from scratch and Freddy her to fix those, that's my whole point.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I agree and I think beyond bugging her stealth drones just need to activate faster so she feels fluid in chase.

    That's part of why people just drop them on gens because the drones feel clunky trying to use them in a chase.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    The one thing I agree with you on here (kinda) is that Lock On isn't a particularly well designed element of her kit. In fact, considering how little it aids her in the ways she seems designed to play, I recommended removing it in my fix-it post a little while ago.

    With Lock-On removed, the rest of her kit could be adjusted and she could get a better suite of addons to better emphasise what I'm talking about, which is the versatile and modular design of her kit.

    Though, I do have to point out- nothing you've mentioned here is core design? It's all how she's actually balanced, like, the specific numbers and such for how she plays on live servers. In those terms, yeah, she's doing very poorly, but in terms of core design she stands to be one of the best in the past few years. She's got a kernel of something really, really good in there that got buried under some mishandling and the looming monster that is the 3-gen problem.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    When going over what you consider her core elements I would like to say that if the drones are versatile then you basically re-create Knight again because in some sense the guards work similar to the drones, you put them down and they do something, they are even versatile in what they are good at. The problem is you would need to create drones that work in different ways, with strenghts and weakenesses but 1. without recreating the guards 2. without giving them a really good way to 3 gen and 3. create them in a way that allows the player to apply skill.

    As for the 3. point you would need to allow the player to decide which drone he wants to use, which is already a mistake they made with the knight since the player does not have the option there

    For the 2. point I think this will be really hard, because basically all area controll killers have a rather good way to 3 gen, this goes for trapper and hag the same way it does for Skull Merchant, and as soon as this strategy is a viable option most people will only play that part which makes it problematic in itself.

    And for the 1. point I'm not really sure what different options to give the drones, because depending on the addons she already gets stealth, insta down, bonus movement speed and so on and so forth I can only think of so many things the drones could do...

    I see what you tried to do, but as soon as you have a killer that puts stuff down that stays for a longer duration and gives some form of information or way to injure/down, shutdown loops then you create an area controll killer (fairly obviously I know). And they all suffer the same issues, good 3 gen potential, this is a problem in itself and the issue that her core concept is flawed, it may not the completely for the bin and all, but it already has this big problem that somehow needs to be adressed, and it would probably be way easier to give her a rework instead of smaller changes.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302


    Her core design hasn't changed at all. I laid out what I consider the difference between core design and live balance, and it's not even slightly semantics. Her live balance has changed a lot, but her core design - AOE drones that have multiple effects - hasn't changed once.

    The only killer whose core design has ever changed is Freddy, and that was a travesty that should never be repeated unless unavoidably necessary-- which it is not for Skull Merchant.

    What Skull Merchant needs is something like the Doctor and Leatherface reworks. The same core design, but with the interactions and specifics changed to better fit in the game; giving Leatherface his tokens + speed increase, and removing Doctor's stance swap + simplifying his Madness gain, to be specific.

    When I say "best in recent years", as I said very explicitly, I mean she has the potential to be because of her core design. Obviously she isn't in a good spot, that's why these threads exist in the first place. What she doesn't need is to be Freddy'd, because what's there can absolutely be fixed.

    I may not have been clear enough, and that would be on me, so I think simplifying my take is a good idea. When I say her core design isn't a failure and doesn't need to be changed, the distinction I am making is that she does not need the treatment that Freddy got, where his power completely changed. She needs something like Doctor or Leatherface, where the power remained roughly the same but made healthier.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    I do agree that a Killer using drones on paper seems like a cool idea that could be salvaged

    But I wouldn't call it one of the best 'core designs' we've had in years. There was potential to the idea but BHVR chose the path they chose and we got what we got

    Maybe a Doctor/Bubba tier rework would solve the issues but I don't see how outside of a heavy rework they can make the Killer anything more than putting drones over generators and not much else.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I would. Considering the skeleton of her being so versatile and modular is there right now, it can easily be refined to be the best strategic/macro killer we've ever had, as far as I'm concerned.

    If we got a better version of Skull Merchant, one that doesn't require drastically overhauling her, she and Wesker would stand as the two pinnacles of the two general schools of killers; Wesker as the conceptually extremely simple but mechanically nuanced type, and Skull Merchant as the mechanically simple but strategically nuanced one.

    You already don't have to just put drones on generators, for the record. It's just that it's both not quite as good as it should be to do otherwise, and the best build you can bring for it requires purple addons, so it's prohibitively expensive.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944
    edited August 2023

    She's too strong they can delete either exposed or haste effect, then make her drones more instant they have a weird delay atm and they don't go where you want them to go, make drones more useful to shut down loops and less useful on gens

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    I disagree, if any Killer deserves to stand as the pinnacle of a strategically nuanced character it's Singularity

    Far better represents macro-play than SM ever will tbh.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    That would also be a bad idea, imo. What you want from using the drones in chase is to set them up ahead of time and chase survivors into them, the whole "shut down loops by pressing a button" thing is the biggest problem with Knight and Artist right now. I don't think we should make more killers that can do that.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I'll grant you that, I momentarily forgot about Singularity. Conceptually, Skull Merchant would be a very close second best.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    Her counter would be holding W or if she's out of drones same than artist yeah, I take that over a 50 min 3 gen game. It's subjective really maybe just rework her completely not many people care at this point

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    a small part of me considered if anyone would engage with the actual arguments or just ######### on sm... and of course they didn'tengage with anything.

    too easy to hate on sm...

  • bobateo
    bobateo Member Posts: 368

    Obviously, the Skull Merchant has a more complicated core design than the Trapper, because pretty much every killer that released after him does, but we can still apply that general distinction.

