Please stop the US Vs Them mentality

I have seen multiple posts ever since the release of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre game (TCM) comparing the 2 games. And I would like to give a public service announcement. Stop. Comparing. The. Games. The developers of TCM have said they do not want to be compared to other games they wish to stay separate, they are not feuding games unless we as a community make them. They want to exist together, so stop with the comparisons of mechanics, TCM isint tying to be DBD and DBD isint tying to be TCM, so stop acting like they are.
this is a dbd forum. people will talk about everything here by dbd colored glasses.
but generally I agree.
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“DBD colored glasses”
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basically... XD
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For better or worse, and whether the TCM devs like it or not, really, they just entered a gaming genre where DBD has ruled the roost and had no viable competition since Friday The 13th: The Game fell down and went 'Boom!'. They're going to get compared everywhere.
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It's understandable why some would. Afterall, it is a horror survival multiplayer game, so it's not wrong to expect comparisons. DBD would be a good source for any new game of this genre to take ideas from.
I do agree there isn't any need for turning this into some playground "My dad can beat up your dad" feud though. An example from another genre may be like comparing "Final Fantasy" to "Persona"; both games are rpgs so the mechanics may be compared. However, they are both very different games and can be enjoyed alongside the other.
It feels it's more about internet drama than actual game critique currently. People using the game to create some sort of Kardashian boretopia. Just enjoy the games for what they are.
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If we can defeat the "us vs. them" mentality within the DbD community first maybe we can get to TCM.
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Man I wish there weren't "mains" just players. Perhaps we can start there.
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You don't have to tell us. I've joined some TCM groups and it feels like in every discussion inevitably someone brings up DBD and its usually negative. It's not like that in DBD groups, in fact it's mostly positive things I've seen said about TCM in DBD groups. I'm enjoying watching some DBD streamers playing the game (watching AngryPug atm)
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Lol thought this was going to be a push against surv vs killer arguing.
Much as the devs don't want it to, tcm is going to be compared with dbd, a lot, because they are effectively so similar
It doesn't need to be done aggressively or with arguments, but unfortunately, when gamers are involved it pretty much always is.
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Amen to that. I play both sides equally and I feel it improves my game in both roles, and gives me a good idea of both points of view. A lot of players seem to lack that, usually when I get salty messages off an xbox survivor players, when I check their stats they have very few kills as killer.
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I wouldn't say DBD has ruled anything, more like just given most players Stockholm syndrome or something, but your not wrong when you say any competition hasn't entirely been viable.
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Aside from being 'assymetrical multiplayer horror survival ' games, they're not very similar. I do have to say, though, that as much as I like TCM, if you're playing alone as a killer and the others are playing in a group, you might as well leave the lobby, since it will become quite boring.
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'Stockholm Syndrome' is actually a good way to look at it, LOL!!
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I would. can you name a game in this genre that was ever as big as dbd? since dbd came out? and are they around?
it's like smash... we will get other platform fighters, maybe you think one is better than smash for some reason (for example, I like rivals of aether more because of the mode where anyone can create their own character), but you can never dethrone the big one.
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as coconut explained it was most likely in response to his video but their point still stands
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"Stop. Comparing. The. Games."
Don't tell people what they can and can't do.
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Stop! Pls, stop the U vs Them posts.