Singularity would be MUCH more fun to play as if...

- EMPs are nerfed (once again, yes). The main problem with them is the frustation that comes with having to re-splitstream Survivors like 3+ times per chase and teamwork being super strong.
- If he would be better in indoor maps. Mainly if the camera detection would either be more forgiving (if you don't have clear vision on them, you can't hit them) or make it slighty faster to hit them from camera.
Maybe the solution is to remove Emps all together? The killers who have direct mechanics to counter them are usually the weakest or least fun to play. The downside would be that they remove the invincibility maybe 🤔
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I think EMPs have space in his kit to prevent gen camping and just making chases super easy if you could always TP on everyone at all times.
However, maybe there should be just 3 boxes or the boxes auto printing should stop on like 75% so Survivors HAVE to spend few seconds to get a EMP. Or you could keep them as they are but only make it it removes one splitstream from the user and not from all members within the radius (the best buff).
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Imo a printer shouldn't be able to generate another EMP until the previous EMP from that printer gets used. So there can never be more than 4 EMPs in play at a time. Singularity's direct strength is fine, his counterplay is just too effective and too easy to spam. It's too easy for survivors to snowball and shut down his power compared to how difficult it can be to build up and maintain pressure with him.
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That is true. The frustration also comes from the fact you have to put much more effort in other to keep up with them just grabing free EMPs left and right to counter you with simply holding the button for few seconds.
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that would make him broken, a teleporting killer that can teleport on any survivor with line of sight. also Wesker is neither weak or unfun to play.
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EMPs can no longer fully self print. They will now self print up to 95% and require a Survivor to finish printing them.
If that's too strong, revert some of the previous needs (like fewer cases, activation time, etc) but that feels like the main thing Meatball Larry needs. Make people actually have to do something for the counter.
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Wesker have direct mechanic to counter him with First Aid Sprays, yet people still consider him fun to play as and strong enough despite the first aid sprays.
The solution isn't to remove EMPs, but to change them to make them feel less annoying for Singularity to play against as well as just making Singularity feel more fluent to play as overall.
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Wesker ability also gives hinderance, has limited uses that CANNOT be regenerated, his ability directly hurst people, allows for massive distance without set up, his power is just way better
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EMPs are fine in their current state. Im telling you that as a p100 Singularity main. Nerfing them even more is going to make this killer even more oppressive than he already is. All changes he needs are QoL changes / minor buffs to increase consistency of his crossmap mobility which would help this killer stray away from very defensive territorial playstyle.
If I were to change anything about Singularity, it would be these 2 things:
- Removed slowdown penalty for exiting camera near hook - because that just hurts the smoothness of his gameplay and serves no purpose when there's already a different mechanic preventing camera camping. Singularity using his camera to "insidious camp" is camping suboptimally. Main use of cameras near hooks is to quickly access the network and find a new target to infect / tp to / walk to.
- Reduced the cooldown after infecting people to 1.5 seconds - that would achieve 2 things: 1) help singularity spread slipstream faster when he finds multiple survivors in one place 2) make not spending EMP to destroy a pod near gen a way more riskier strat, making survivors either spend EMPs to deal with reboot timer which helps Singularity get more pressure or have to find a cover before cleansing / disabling biopod. Overall that would significant boost Singularity's crossmap mobility, while not buffing his 3 gen potential as when this killer is 3 genning he is always generally close enough to replace the pod / infect survivor without relying on already placed pod as he can create a new one.
If that stuff is implemented, this killer would be perfect.
Stuff like fixing awful detection / making TPing to people take priority over placing a pod goes without saying.
Ofc they could do stuff like "EMP'd slipstream effect stays on survivor but disappears after a short period of time / after singularity teleports to that survivor once" but I feel like that would create numerous issues.
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Yeah, no.
He would be absurdly broken without EMPs.
@topic, make it so that EMP's fire immediately once charged, reduce their range slightly and make cleansing another Survivor require you to be within 2 meters of them.
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Better power or not, the point is that all counterplay items should have the same feel to them as First Aid Spray does when used against their respective killers.
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I'd make it so you can't buffer EMP's if you're holding one or have had one in that box recently but maybe it would screw over team play. I feel a single EMP's power level is actually fine - two maybe reasonable. Any more than that that's conveniently available is what makes Singularity difficult to play.
