Compensation for Killer DC

Honestly i can't tell you how many times I've lost a rare offering because the killer didn't like what he saw for offerings. We go into a match it shows the offerings. Then on the loading screen we get booted from the host. We not only get nothing but wasted time but was ALSO get screwed and ripped off by our offerings being taken from us. Balance feedback? Here you go: Give us a pretty amount of blood points or find out how to refund our offerings if the killer DCs and rage quits.


  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    Which offerings do you use?

  • akor090
    akor090 Member Posts: 11

    It really doesn't matter.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Whats your suggestion about compensation for survivor DCs?

    Just curious

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    It doesn't matter if one or more teammates DC after seeing a mori, or the killer DCing for whatever reason there is a huge upset over losing an offering.

    Don't get me started on infinite loading screens, crashes mid-game, or the loading screen locks up and you have to force close the game which always results in losing your offerings.

    Until they get this bs situated.... Instead of compensating us... have another double or triple bp weekend. I feel like a lot of this is over the Matchmaking Test they're doing. In fact, i'm pretty damn positive.

  • akor090
    akor090 Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2019

    @Master there's already a compensation for the killer if a Survivor DCs. they get more blood points if i recall. As for survivors getting anything for a fellow survivor DCing then that's a trickier thing to deal with to attempt to prevent people from abusing it with SWF to get benefits. When there's a DC you also get the trap door with fewer gens needed fixed.

    @projecteulogy You're 95% right. The main cause for upset is the loss of something before we even get to use it. I've lost party streamers, cake, Jars of salty lips, all kinds of great stuff. If i lost them all due to actually dying then it would be fine. I said 95% because a increased BP weekend WOULD still be considered compensation, and as nice as that would be it's still only a very brief thing for such a long standing problem. this has been an issue for way longer than it should have been and I'd rather have more BP given to us each time we have to deal with a killer rage quitting. I'd really honestly RATHER just have the offerings "returned" when it happens instead though since that alone would fix the whole issue at the core.

    Edit: just some typos.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    Just had 3 survivors DC bc i used legion at rank 15 trying to do a ritual. BPS completely wasted

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    If survivor dc the killer get 625 quitter bonus by survivor or a maximum of 2500 (and I think also 1000 by dc since they compt as a kill for a max of 6500 bp) , they lose their addon and offering.

    If the killer dc the survivor get 5000k escape point each (if the game doesn't glitch wich it often does) keep their item and addon and lose their offering

    If a survivor add a common item with common addon it's 9000 bloodpoint that don't go to waste because you keep your item

    If a killer as 2 common addon and a common offering he lose 9000 bloodpoint that game because the survivor dced

    Even if you don't get the escape compensation the killer is losing more stuff than you do since the only think you lose is your offerring

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Just to clarify.

    A survivor gets 5k BP if the killer DCs and keeps his items, only loses offerings.

    A killer gets 2,5k BP IN TOTAL for 4 DCS and LOSES EVERYTHING

  • akor090
    akor090 Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2019

    @Master I'd rather keep my offering considering they are harder to come by than BPs. I didn't realize the survivors get anything when the killer DCs.... because i haven't gotten ANYTHING every time they do it in the loading screen which has been every single time for me. The fact that you lose ANYTHING before the game even starts is ridiculous, killer or survivor.

    This really isn't a pissing contest as to who loses more. It's to stop losing things before the game even starts period.

    Edit @Dragonredking thanks for bringing those to my attention.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Im okay with losing stuff, just punish the DCs and it should be fine. Right now its only a deal because there is always some crybaby that misses DS, feels tunneled or sth and then DCs.....

  • akor090
    akor090 Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2019

    @Master Losing the stuff is what makes it such a problem for me. I agree with punishing people who leave mid game but i don't think it's a good idea to punish people who leave mid loading screen because it's just as projecteulogy said: There's tons of lock ups and freezing and what not. I've been on the ######### end of that stick a few times my self. Just playing with a friend and then they have to play without me because my game freezes on the loading screen and DbD stops responding for no reason. So it'd be too messy to punish people like that without a way to sort who does it on purpose and who gets boned by the crappy coding of the game.

    Edit: I'm off to bed now but I'll check back later. I enjoyed talking about the issues at hand since it also helps let me vent out of being cheated on my stuff.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


    I prefer being punished the few times the game crashes over the continous punishment that happens every second game when someone pulls the plug

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited March 2019

    If you take away the lost of item for both side the frequency at wich people dc during loading screen because they don't like the offering played will dramasticly increase.

    I can already see in my head people dcing because their is maybe a mori, or not enought party streamer played for their taste.

    It would just make the problem even worse because instead of losing offering you'll loose a metric ton of time

  • akor090
    akor090 Member Posts: 11

    @Dragonredking They DC for those very reasons to begin with. I haven't seen someone DC just because there was a lack of party streamers.

    @Master I don't have any idea why you would want to be punished for something that wasn't your fault. So i'm going to have to heavily disagree.

    Also I can't believe i need to point this out since i've said it multiple times but my issue is when people DC during the loading screen. not mid game. If it happens mid game then it happens. nothing they can do about it there. but if i lose my offering before the game even starts then there's a problem.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200


    As I said, I prefer being punished the rare occasions the game actually crashes instead of being punished every second game because some idiot decided to ragequit (which they can do since there is no punishment)

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    I think you should get like 3k per reward type so you still pip. Sometimes they DC and I depip. Like #########, you also loose offerings which is lame.

  • coryma
    coryma Member Posts: 6

    This is wrong tho. I’ve never had 4 survivors quit going into a match. One has happened many times.

    at the end of the game the killer keeps points gotten so far. And even if they end with 4 dcs, starting with 4 survivor dcs is unheard of.

    I never get the 20,000 I earned so far in the match, or hardly ever “5000” for surviving when they quit.

    Most the time I lose everything and don’t get my points that I earned. The killer uses add ones but keeps his points and i would say that is broken more for the survivor

  • coryma
    coryma Member Posts: 6

    I think it’s worse when a killer quits midgame than at the start. I’d rather lose the offering than lose the 20000 points or more I have earned by the end game