32 killers and only 6 are generally played.
I dunno why more people don’t recognize this as a problem. Out of a roster of 32+ killers that only grows throughout the months, only 6 are generally played on average.
Nurse, Doctor, Wraith, Blight, Wesker, Spirit
honorable mentions would be Legion or Huntress.
Sure you’ll come across a game or two with someone out of this bracket, but the above 6 or so commonly played you could literally bet money on seeing them in a match. This means that everyone else outside the meta is so thoroughly underpowered or useless against competent survivors that barely anyone bothers to pick them.
I dunno about y’all but from a survivors pov, I am genuinely tired of seeing the same 6 killers over and over again and I’m not even in red ranks.
like I have yet to even play against any of the new killers like skull merchant, singularity, knight etc. I don’t even know why people are excited for the Alien when you know he’s gonna be dropped in week in favor of the top 6.
If behavior would just fix the root problems of this game it could change so much for the better…
I hardly see any of those outside of wesker and sometimes wraith.
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I don't see much wraith, doctor and spirit (i'm glad for this last one).
Most of the time it's wesker (like several times in a row) nurse, blight and nemesis. Sometimes legion and huntress are put into the mix.
I'm tired of that too.
Same topic with the perks.
You always see the same thing over and over despite the variety.
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I will admit that I haven’t seen Wraith in a while, but the unfortunate first time you do see him, you’ll get a match with him every other game next.
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its cuz those are the only viable killers 😕
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You see spirits? those still exist?
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Because all these killers are high mobility killers or are able to hit even from far away. This game is now so fast paced now that you are not allowed to waste any time and pressure gens immediately and with the terrible RNG and Map Design (huge maps/widely scattered gens) you have sometimes no chance to pressure them. So if you want to play a different killer you need at least Lethal Pursuer or Corrupt Intervention to make them somehow competitive (so every build is restricted).
Hillbilly was once a good mobility killer but those days are over but I don t understand why Twins are so underused (Victor is pretty fast).
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Nurse and Spirit aren't even in the top ten most picked killers according to the available data. I know I personally don't see them very often. I DO get a ridiculous amount of Blights and Weskers. Those two are played to to the point where it's just obnoxious. Oh joy another lethal pursuer Blight sprinting across the map and downing my solo queue teammate 20 seconds into the match. I'm sure this is going to be a fun game.
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Every time I try to make my own fun with random killers/builds I get hit with match after match of survivors running the usual meta. Playing just for fun is practically impossible these days so people just play their mains with their favourite builds to stand a chance.
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Nah wdym? Have you seen Freddy paintbrush? It’s actually useful! That goes competently against his character we need it nerfed now!
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I’m making a joke that there’s a good chance the devs will nerf something like freddy brush, the only Addon that’s actually good and nobody’s asking to be nerfed, they have a history of nerfing perks and killers and items that nobody asked to be nerfed :) examples:the random barrage of pig nerfs, the random billy rework. ect
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How to make a Killer power that is popular among the majority of playerbase:
- Their power is easy to understand and is not complicated to use in effective way (You trow hatched to do damage, you dash to grab people, you go fast and pinball from stuff you colide with, etc.)
- The power doesn't allow Survivors to directly counter it (EMPs, Locking Lockers for Dredge, etc.)
- The overall power level is strong (A tier idealy or S tier)
- Their power is fun to use and there is skill floor to master and get better at the powers (Huntress, Wesker, Nurse, ...)
- Their controls are not limited to just PC users (Hard to use on console)
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“The pig can no longer place traps on survivors, if the pig attempts to place a trap the trap is removed and she gets flash banged 50 times, stunned 32 times, receives 95% hindered permanently, and all hooks are permanently sabotaged.”
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This is mostly a community issue IMO
The only exception would be Twin and Demogorgon
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There are only very few killers in this game that you can play and enjoy.
When was the last time you played Trapper, Freddy, Myers, Clown, Pig, Trickster, Twins, Artist, Dregde, Hillbilly or Pinhead? The moment you queue up with any of them you either give up the match or sweat so hard that it takes years of your life. And these are only a few examples.
Most killers feel pretty bad to play right now, so it doesn't surprise me to see more killers that can deal with the current meta and less of those that can't.