The thing I'm going to chip in that's an absolutely must having played him enough - The window restriction either needs to be removed or reduced. It single handedly is what makes chases with them so clunky and inconsistent. I've been told it's 2meters from a vault location which seems right but that range limit sometimes prevents you from shooting a survivor that is slipstreamed already because they vaulted. Not because they broke line of sight but the buffer on the window that prevents you from shooting is in the way even though there's clearly nothing there. Just in general though it makes no sense why I can't place biopods closer. I get not wanting to hide the little vault indicator which is the fabric hanging on it but past that there's no logical reason to limit the range. It loses so many chases unless you have pixel perfect aim at times. Not sure if this has been changed already but I haven't played Larry since the last update.
To clarify on what I am talking about - You cannot place Biopods near / on top of windows. This sometimes fumbles with hitting a survivor who just vaulted.
Camera is disorienting to use in chase but there's not much you can do about that really.
I agree with this the most - It's pretty cut and dry but gets right to the point about the EMP's.
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Yep but wesker dont get his asin power denied with a spray singularity does
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Exactly why i suggested in the comment that instead of removing EMPs, they should change it to not feel as annoying & punishing, the same way how First Aid Sprays doesn't feel as punishing and annoying to play against.
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This buff would have been nice but sadly it would turn Larry into another 3 gen killer.
My original buff idea was to make it so emp crates only spawn 2 emps total. Once the 2nd is grabbed from a box it turns red and will no longer generate emps.
So only 8 emps will spawn total. Sounded great but then I realized this would lead to a lot of 3 genning.
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He would just do Skull Merchant’s job better. We can’t trust killer mains to not 3-gen with a Singularity like your example, unfortunately.
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The difference between Singularity and Skull Merchant is SM makes people exposed which forces them to run. You can still tank a hit with Singularity even if they have a map wide presence. That's half the issue on SM as to why they hold gens so well. Immediate punishment if you don't respect the drones. You could only allow two EMP's and SM would still be better at gen defense.
That being said - I'd never want EMP's to permanently disappear from the trial. Would prefer they just be more scarce.
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To me, the main problem Singularity have is that his pod and infections are too much unforgiving: or you play the killer perfectly, or you will get stomped.
I wish they make small changes to Singularity, like a smaller time to infect, a smaller cooldown between infections, a wider window to detect survivors, etc.
I think these changes would make Singularity more acessible without making it too much strong.
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He's just fine the way he is, just takes practice is all
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Tbf you are better off investing said practice time on a killer that rewards it like blight, wesker, oni, even nurse, pracicing singularity is putting a lot of effort to be maybe a nuisance to good players, yes you will destroy bad player but even trapless trapper can 4k those teams.
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With that logic you're better off just investing time in only Nurse considering she's the best killer in the game with by far the best reward
There are several other killers that have high skill floors and are worst than Singularity
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Honestly the biggest issue with obtaining and using the EMP is that it has no downsides:
Wesker and Nemesis's Sprays and Vaccines reveal survivors locations when used.
Pigs RBT's take survivors time away from the generators to get rid of.
Removing Plagues infection risks giving her a stronger ranged attack
Onryo gives you 2 stacks of condemnation and breaks your tape if you get hit while carrying one.
Skull Merchant gets a movement speed boost every time someone disables a drone.
What does the EMP device do? It slows you down for 1 second while you charge it...
"One of these things is not like the others"
EMP's don't necessarily need a nerf so much as they need a downside, especially considering that using them disables 2 things in the Singularity's kit: His Slipstream infection, and his Bio-pods. Worse still, If the Slipstreamed survivors group up within 10m of each other, they only need 1 EMP to go off to get rid of all the slipstream infections and takedown any nearby bio-pod for 45 seconds.
I liked the idea someone came up with that if a survivor uses an EMP within range of a Generator, it causes the Gen to explode and lose 10%, just like if they failed a Skill Check. This would mean that in order to take out a Nearby Bio-pod and Remove their Slipstream, they'd have to sacrifice 10% of progress. If the Gen hasn't even been started yet, this means nothing, but if it's done to a gen that 10 seconds away from being finished, they have to add 8-10 more seconds to the repair time.
