I never expected it but it happened anyway

I never imagined that this could happen but here we are. I never expected that this community managed to stoop this low, lower than the filthy toilets in the suburb slums.
There were 2 megs and a nea with flashlights, toolboxes and meta perks, and brought Eyrie of Crows and petrified oak offerings, then there was me playing solo survivor as Bill just chilling. We were against a new player, Trapper, completely fresh with only 20 minutes playtime in his belt. He barely knew about anything, he explained. He only played the tutorial once as survivor and killer, he only knew the some of the basics and that's it. (There is more talk about this at the end). He only had 2 yellow perks; agitation and brutal strength, not even using addons. So these 2 megs were P58 and P100, and the Nea was P70. Obviously, what was going to happen is me the only survivor doing generators and these 3 were bullying the living hell out of Trapper. From flashlight clicking to teabagging, to baiting and looping, to disarming his traps. They knew he was a new player just by observing the way the Trapper plays and what did they do? They became the biggest ######### possible and make his match a living hell. I done all the generators by myself but I can't feel nothing but bad for Trapper so I gave him the kill.
What makes me even more angry wasn't the fact that they were teabagging at exit gate or all that, but talking ######### in end game chat, saying the most offensive slurs you could imagine to a new player. What is wrong with them in the first place? I sent him a friend request and told him GGs ignore these buffoons. You're still learning. He told me about how he started the game a few minutes ago and it's his first time playing Trapper he doesn't want to play anymore because of them. How is this SBMM not working correctly and why are people like this?
Now, I can't imagine what killers have to endure, but I'm not pointing my finger to one side over another because there are bad apples at killer side too but this is just maddening. I understand why there are fewer new players staying in Dead by Daylight. The community is beyond toxic, and I hate to use the word 'toxic' since it's overused but that's unfortunately the truth. I think it's even worse than League of Legends or Rainbow Six: Siege playerbase.
Some people only enjoy insulting the weaker ones like bullies
Also, why does the game put a completely new player against experienced opponents in the first place?
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Well, I'm glad you were there. If it had been four of you behaving like that, he'd have probably uninstalled immediately. At least he got the chance to see there's some small hope left in humanity.
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I'm pretty sure @Mandy said... It's because lobby dodging.
The only thing I can say is that... It was unfortunate first expirience. Should've just say him that it's not happening all the time.=)
And it will get harder to do for them, when killer gets more expirienced.=)
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Congratulations BHVR on your high quality match making.
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I think you can derank, but there is a hard cap how low you can go.
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This makes me really sad... I wish it was me against that Trapper I would let him hook me all he want... 😭
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Average survivor behavior. It doesn’t surprise me at all, I too give kind words to killers in the end game chat.
Most survivors mains I know enjoy to try to taunt and humiliate the killer all game. If they think the killer doesn’t "deserve" the win they DC asap.
"Undeserved" wins would be : playing Nurse, Blight or Spirit, using regression perks, slugging, proxycamping.
DBD is the most toxic community I ever encountered tbh.
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This probably happened because of back filling
Honestly lobby dodging just needs to go.
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People blame backfilling but I think this is a problem across all levels of play. You don't have to be good at the game to be an awful person.
Though ganging up on someone makes it a lot easier.
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Inb4 "lobby dodging", "backfills", and "placement matches on fresh accounts".
We understand why it's happening. We're saying stuff like this shouldn't be happening.
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Ah, we've all been there.
One of if not my very first killer game, I chased a guy for five gens (because what did I know?), got teabagged at the exit gates, and then got the fattest "gg ez baby killer" of my life.
Hopefully bro goes through his 80s movie montage moment and gets to whoop them as Nurse some day.
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Honestly, playing killer is just utterly insufferable at this point. A "good" session is one that doesn't end in you having a headache from multiple people running the epilepsy gun and "only" having to put up with the blatant abuse.
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Hope you reported those 3 Survivors OP.
Even if it wasn’t a brand new Killer, they probably would have done the same even if it was a Killer of similar experience level and they had the advantage due to map/item leveraging. Proper matchmaking wouldn’t change they way they play.
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That's really sad. Some people seem to forget they're not playing against a computer, but actual living people. It's a sad state if affairs across the online world in general too. Cowards feel brave enough to say the things they'd never say to your face.
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New players should have a completely separate queue and never get matched with veterans until they have at least 100 hours.
Simply because our community is so...
Why can´t people be nice or at least not bully new players? Why do they have to live out their power fantasies on the cost of new players?! This is just sickening.
We are going to get a lot of new players with the Alien chapter. Can we please be nice to the new players and not scare them away?
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RNG Matchmaking is one hell of a drug
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This was truly sad story to hear. I have 1200 hours,but I'm still new when it comes to playing killer. I just got to the point where I can load up a killer match without stressing. I suck though at playing killer. I had a match today where I was called names for missing my hatchet throws with huntress. I guess people aren't allowed to learn a killer in DBD anymore?
This player you speak of shouldn't have been facing these survivors. I have seen mods on here claim there is MMR in place,but this is proof that there is no mmr,and the only thing the devs care about is quick fast queue times. It's nice to know though there people like you that give a ######### about the other side. People need to remember there a person behind that killer.
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There is this weird phenomenon where being a Killer is more intimidating than being a survivor...
As a new player to DBD, I threw my lot into Pig immediately, and before I played a single game, I watched numerous guides and cobtent creators of Killers (of all kinds) so I could hit the ground running... but damn nothing prepares you for this.
It's a real shame this was this players first experience. I am not sure I believe this community is more toxic than any other tbh... but the game is high both in skill ceiling and skill floor. It is highly punishing for new players, and it's very concept makes it a prime candidate for being a jerk to your opponent... this makes it a pretty harsh game for casual players...
BHVR is one of the more lenient companies I've seen regarding toxic behaviour and DCing. Most other match lobby dependent games I've seen are really quite harsh on DCs and hostile language.
A cap on account level being matched up for players in their first 20 games probably wouldn't be the worst idea.
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I blame herd mentality.
I am sorry but the tendency to be toxic is way higher when individual people feel strong hidden in a like-minded group (of friends), so survivor in general are way more prone to toxicity no matter the outcome of a match.
Killer will most likely be toxic out of the false sense of superiority after a stomp or when they got treated with too much toxicity before and start fire with fire.
It is way easier as a group to drown out arguments of an individual.
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I wonder what BHVR thinks about these people literally burning the money they would have gained from this player in the future. And the word of mouth to friends burning even more.
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They don't care, they got so much money out of cosmetics and dlc already money isn’t a concern. I imagine if they were having money problems they wouldn’t have gotten a license from alien, one of the most successful horror franchises out there, as i would assume that costs a LOT of money.
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i no longer wish for society to exist
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bro This world nowadays got me like 🫠
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Glad you were there OP to at least show not all players are absolute ######### goblins like that.
I thought new new players were supposed to have protected mmr to prevent that.
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You know those types are the ones that DC anytime they start losing, though. Always is.
And yeah, there should be some sort of absolute boundary that will simply not allow mismatches of this magnitude to happen.
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Unfortunately, I've heard this story before and not just once.
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They're making a damn movie. BHVR has plenty of money, they just don't care about using any of it to moderate their game's awful community.
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Because whoever wrote the code for the matchmaking algorithm didn't really do a pretty good job so far.
People can mindlessly parrot lobby dodging all they want, but even if nobody ever dodged a lobby this would still be the norm.