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all m1 killers with like 2 or 3 exceptions are completely unplayable and like 3/4 of he m2 killers are way to weak to be viable.
in other words your right
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Except Whesker (which is A LOT) I see everyone else pretty evenly. I even played against Twins. Probably it's your "first world MMR" problems.
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Saw one in the past month.
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I'm def Third World MMR.😋
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What the hell are you talking? Is this sarcasm? The Paint Brush is all he has
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I just run the Jumpscare Myers build. Some matches you get gen rushed out the door but other times it keeps them guessing long enough you get a 3 or 4 k.
One thing I will say, 90% of my matches end with no BMs and the survivors appreciating the jumpscares. To me, it's fun. Seeing through the walls and them running right into me as I know where they are headed and watching them do the oh hell moves is amusing.
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Whilst I do feel the majority of killers are not as bad as some people complain about and, albeit it is old information, DBD had released a top 5% MMR list of killer stats which shows killers of that level are all viable with decent success rates, some killers do need a rework or pass, at least to deal with a severe weakness.
A couple of videos I've seen recently proposed changes to 2 of the weaker killers: Shape and Nightmare. Dustaroo was the guy, which I'll share below:
Not saying these are ideal, but I like how he's at least looking at what may make them both more fun to face, matches the lore and gives them more viability.
Certainly at competition level a Trapper will more likely do poorly compared to a Blight, but the vast, vast, vast majority of players are not competition level. I've seen weak killers defeat SWFs and in many cases killers just need people tp spend more time on them and less time listening to what influencers say. People may certainly find more enjoyment if they play for themselves.
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I face all killers even Twins sometimes. But try to write down every killer you face in the next 2-300 games and you will probably be surprised. It's like people feel they are camped or tunneled every game even if it happens 20% of the games. What you feel and think is one thing and reality is another thing.
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Where do you get this number from?
If I look at Night-Light, 14 Killers are played above average. Which is not bad.
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There will always be more favourable characters in any video game, that’s not exclusive to DBD.
Look at Wesker: one of DBD’s most popular killers/chapters. Sure, there’s an element of people playing him because he’s a strong killer, but also people who brought him simply because they like RE and think he looks cool. If you’ve paid real money for Wesker who is one of the better killers, why choose a weak M1 killer from the base game? There’s no reason to. To further prove my point, I see a lot of Ghostface/Myers who are generally considered mid-tier… again, people choose them because they like the character.
I know it’s a bit of a false comparison as survivors aren’t “unique” like killers and all share pretty much the same stats, but I see so many Feng’s, Claudette’s, Meg’s and Leon’s in comparison to, say, Haddie or Elodie. Why? Idk, maybe it’s lore or cosmetics, but survivors obviously have favourites, too.
I do agree with the fact that there’s a power imbalance amongst the killer roster, but you can’t blame killer mains for choosing their favorite character or having a preference for stronger killers. Like you said, the burden there falls on BHVR to acknowledge the root problems as to why certain killers have such a low pick-rate. For example, Twins are buggy and are only viable when you play in a boring slug style, Freddy is virtually a weak M1 killer, and 3-gen merchant should be deleted and only remembered as a dark time in DBD history.
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Im a simple person.
I main pig.
I have her at p100.
I win some, I lose some.
This is a message to all the minority killer mains out there.
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Get loads of Huntress. Next most popular would have to be Legion and then Bubba.
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Sometimes I think players will see tier lists that are created by the best players, and assume that means there's no point in playing certain characters at all. Even though at most levels of play, any character can do well. You could have 100 great characters, but if they are not top 10 they are considered unplayable garbage. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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I get Spirit very rarely. Ghostface and Myers I see a lot more often.
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Yes, we need more M1 killers to please the survivor bully squads so they stop complaining about Blight.
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Yeah, I see at least 10-12 pretty routinely. There are runs where I'll see a lot more of some than others, but over a large enough sample, I see at least half the roster with some regularity.
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Pig's RBTs should be nerfed and her chase potential should be improved imo. It would be nice to see her as a more well-rounded killer rather than relying solely on slowdown.
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This categorically isn't true. When I play survivor, I run into more Weskers than anything else. But all the other ones on your list I don't run into excessively. Over the last 20 games, I've run into more Pyramid Heads than Nurses. It's true that there are a handful of killers that I have seen extremely rarely like Hag and Twins. But I generally get a pretty good mix of killers.
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Those 3 play nothing like each other.