I mean, it also just makes sense that an Electro Magnetic Pulse would have a negative effect on any nearby operational machinery. But then, Of course, as I thought harder about it, there's still a work around that the survivors can use:
Simply charge the EMP, walk to a location that covers the Bio-pod but puts the Gen just out of range, and Detonate.
Once survivors catch onto that, it won't really be a problem for them, and the only times a gen will get affected is if Hux is chasing someone who passes by a gen, or over/under one on a multi level map, and they detonate it to remove their own slipstream, inadvertently screwing over a teammate on the gen. This scenario is unlikely however, especially if it's an SWF on VOIP, so maybe this idea is just bad overall.
I dunno, maybe there's a way to make it work better, but regardless, something needs to be done to give the EMP some kind of downside that makes survivors take a moment to think about when and where they set it off, Otherwise Hux will remain the easiest killer to counter, while also having the negative nuance of being one of the hardest killers to play.
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I dont think EMP is a problem, its survivors' build-in slow down mechanic that weaken killer as a reward. Its only EMP printed on its own, which slow down isnt exist.
Perhaps EMP can only self print to a certain progression, then the aura showed up for survivors to spend extra 8sec to get an EMP. And only survivors get caught by bio pod can see the EMP chest, like Wesker.
A little of QoL can change alot of thing.
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Its not really slowdown if takes you like 1 second to grabed fully printed EMP, even mid chase sometimes.
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Personally I find infecting Survivors to be more annoying than EMPs, it often feels like you can directly see Survivors but the pole from a Gen or a tree branch is blocking you from infecting them.
If they made infecting like 15% faster and allowed infection when you clearly see the majority of their body, I'd be happy.
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the point of emp mechanic is for singularity to infect multiple survivors at once. when multiple survivors are infected, his overclock lasts longer so his chase potencial is improved.
if you fall behind and do not make survivor waste EMP's then survivor can use those EMP crates against you in 1vs1. that is what people mean by singularity being hard killer to play because you need try keep two people infected entire trial while getting hooks against survivors massive EMP war against you.
I think singularity needs to be easier to play from killer perceptive because his tool-kit is too hard to use. there is not enough information his tool-kit for most killer players to properly put infection pressure onto survivors. I can kinda play him using killer game-sense from many hours of playing dbd killer but average killer is just going get stomped by passive EMP spam. he gets some gen defence but the skill-floor is too high even for experienced killer player to make any use of it.
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The only problem with singularity is, that he's just damn too hard to play. His skill floor is extremely high. But so is skill ceiling.
The killer absolutely does not need strength-based buffs (like quicker infection or less EMP's). He needs to be easier to play - so changes like easier/more consistent pod placement, single twig obscuring 1% of vision not blocking infection and so on.
I already see only 2 types of singularity as is - too weak because they had not mastered it, or too strong because they did. There's no in between. The game is always stomp one way or another
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I agree, altho not to that extend, if you will actually practice a killer in dbd do NOT waste your time, practice nurse, blight, spirit, wesker and maybe arstist, else you are pretty much wasting your time. Because for example if you lets say practice pig or trapper, any team that died to you will most likely die to another pig/trapper player with way less practice so essentially your practice meant nothing.however if you practice a killer that does actually reward your skill and has room for your skill to matter your practice would be fruitful.
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Thing is as a player you should be able to recognize that. When ever I go against a team as say Dredge, I can tell if I would of won just because they were bad or if it was because of my knowledge as not only Dredge but also my skill as a player. Believe it or not Singularity's skill floor isn't high because of his power, in fact its actually pretty simple when you take a second to think about it. His skill floor is high because you need a good understanding of killer in general. When and how to drop chases, juggling between Survivors, knowing when to slug, tunnel, camp, etc. Singularity excels in being able to play the 1v4 since his kit is basically a jack of all trades. His only real issue are maps, (indoor maps in particular) but thats nothing new. Basically every killer has at least a few maps that they do worst on than others.
I feel like Singularity is in the same boat as Spirit when she first came out. People for quite a while were insisting she was in the Number 3 or the Number 4 spot (Top killers then would of been Nurse, Billy, Huntress) and one of the reasons why was because people thought she was unnecessarily difficult for "how little reward" you got. It was like this for quite a bit, and slowly people started to realize just how strong she was. Now, am I saying Singularity is at that level of viability? No, but he is FAR from the bottom and is definitely further up the tier list.