Please change the "Hatch An Escape" archive challenge for Tome II and other tomes.

Real_RUBB3R Member Posts: 98
edited August 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

This Archive challenge is so impossibly hard to get now, because not ONLY do you need to bring or find a Skeleton/Dull key, not ONLY do you need to be the last survivor in the trial, not ONLY does the killer need to close the hatch FIRST and usually do so before the last generator is even finished, but the killer needs to NOT slug for the 4 kills. AND you need to know exactly where the hatch is as well. All of this adds up to an extremely situational scenario, and makes it very difficult to complete this challenge.

To add insult to injury, for the Archive challenge for this in Tome II on Level III, you need to do this TWO times. The only realistic way to really get this nowadays is if the killer is farming and/or is friendly and decides to close the hatch for you.

All I ask is that this Archive challenge is reworked to something else, because even if it's a Level III challenge, doing this very specific thing twice is incredibly hard to do, and almost impossible. It made sense back when hatch was different and spawned when the amount of gens done were equivalent to the survivors alive + 1, because opening hatch was incredibly easy with that kind of system. But now it ONLY spawns when only one survivor remains, AND it spawns OPENED. So now you're entirely reliant on the killer to close it first, which can be a very rare since you also need to be the last one alive.

My suggestion to change this Archive challenge and any of the same requirements is to simply convert them to hatch escapes, something much more reasonable since the killer doesn't need to close the hatch first.

Or alternatively, it could be made that you completely use up a Key's charges, but of course if it was changed to this then the requirements should be a lot higher, since draining a key's energy is much easier than using one on the hatch