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Yep all I ever see is Blight, Wesker, Nurse, a decent amount of Ghost Faces strangely enough, and a few Wraiths sprinkled in. Other than that, you'd think those were the only Killers in the game if you watched me play..
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This really isn't anything new. I consistently play against Huntress, Trapper, Blight, Oni, Myers, Wraith, and Wesker. I occasionally see Ghostface, Singularity, Plague, Knight, Pyramid, Dredge, Skull Merchant, and Pinhead. Almost never see the remaining killers.
This is at what I assume is mid-mmr. Or average, to put it another way. I almost never see particularly exceptional survivors.
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Of my last 11 games I've had 10 different killers. Had a Wesker twice. I feel like i get a good variety. Maybe the higher up in MMR you are, the less you see?
Killers were Myers, Trapper, Demogorgon, Freddy, Legion, Deathslinger, Wesker, Bubba, Blight, Pyramid Head.
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More than 6 killers are "generally played"
Here is my last 2 months of survivor matches
there are a few outliers (hag, freddy, twins, demo, artist, wesker) but other than that there is a pretty good variety of killers.
Here is a chart with wesker excluded so that the other killers bars appear more visually distinct
Sure some killers are not as popular, but its not exessivly so and I would say WAY more than 6 killers are "generally played"
Here is nightlight's general data fromt he past 28 days
From a sample of 26,500 games we see that the top 6 killers have a combined 33.45% of the play rate. This is quite a bit more than the % of the roster than they take up (about 19%) but not excessivly so and frankly wesker is such an outlier that he alone makes it seem worse than it is.
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To be fair.... When i have good rng, i am the one bullying i feel .... XD
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My friend...... Her slowdown is the part that is nicce about her. If you want to nerf her traps.... I would say, make it so that when you are at the last box, your trap cant kill you anymore. Seems like a small nerf but would have a huge impact believe it or not.
To buff her i would straight up make her stealth 100% default and leave the johns medical file as it is.
On top of that:
- Roar on ambush not on charge
- Ambush needs to be longer (Last will basekit)
- maybe higher speed of ambush as well.
These are my short two points....
Piggy is fun. Pls dont ruin her.
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BHVR has been obsessed with making M1 killer experiences as frustrating as possible, so we're definitely seeing more and more non-M1 killers taking over the usual roster.
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There must be big regional & MMR variations as to what killers you are most likely to face. I feel like almost a third of my survivor games are against a Ghostface. It's gotten to the point where I can barely stand to see the guy anymore. While I don't see many top tier killers, the rest of the roster are not super rare or uncommon for me to face.
But on the other hand there's The Skull Merchant, arguably the DBD community's most hated killer, yet I see her even less often than I see The Twins or Hag! I'd swap a few Ghosties for a Skull Merchant or two, that's for certain.
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Can I ask what program you used? I keep track of my games and wouldn't mind seeing my own stats.
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I wish we'd get stats per server, because from what I hear Nurse is v popular in Asia server, Blight in EU & Wesker in 'merica. It also probably heavily depends on MMR, I assume the higher you are the less variety you see bc more people are strictly playing meta.
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I worded my comment wrong. I think the RBTs themselves are fine; what I should have said is, "Nerf some of Pig's problematic add-ons (tampered timer stacked with crate of gears) and [slightly] improve her chase potential."
I think she's in a decent spot, just needs some QoL changes.
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I've actually been keeping track of every killer I've played against for over three months now (super casual player atm due to irl work conflicts) Granted I am on OCE, so maybe it's a regional thing, but I don't see the "top tier" killers as often as you might think, heck, I see a lot of less popular ones (minus Wesker I suppose because he is pretty popular). These are the killers I've come across the most so far:
Huntress (6), Demo (6), Wesker (7) and Trapper (4) with a fair amount of Wraith (3), Bubba (3) and Spirit (3). So in thirty-four-ish games, I've only come across Blight and Nurse Twice. (these are only a small part of my data pool because I plan on doing a larger data review after I've played one hundred or so games.)
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IDK, dont have this problem. I often play Nemesis/Dredge/Cannibal. And recently was facing GhostFace, Knights, Trapper, Hag.. looks balanced to me.
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That’s the point
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just wait till we get you nerfed again
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I'm a Shape main, I like Cenobite too. I do however switch up quite often. The other day I did a full stream of almost all Twins.
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