    I'm not sure this is true. Her core design is almost the exact same as his. A 'trap' that can be placed in a area and will remain 'active' once the Killer leaves the area. Instead of injuring a survivor, her power gives information and possibly puts the surv in a state of vulnerability with exposed. Instead of needing to be manually reset, SM can remotely reset. Instead of having to pick up her drones from around the map (frankly a far more complicated part of Trapper's design than anything SM has), she has all of hers either active or available to place in the absence of claw traps.

    Survivors can interact with bear traps and drones, but that interaction for Trapper is far more punishing for him where as the claw traps become another tracking method for SM. She can lock down strong loops and multiple floors with 1 drone, Trapper cannot. SM doesn't have to consider drone placement anywhere near as carefully and surivor interaction with her drones does not hinder her much if at all.

    Oh, and she moves just as fast as he does, base kit.

    Her power design isn't more complicated. It just has a lot more bells and whistles tacked on.

    She's just not a complicated Killer at all, imo. Any skill ceiling for SM is completely at the player's discretion by limiting the gameplay they will engage in with her and even then that don't complicate the core of her power. It works exactly the same. And we wouldn't say that Nurse has an incredibly complicated power just because some players choose to not use her hit after blink at all. Or that Oni's design is hugely complex because some players will only use his power to down a survivor if they pull a mindgame around an LOS blocker.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    May I ask what you're hoping to gain here? You don't ever seem to be interested in actual conversation about SM from what I've seen in other threads, so what's your goal here?

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,582
  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Reading is probably waaaaaaay faster, unless you consider giving up on first hook "Playing the match".

  • gnehehe
    gnehehe Member Posts: 510

    SM = C.o.m.p.l.e.t.e F.a.i.l.u.r.e ; P.e.r.i.o.d

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    To tell you that I thought that statement was very humorous.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I would lean her into a stealth killer. Greatly increase the range of her drones so she can use the Undetectable buff more. Greatly reduce the Lock-On so that survivors can safely ignore the drones for longer (but not forever).

    Probably still wouldn't be a good killer but it'd be better than what we got now.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Could work out, maybe just delete the drones give her a motion tracker that allows her to monitor survivors while the are doing an action or running and give it really big range. Or give her surveillance cameras that do nothing else but monitor things so she only has information but nothing more, you could either make them there from the start or being able to freely place them.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Or give her more equipment that she can pick up on the map, maybe even similar to oni that she has to unlock that by gaining injured or hook states or something there are just so many options instead of just making her what she is currently.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I think the changes on her release enabled her current broken state. Before, 1 Survivor could disable multiple drones. If they re-enabled that, and had the drones stack on the Survivor, resetting the 45s timer, but locking up multiple drones (and counting as multiple for the haste effect), it would allow the least hooked person to be a drone runner for the team, and SM would have to chase that person down to set up their drone zone again.

  • BlueHorkew
    BlueHorkew Member Posts: 1,081

    Just thinking that most people want her to get Freddied is cute.

    I would bet most people would love her to get the Delete treatment.

    Atleast Freddy has pop cultural icon status and ton of power possibilities from his movies.

    Atleast killers like Nurse and spirit are unique and fully realize their fantasy.

    SM is supposed to be hunter, but her power is anything but that. Singularity does the macro managing fantasy way better. Bhvr couldn't even decide if they wanted her to be a mechanic or a sex fatale with her costume and couldn't even try to combine both elements to be coeherent

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 2,014

    In a game where one side needs to visit certain places on the map and stay there for prolonged periods of time to progress the game, an aoe ability that completely passively makes this extremely dangerous and punishing is a core design failure in my opinion. No other character can just passively lock down 3 (theoretically even 4) places on the map at the same time and prevent the other side from meaningfully progressing the game without putting themselves in massive danger, especially if no comms are involved.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,207

    As someone with p82 skull rn I disagree. If i wanted to set stuff up ahead of time and herd survivors into it i would play hag.

    Placing down drones mid chase and "drone dancing" with strobes + readout is the most fun part about skull merchant as its the ultimate game of "who knows their distances better". She simultaneously punishes survivors for greeding, and for not greeding, they need to find the middle ground and actually outplay you in chase which is why I love her so much.

    You don't "shut down loops" since you still need to land a hit, and if you keep placing drones down at loops trying to build up the 10s of exposed you will lose the match by your 4th chase because of how long and inefficient it is.

    She should have strobes basekit, haste values increased, basekit action speed increase for each tracked survivor (like geo), unhackable state removed, longer claw traps, and then add on pass to rework the basekit add ons and nuke stuff like BNG and speakers into orbit.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    If you're chasing Survivors and then placing Drones at loops, that's literally just worse Knight.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    As someone who plays a lot of both they're not remotely similar.

    Knight is "I use my guard to flush you out and now you're in chase with this AI and then I'm gonna come in from this other angle and hit you" cuz lol 2v1.

    Double Purple SM is m1 killer on crack where I'm incredibly fast and you're slowed down and maybe if you have a claw trap I can force you to break a pallet for me.

    The similarity starts and end with "I can use my power at a loop and make that loop bad for you" but that's like half the killers in the game.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I wanted to be clear, so my words wouldn't be misunderstood. This, of course, relied on the foolish assumption that people actually read the posts they're responding to.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,196

    It's still you either leave the loop and know how to path or stay at the loop and die.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Okay but how is that unique to Knight and SM?

    Again you just described half the killers in the game.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    Skull merchant? Oh. You mean her?

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    When you typed this up, did you think it would add something constructive to the conversation, or?